|Chapter XXXIV: Robin & Other|

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"Great. They're here." Liliana murmured quietly and she was shaking her head a little bit at the words, as Dick went to go and let them into the elevator. Victoria brought her cup of coffee over and Liliana looked at her. "Can you bring the whole pot of coffee? I think I'm gonna need it." She said and Victoria disappeared and when Liliana blinked, she was back with the coffeepot.

She took it with a nod and Victoria stood behind the two on the couch, while Carmen was in the kitchen, busying herself with things that would keep her away from Liliana, who on her own was a fighter but was also surrounded by the new Robin and a half-Themysciran and she had a feeling that it wouldn't end well if she tried something on the youngest of the group at the moment.

"Who are your friends?" Jason asked as the group came back up with Dick in the lead, followed by Kory and then it was Rachel and Gar.

"Not important." Dick answered tersely and Liliana was shaking her head at her brother's attitude and his lack of answers was not only going to be bugging Jason, it was also going to be bugging the rest of them in not too long.

"Who are the two sitting with Liliana?" Rachel asked and Liliana looked at Dick, who was shaking his head at the words.

"Also not important." Dick stated, beginning to sound grumpy and annoyed with the endless questions from the two teenagers, as Liliana was clenching her head and she was getting a headache, as Jason held out her headphones and her laptop bag to her.

"Who are you in the kitchen?" Gar asked and Liliana slipped her headphones on over her head quickly, as the questioning became too much for her and she leaned her head on Jason's arm as she tried to get her head back in order.

"Who is he?" Kory asked and Liliana was starting to laugh at the questioning.

"Not important." Dick said and Victoria nearly choked on her coffee, as the two girls had just begun to shake with laughter and Liliana handed the coffeepot to Victoria, afraid that she was going to drop it.

"Hi, I'm Rachel." Rachel introduced as she came right up to Jason, Liliana and Victoria and all three of them looked like they were about to choke on their own laughter at Dick's so-called "natural" responses to their questions.

"I'm Jason."

"I'm Victoria."

The two shook hands with Rachel and Jason, naturally his brain was still on the beer.

"Anybody want a brew?" Jason asked, holding up his own as if to show what he meant, as Dick hadn't understood it the first time and Gar put up his hand immediately, apparently not caring that they have a cop in the room.

"Yeah, I do." Gar exclaimed while his hand was shooting up into the air, like he was still in elementary school or something and Liliana was shaking her head a little bit, when Jason was offering her another one.

"No, he doesn't. Nobody wants a brew." Dick interrupted.

"That can't be Adamson." Kory said and Liliana really choked on her coffee at that one, as she was laughing so hard that her ribs were hurting and Jason gently hit her on the back until she was able to breathe again.

"He's not Adamson. Adamson is in the bathroom. Unconscious." Dick explained rather impatiently and Liliana unplugged her headphones from her phone, as she watched the chaos with a smile on her face to match Jason's.

"Yo, when did you get another one?!" Gar asked and Liliana sighed, when she saw that Gar had discovered the suitcases sitting on the table. There was three of them there and two of the suitcases had the letter "R" built into the make, while Liliana's had an "E" and was black and blue like her suit.

"That one's mine." Jason called out and Gar's eyes widened at the words, as Liliana sighed quietly at the wave of questioning that was going to come for all of them and bite them in the ass, now that they had discovered that there was two Robins and that Liliana was a supposed vigilante that kept them all in line.

"Yours? Wait, you are Robin, too?" Gar asked and Liliana sighed, as she felt Jason's hand in hers and he knew that she was getting overwhelmed a bit, as she was shaking very slightly at the group of people that were constantly talking to each other.

"I thought that you were Robin." Rachel sounded confused and Liliana shut her eyes briefly at the noise, as Jason squeezed her hand gently in his and he put down the beer at the sight of her getting visibly pained.

"I am." Dick tried to move the conversation away from him, but it wasn't working.

"He was." Liliana interrupted and the entire conversation seemed to slow down at the sight of her speaking. "Jason was chosen to be Robin over a year ago, after my brother left. He trained with me, he trained with Victoria behind us and he trained with Batman and god knows who else. Any other questions?" She asked and the others turned back to their own conversations.

"Okay. How many Robins are there? Are there a lot? 'Cause I would really love to--" Gar was pushing it and Liliana grabbed for her headphones again.

"Okay, quiet." Kory interrupted and Liliana raised her eyebrows a little bit. "Sit." As soon as Kory said it, the two kids sat down and Liliana scoffed at the way that the two obeyed like little kids in trouble. "Bathroom." She said to Dick, as the two walked away and Liliana sat down along with Jason, as Victoria was eating a massive plateful of Carmen's eggs and bacon.

"Can I be a Robin?" Gar whispered and Liliana in her frustration and annoyance, she grabbed a shuriken out of her pocket and it nicked Gar's ear, exactly where she had thrown it toward and he winced. "Ow!" He snapped.

"No you can't, Gar and that shows us why. Within the first month, Jason was able to learn how to safely catch one of those. If you can't catch it now with your enhanced tiger senses and reflexes, then it's never going to happen. Besides, there is already one Robin too many as it is." Liliana said and her voice wasn't meant to be malicious, it just was stating facts and Gar looked at the shuriken that was in the wall.

Gar yanked it out of the wall and he threw it back at her hard. Liliana caught the shuriken and she raised her eyebrows at Gar, who looked stunned that she had caught it. "Happy belated birthday by the way." Liliana said to Jason, who shrugged and she quickly wiped the blood off of the shuriken and stuck it back in her pocket.

"Come on you two. By that I mean, Jason and Liliana, you're coming with me." Dick said and Liliana looked at Jason, who cracked a grin and he finished the beer, as Victoria caught the two before they left and Liliana looked at her.

"Be careful, you two." Victoria said and they both hugged her, as she chuckled and Liliana took the stairs with Jason, as they met up with Dick in the parking garage and Dick took off in the driver's seat.

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