|Chapter LXXXVII: Power of Choice|

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|Formerly: Wayne Manor,

Currently: "Crane" Manor

The Next Day|

Liliana was blinking her eyes open slowly, as her eyes were still crusty, a bit blurred and bleary from sleep and she noticed that she was lying on an arm. Liliana rolled quickly to her left with a small grumble of pain from the wound, knowing that she had moved too fast already and a quiet chuckle was heard.

"I wondered when you were gonna wake up." Jason remarked as she was moving closer, as she rested her head on his shoulder and he looked down at her. "You didn't talk last night, not as much as you used to anyways." He noted and Liliana shrugged a little.

"Why would I? You are right here for me to speak to." She reminded him as Jason chuckled, as he took her hand carefully in his and she smiled a little at being back in a familiar place.

"I know what your problem is!" The doors were suddenly flung open, and Liliana's hands clamped over her ears incredibly fast, as she buried her head under the blankets and she started to tremble in fear at once.

"I think I know what it is too now, Crane. You just sent my best friend into a panic by not knocking!" Jason shot back, and his arms went around Liliana, who had her head firmly and clearly resting on his heart, as he was carefully holding her in silence after that.

"Or the fact that it is 7, in the goddamn morning and he comes storming into your room proclaiming that he knows what your problem is... which by the way, you don't have any in the legal sense." Liliana murmured so that only Jason could hear.

"And it isn't just the fact that she should be hanging suspended by her wrists right now, and most certainly not up here in their-" Crane's words were abruptly cut off by a stunned surprisingly loud yell from his throat, as the shuriken buried itself into the wall an inch away from his neck. Liliana's eyes burned with anger that overshadowed the fear, as she already had another one in hand.

"Say it again." Liliana dared and Crane scoffed, as he pulled the shuriken out of the wall and Liliana's hands were by her sides, as she stared at him as if daring him to do something. Crane threw it toward Jason, as Liliana's hand shot out and caught it by the edge before it hit him in the face. Jason's eyes were staring at the familiar shaped shuriken, as Liliana glared at Crane and eventually, the guy left the room.

"You're insane." Jason said and Liliana scoffed at his words, as she put the shuriken onto the side table and lay back down again. "He could have killed you. Or me for that matter." Jason said and Liliana shrugged a little.

"I refused to be intimidated inside of the house that I have lived in for most of my life. Not going to happen sorry." Liliana remarked and Jason sighed a little bit at the words. "You can't scare me in my own house." She said and Jason shrugged, as his arms went around her again.

"Did you put Molly up to calling me about leaving and getting out of Gotham?" Jason questioned and Liliana's eyebrows lifted a bit at the words, as she shook her head. "You're lying, I can see it in your face now." Liliana grumbled quietly at the words and Jason laughed lightly at the grumbled mutterings. "Didn't take much for me to be able to finally sense it. Just being killed by the Joker and brought back again." Jason remarked and while he meant it as a joke at his own expense, Liliana rolled over to face away from him with a grunt of pain, as she did her best to curl up in a ball. "Aw, man Lil. I didn't mean it like that, it was a joke." He said.

"A terrible one." Liliana muttered as Jason went silent. "Don't you guys have plenty of work to do, while I have to figure out a way to outsmart my tech and Bruce's tech in order to let myself right out of here." She murmured and Jason blinked briefly, before he got up.

"You should stay." Jason remarked to her and Liliana scoffed loudly as she was shaking her head at his words.

"Stay in the house with a psychopath with serious issues, who is a fucking expert manipulator? No thanks." She said and she got dressed quickly and Jason held out the duffel bag where he had put away her suit.

"Get out of here, go out through the window. Before Crane realizes that he lost his prize." Jason said and Liliana flipped up the hood on her jacket and she slung the bag across her back. "In a show of good faith, just stay off the streets tonight." He said and she was looking at him with wide eyes.

"Why?" Liliana asked and Jason quietly shook his head at her and she nodded a little. "Fine, but don't go after my brother Jason, you will regret it." She advised and before Jason had the chance to answer, Liliana forced the window open and she swiftly was climbin' down from the open window as she rather fearlessly dropped down the last ten feet.

"Stop it!" The gun was sent flying out of Dick's hands and a shuriken almost took off his fingers. Dick looked over at where Liliana was standing as the bystanders, the drugged Gothamites were all looking between who they saw as Nightwing and who they saw as Eagle. "You take that step now, Nightwing, then Crane has already won everything." Liliana said and she was choosing to ignore Jason lying on the ground, and in doing so, she spoke directly to her older brother.

"We want you out of here, Nightwing!" One of the bystanders shouted and suddenly, a bullet pinged off of Dick's suit, as Liliana backed up at the mob of angry bystanders.

"Get out of here, Eagle." Dick ordered and Liliana shook her head at him as her escrima were in each hand and he saw the weapons. Whoa, easy. I'm not here to hurt you. Kid, put the gun down." Dick said and Liliana looked between Jason and Dick whose polar opposite views on the world felt like two worlds pulling her apart.

Jason reloaded his gun and Liliana stepped in the way before he could even raise it to point at Dick, and he stopped at the sight. "You don't have to kill him, Jase." Liliana whispered as he looked at her and he points his gun down at the ground. "Wait, no!" She shouted as she heard Dick walking towards them.

Liliana spun around in time to see a bullet hit Dick in the neck as she was stunned solid as she watched her brother fall. Liliana let out a rasping cry and she felt arms around her, as she heard someone saying something into her ears... but all she could hear was the agonizing screams of death.

"Go! Or they will kill you too, come on!" Jason managed to shout and she broke briefly out of the grief barely in time, as she raced after him and they didn't stop runnin' until they were so far out of view and nearly back at the home of Wayne Manor.

They made it back to the Bat-Cave as Liliana was shuddering and she shuts her eyes with terror and grief tearing through her. "Lili, I swear..." Liliana didn't bother with words, as she was shaking too much and choking on her own emotions. "Come here." Liliana walked into the hug and he looked at her. "Easy." He murmured as she was shaking her head.

"Death is never easy. Especially... when it is family or near enough to it." Liliana whispered and he looked up, as he had spotted something and she followed him to stand in front of the bloodied Robin suit. "It took me two and a half weeks, before I even came down here again. Took me even another two weeks to even look in this direction." She whispered and he looked at her.

"Jason." Crane's voice echoed from further inside of the Bat-Cave and he looked at Liliana, who nodded as she reached back for her bo-staff, as they walked toward the sound of the voice that kids had been taught to fear.

Liliana briefly turned her head into Jason's side, when she saw that there was what appeared to be a mutilated and disemboweled corpse on a table.

"You know, the time for masks... is over." Crane declared, as Liliana was looking at Jason who was looking a bit terrified, finally seeming to realize the fact that Scarecrow was unhinged in almost every sense of the word.

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