|Chapter LXIX: Crowbars & Titans|

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When Dick returned, Liliana was sitting in the dark and she was crying still. "Liliana." Dick murmured and she was shuddering, as he moved his arms around her, and she buried her head into his shoulder. "What, what is it?" He asked softly.

"The crowbar." Liliana's voice was hoarse and Dick looked over at the weapon, as his phone rang and Liliana was shuddering. "He did it, he finally snapped." Liliana whispered as Dick looked at his phone. "It is Barbara, I already know. Just pick it up." Liliana's voice was turning from a hoarse upset voice, to the cold and emotionless voice that she often used as "Eagle" and she looked up, as she saw that Thomas and June were in the doorway, having no doubt been woken up by the commotion.

"What the fuck happened here?" June asked and Liliana looked at Dick, who had finally picked up the phone to the mutual friend that they all knew, and Liliana was getting up and she swiftly skipped over the crowbar.

"Bruce killed the Joker." Liliana said outright and the twins looked stunned at the words, and she sounded like a machine, as she walked through the space in between them.

"He killed the Joker? The Clown Prince of Gotham?" Thomas asked as Liliana walked into the living room as she looked at the grandfather clock in the wall and she hesitated. "You have been down there since Jason, right? Liliana?" Thomas asked and Liliana shook her head, and, she opened the clock and she moved the hands to the time that Bruce's parents died.

Liliana opened the door and both Thomas and June followed Liliana, as June allowed the door to slam behind her.

"We are gonna have a few guests coming into the house, including a half kryptonian and his super-dog, a guy who turns himself into a bright green tiger and then a person from Tamaran, who has the ability to control and generate heat from the sun. Just a heads up on that, because Dick is bringing in the Titans." Liliana explained as she stood at the entrance to the Bat-Cave with a slight tension in her shoulders.

She steeled her nerves and she walked into the Bat-Cave, as she tried to avoid looking at the Robin suit that still had blood on it, locked up in a glass cage.

Thomas and June looked at the suit, before they looked at each other and both came to the same conclusion, as they realized that keeping their two mouths shut, might be better for them all, at least this time around.

Liliana hesitated at the computers and she sighed quietly, as she pushed her thumbprint into a prints scanner, that she had implemented. "Hello and welcome, Liliana Grayson." The audio on the computer was clear, as Liliana smiled faintly at the words.

"Police report: file 1514423790-AC, death of the Clown Prince." Liliana's voice was business-like and for her, it was time to work.

When the computer stated that the access to the file was denied and was classified, it didn't stop Liliana, as she took her seat at the table, as she sat in the chair at the computers and she got to work in her environment, as it was the turn for her fingers to fly across a keyboard once again.

Liliana was so focused on the police file, that she hardly noticed the alerts of people arriving, until June pointed it out to her and Liliana looked at the other screen, that the alerts were all appearing on.

"Welcome to Gotham City, the city of death for vigilantes like us, and your kind, Titans." She murmured and she stood up from her computer chair, as she went to greet them.

"Liliana, how are you?" Kory questioned and Liliana looked up at the taller woman, who watched her a bit hesitantly.

"You blame Jason for apparently getting himself killed by the Joker by the docks." Liliana said and clearly in surprise and shock, Kory's mouth was half-open as Liliana moved on. "Hey Gar." She said to the familiar guy with green hair and he smiled sadly at her.

"Hey Liliana. I'm really sorry about Jason." Gar said and she smiled a little sadly, as she nodded and she came to Conner Kent and his dog, as the two of them were standing at the end.

"Good boy, Krypto." Liliana murmured and the dog jumped up on her and Liliana went over and he was attacking her with a fury of licks and nuzzles. "Hey buddy." Liliana said and the dog hopped off of her as she shook hands with Conner and looked at the assembled Titans.

"Hey, sorry I'm late...."

"Dawn!" Liliana ran over and Dawn only barely had time to put down her suitcase, before Liliana was running into her arms for a hug, as Dawn was smiling at her and they hugged really quick. "No Hank?" She asked quietly.

"Sorry kiddo, but he had to stay with his job in DC." Dawn murmured and Liliana nodded slightly at her and she was looking around at them all, as Dick walked in with his hair all still wet from the rain outside.

"Welcome to Wayne Manor, everybody, and more importantly, welcome to Gotham City. Hallway to the left is guest rooms, hallway to the right is training rooms and my room and stuff. Dick will show you the Bat-Cave..." Liliana trailed off from her words, once she realized that she had clearly completely run out of any thing to say as she was looking at Dick for guidance, but he was shaking his head.

"Please just excuse us for a few minutes, everybody. Liliana?" She followed him and Dick led her into a nearby empty room, as he shut the door. "Barbara has a case that she wants us to check out, about the whereabouts of a person, that is wearing a Red Hood." Liliana's eyes widened at the mention and her eyes were sparkling with fear.

"The Joker... he started out wearing one, right before he chose to become the Clown Prince of Gotham City." She whispered and Dick nodded slightly.

"I know. If you help them with this case, Barbara says that she will up the speed on your choice of emancipation and, they will even put you on payroll for helping them. As long as you go by a pseudonym, since you are clearly at the moment, still a minor in the eyes of the law." Dick said and Liliana was nodding slightly, as she thought about it for a second.

"Voice modulator?" She questioned.

"Optional, as per Barbara. But if you wanted one I think that the twins who are currently eavesdropping might be able to find you one." Dick said loudly enough and the twins walked into the hallway.

"Ghost." Liliana said and Dick chuckled softly at the name and he nodded.

"Ghost it is. You will obviously be working remotely in their ears, but you will need somewhere to store your data..."

"I can hook up my suit's arm computer to my laptop back here and I can input it after." Liliana already as usual, was twelve steps ahead in terms of her computers and Dick was nodding.

"All right. You get to work and coordinate with Barbara, while I take the others on a tour..."

"Hey Dick?" He turned back to her and she sighed. "Not my room, okay?"

Dick nodded and they were walking in separate directions, as Liliana was picking up Barbara's call and waited for her orders.

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