|Chapter LVI: Blame Game|

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"You're blaming us for this?!" Liliana shouted at Dick, who was looking at her and his eyes were burning with a dark look in his eyes, when he saw that she was angry and he was shaking his head at her.

"What the hell else am I supposed to look at it like? You let him go alone down a train tunnel right along with both Gar and Victoria, you four planned this out together and you expect me to not blame you? Who else am I suppose to blame?" Dick snapped at her and Liliana was infuriated beyond belief and he could see that, but it wasn't helping. "You sent him down a tunnel alone and expected him to not engage the target? You are the one who lost him and you should be the one being blamed for this! Who the fuck else could I blame for it?!" Dick shouted, pouring the whole entirety of his anger, rage and fury fueled by worry into the words and when he finally stopped, he saw that Liliana's shoulders were beginning to tremble and her lip was quivering. "Aw Jesus, Liliana wait..." But Liliana turned on her heel and she ran down the hallway.

Liliana ran headlong into Dawn, Donna and Hank who all looked down at her with concern in their eyes at once. Since despite the ones who had issues with Dick namely being Hank, they all shared a love for Liliana that was comparable to her not just being Dick's biological younger sister, but all of their little sisters' in their own way. "Hey kiddo, what's wrong?" Donna asked and in response, Liliana was crying as she hugged Donna and they all looked at each other with concern in their eyes that was loud and clear.

After the combined efforts of the three overly concerned adults had finally gotten Liliana to stop completely hyperventilating and they had seen that she could breathe again normally, then they were all in the computer room and Dick was trying to explain to them.

"You sent her into a fucking panic attack, Dick Grayson, you can't expect us to not be concerned." Hank snapped at him, quick to interrupt already and Victoria was standing quietly talking to Donna and Dawn nearby.

"It was Liliana's genius idea to send Jason down the tunnel on his own. I just said it how it was-" Dick tried to convince them and Victoria's eyes were burning at the sound of his voice and especially, when he was trying to play the blame game with them and she was shaking her head.

"You were shouting at her, Dick. I could hear you from the fucking kitchen!" Victoria said sharply and Dick looked angrier than before, but he was nowhere near Victoria's, who was completely at her wits' end with Dick's version of the blame game. "You blame your little sister for everything, just like Bruce and the rest do! You are no better than Bruce in that regard and you know that you hate it about yourself." She snapped and Dick looked injured at the accusation. "If you hadn't kept the two of them on the sidelines for so long when Bruce and Barbara clearly trusted them to get the job done, then maybe you could have helped the situation, instead of forcing them to go out on their own." She finished and Dick looked at her.

"You done yet?" Dick asked and she looked down at her lasso on her leg, which was glowing in response to her fury and protectiveness of her younger best friend, and she looked at him. "His tracker says offline on the system in front of us..."

"Because you are looking in an area that is buried under the ground, earth and concrete. The satellite can't penetrate it, the barriers are too thick in between Jason's tracker and the system that you are trying to use to find it." Everyone jumped when Liliana's quiet voice was heard and she looked at them. "I helped reprogram the satellites that are all owned by Wayne Enterprises only a few short months ago, but even I couldn't break through the barrier of the ground and the man-made concrete." She explained quietly as the older Titans moved to the side to let her through. "Move." Dick moved out of the way and Liliana took his spot at the computers.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Dick asked as programs began to open and close at some impossibly quick and rather blinding speeds, as Liliana was typing credentials and programs into them and their keys at breakneck speed.

"I'm hacking into N.A.S.A," Liliana said it casually, as if she had simply introduced them to a newer brand of shoe and the old Titans looked shocked at the words. "I am trying to find Jason, who was kidnapped and is now being held by Dr. Light and god only knows who else. Because while you all continue to bicker amongst yourselves, he could be fighting for his life right now and we wouldn't have a fucking clue about it." Liliana said coldly.

"Yeah, but, what exactly are you doing?" Donna asked, sounding infinitely more patient than Dick was and unlike the others, she did not seem shocked at all by Liliana's decision to involve them in her criminal hacking of N.A.S.A's systems, considering the girl's track record.

"Shifting satellites to triangulate on certain positions around San Francisco. A smaller area to sweep for the tracker's signal. He has more than one tracker in him, just like Dick and I do. Even Victoria has one in her arm, I believe. I am cancelling out all of our trackers using a specialized program of my own creation, so that I can solely focus on Jason's. With smaller areas to sweep, there is a higher chance of at least one of the satellites picking up his signal." Liliana explained as she went, her tone determined and still somewhat hoarse from her crying and from her panic anxiety attack from earlier.

"Jesus kid, how the hell did you get legitimate N.A.S.A credentials?" Dawn asked and in response, Liliana shook her head at the words, as she continued to type and she was focused on the screens in front of her. "Wait... you didn't actually get them, did you?" She guessed.

"Ten points to Dove." Liliana remarked and she had the entire system of satellites from every company from Wayne Enterprises to N.A.S.A focused on San Francisco and she looked at their many screens. "If you guys are looking for Jason, I want in." She said and Dick moved to protest and Liliana turned to look at him.

"What makes you think that you can make a difference?" Dick questioned and when she stood up, right as her watch beeped on her wrist and she twisted it, as her beacon lit up orange and then it started to flash alternately red or green, when she moved in a different direction.

"I know Jason better than any of you. I also have the ability to track his tracker from my watch. If you say no to me, I'll just follow you anyways and I might as well just go off on my own, and I will just find Jason myself." Liliana said and Dick sighed in defeat.

"Get your weapons back from the training room before we go-" Liliana looked at him with sharp eyes, as she was swiftly swinging her escrima out of the sheaths on her thighs and she had her grappling hook weapons back on her wrists. She held up her bo after she put away the sticks and Dick glared at her. "Fine. Let's get going then." Dick answered and Liliana walked along with the old Titans, while Victoria had agreed to stay back with Rachel and Gar.

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