|Chapter II: Fast & Loud|

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Dick watched Liliana laughing as the younger girl whizzed around the room, swiftly walking, running and even tumbling all around the house. Liliana was now at nine years old, she was deeply invested in her chosen sports of gymnastics and martial arts. Gymnastics, she had been in since she was 2 years old and Dick was eager to watch how far she would go.

Especially when he had realized that she definitely loved to watch him do many moves that he had learned from his time in the circus and with training from their parents. "Show me again Dick! Show me again!" Liliana would insist, every single time that he did a move and Dick was laughing at her, but he gladly would do the move again, and again, and even again. Even just so that he could see her smile brightening up the dark and gloomy aura of Wayne Manor.

Once Dick got home from school every day, they would go into one of the many rooms that Bruce Wayne had set up for them to use as a sort of "gymnastic gym" and Liliana was already scrambling up to the bars and Dick was chuckling, as he watched her doing moves that she had spotted him doing.

It was a long time later, when Liliana was climbing around again and Dick was long done school, that he noticed a surge of improvement. "You must have a eidetic memory, little sis. That is the only way that you could be able to remember all of this and do it near perfectly... or, wait. Have you just been practicing when I'm out?" Dick asked and Liliana looked at him.

"You're out all of the time, what else am I supposed to do?" Liliana asked as she scrambled up the climbing wall on the one side of the room and Dick raised his eyebrows at her, and Liliana's tongue stuck out at him.

"Very mature." Dick noted sarcastically and Liliana kicked off of the wall and Dick ran forward swiftly, but he was surprised to see that Liliana caught onto the bar halfway down and did a rather elegant front flip to slow herself down. She let go of the bar and she swung around the "tree" as she called it, the massive mast-like shape that had many branches around it and she could catch onto it and climb down, similarly to how a cat could climb swiftly down if it so chose to. "Whoa. You have definitely been practicing. You couldn't do that a few days ago." Dick said and she looked at him with a glare on her face, as she dropped down the last few feet and she landed in front of him in a crouch. "What are you looking at me like that for?" He asked at the annoyed look on his little sister's face and she shook her head at him.

"You didn't even come home until really late, Dick. That has been happening for the last few years at this point. I'm not stupid Dick, I know when something is up with my brother. Are you going to tell me what it is, or do I have to find it out myself?" The stubborn nine-year old asked him and Dick shook his head.

"I don't have a damn clue what you're talking about, Lil." Dick knew that the lies were piling up around him in drifts, but he couldn't exactly tell her what was really going on and perhaps she was sensing that, since she was swiftly rolling her eyes at him and she was shaking her head at him.

"You are out all night. Then when you aren't out of the house, you are hiding with Bruce in whatever you want to call the darkest parts of this house and Donna is the only one who hangs out with me. That is only when she is here to do so." Liliana finished and Dick sighed at her, as Liliana walked out of the room.

Liliana walked into her old room and the old faded wood of her crib was still visible, from where Bruce and Dick had just shoved it into the closet one day and had left it there not knowing where else to put it in the house. She walked over to her closet and she tapped a loose wooden plate on the wall, which opened the panel into the safe. She sighed and unlocked the safe quickly with her code and she opened it with a grunt of annoyance.

She found the pictures of Batman and Robin that she had found on the security cameras from the laptop computer that she had in her room. She had printed them out and she looked closely at the photos once again.

Liliana split them up into four piles and she started circling some parts of the photos and she scoffed, once she realized exactly what it was that seemed so familiar about the guy, who could practically fly across rooftops and scaled buildings in seconds and she was shaking her head at the pictures. "Well, I'll be damned. It's him." She murmured and she looked over at her wall, as there was a framed poster of "The Flying Graysons" and she smiled faintly at the sight of it. The family that she had never known and yet, she felt closer to then ever.

Liliana walked into Dick's room without even knocking, as was customary for the two of them and Dick sighed. "What is it now, Bruce- oh, hey kiddo." Dick switched his tone of voice mid-sentence and Liliana was used to it, recognizing the new tone as his "secretive voice" as she called it, and she knew that it indicated something was up.

"I know what's going on." Liliana declared and Dick raised his eyebrows at the folder in her hands. "I know how you learned your fighting skills that you practice, when you think I'm not looking in your direction. I know why you barely sleep at night and why you usually sleep in the day if at all." She said and Dick held out his hand for the folder.

"You are Robin and Bruce is the Bat." Liliana saw the shock and the surprise on her brother's face at her words, and she shook her head. "If you try to lie to me again so help me God. Dick I will hit you." She snapped and Dick sighed.

"How did you figure it out?" He asked and she tossed the folder at him, that was absolutely totally full of pictures. Dick opened the folder and a bunch of them were him as a kid doing the acrobatic moves, the same way that Robin had been doing them. "You always were much, much smarter then we gave you credit for." He said and she looked at him. "Follow me." He murmured and he started to leave the room.

Liliana raised her eyebrows and followed him as he led the way into the living room and she raised her eyebrows, as he opened the glass sort of door on the grandfather clock and he wound it around to a specific time and they heard a lock clicking. "What is the meaning of it?" She asked and he looked at her as he swiftly opened the door.

"It's the time that Bruce's parents died." Dick murmured and Liliana winced at the reminder of the thing that they both shared with Bruce Wayne, as Liliana walked after Dick through the hallway and they came out into a large chamber. "Welcome to the Bat-Cave, kid."

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