|Chapter XLV: Little Bird Lost|

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"What is going on?" Rachel asked and Victoria shut the door in Dick's face, as he had already heard it all before and he had a bunch of other stuff to do. "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Rachel questioned sharply as Victoria looked over at Jason.

"Shut up, sit down and pay attention." Victoria snapped and Rachel looked insulted at her words, but Victoria's lasso glowed when she was pissed off, serious or angry so Rachel sat down and shut up when she saw it.

"What is this about?" Gar asked and silently, Victoria stood solidly in the doorway with a very pissed off look on her face. "Did Liliana put you up to this? We didn't do shit to her--"

"Bullshit! You are treating that poor kid like she is the worst person in the world." Victoria snapped at him and Gar looked at her with a fury in his gaze and unsurprisingly, his skin was turning green and her eyes were flashing with fury in response. "She has been through hell and you two don't even know the story. Don't assume that you know everything about her, just because Dick became your guys' unofficial guardian." She said.

"Why do you even care what we say about her? It's not like you're related to the kid. You two might as well just be strangers!" Rachel snapped and Jason lunged forward, but Victoria caught him by the arm and Jason glared at her.

"I lost my adopted family in a terrible accident and after that, I was raised on Themyscira. I was brought back to the mainland by Donna and I ended up training under her and eventually, even under Batman because Donna had introduced me to Liliana, when the poor kid was twelve. Two years later, she is out on the street and fighting. Which was around the time that Jason showed up, give or take a few months." Victoria said coldly and the two teens looked at each other, while Jason sat down in a chair to listen.

"What the hell does this shit even have to do with Liliana?" Rachel asked rather bluntly as Victoria was shaking her head at her. "Just stop shaking your fucking head at me and answer the damn fucking questions!" Rachel roared and Victoria, she lunged forward so quickly that Rachel was on the floor in seconds, as her chair had been flipped over and Victoria was standing over her with a darkness in her eyes.

"I was on my way back from Themyscira and Jason calls me, frantic because Liliana was sent to Arkham Asylum to deal with riots all throughout the worst and scariest Asylum in Gotham City. I ran back to Gotham and found that she had been... Jason, show them the videos will you?" Victoria asked quietly and Jason swung around to start typing on the computer. "Override code B1NR2-LG1VD5." Victoria recited and when Jason put in the override code, they had managed to hack into the old video storage of Arkham Asylum. "You know what videos to look for." She said and Gar looked a little freaked.

"What videos are we going to be watching?" Gar asked and Victoria looked at him, and then Jason was opening a few files and the videos started to pop up. "Oh shit. This-- is that Arkham Asylum, when Little Bird was there?" Gar asked and Jason played the videos.

"Little Bird was Liliana's first alias on the streets." Jason interrupted Gar's stammering with his own input as he swiftly typed out a code and he zoomed in, pausing the video when they saw a shadowy figure jamming a needle into Liliana's neck. "That was Scarecrow. He injected her with fear gas and it nearly killed her. I wasn't fully trained yet, so the Bat didn't let me out onto the streets with her. But she went on her own and she still wakes up crying. So the two of you. You tell me, if you were in her position... how would you be acting around other people?" Jason asked as he turned around in his seat and both Gar and Rachel looked stunned at the videos that were playing.

"We had to say that Little Bird was dead. There was only a few of us that knew what had really happened. Liliana took on the moniker of "Eagle" after about two months of sitting behind the keyboards and being our eyes. During the mourning period for Little Bird, she trained Jason for the most part..."

"No. He just copied whatever the fuck it was that I did and he was just trying not to break anything important." Liliana's voice interrupted them and they all turned around to look at her and she held one of the shuriken in her hands, that was shaped like a Robin symbol. "Funny how it just goes around and comes back to bite you. Dick trained me, then left and I trained his replacement." She noted and Jason caught the robin symbol. "Try not to kill each other. I don't have the energy to stop fights." Liliana said.

"Well, we all know that, that is complete bullshit." Jason said and Liliana threw a knife at his head, which he dodged and Liliana rolled her eyes at him as she walked out of the computer room and Jason looked at Victoria, who nodded after her and Jason grunted. "Why is it always me again?" He asked.

"Because I'm not the one that can calm her down from freak-outs that cause her to have multiple terrified anxiety attacks in a row and even seizures sometimes." Victoria answered and Jason nodded slightly, as he got up and walked out.

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