|Chapter III: The Cave & The Birds In It|

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"Holy shit. Dick, are you seriously only just telling me that we live above the freaking Bat-Cave that everyone would want to find and tour, if they knew the location? This is insane, big brother, how could you not tell me this?" Liliana asked as Dick watched her excitement with a small little smile on his face, as she raced around the Bat-Cave and she was poking her head into every corner of the cave, then staring in complete awe at the Batmobile and the Bat-suit that were a few feet away from each other.

"I was trying to keep you safe. I didn't want this life for you. I just wanted you to be safe. I swore to protect you after our parents, so I didn't tell you about any of this and I still don't want you in this life. But you know about all of this now batman and robin stuff, so... I guess I am not exactly great at my job." Dick murmured and Liliana scoffed at his words and she shook her head.

"You are great at your "older brother, protective attitude" Dick. But it just sucks that I didn't figure this out sooner... holy shit, is this yours?" The Robin suit had caught Liliana's eye out of the corner of it and she spun around to face it, jogging over to it with a smirk on her face and she was smiling. "Woah, this is awesome." She said under her breath and Dick smirked a little bit, as he walked over to stand behind her. Liana turned around to face him with raised eyebrows and he smiled a little bit at the curiosity in her gaze and the questions, that the curious look held in her eyes.

"It is made of highest-grade Kevlar." Dick answered in an out-loud response to the silent question that her eyes asked of him. "You remember how I wanted you to learn martial arts, specifically fighting unarmed and armed combat, in order to be able to defend yourself against anyone who might try to harm you or pick on you?" He asked and she nodded, as he chuckled. "What is Robin's main weapon, Lily?"

"Shuriken?" Liliana guessed and Dick laughed at the guess, as he shook his head a little bit at her words, as she looked at the weapons lined up along the wall and she was chuckling at the sight of the massive collection of different weapons. Everything from police-issued batons to tasers, escrima-kali sticks from all different metals and she saw a pair made of wood as well, practice weapons most likely. There was all different types of blades. Ranging from knives to swords and everything in between... "Bo-staff. That is Robin's weapon- no... right, that is your main weapon. Right?" She clarified and Dick nodded a little bit. "Did you just get me to train in Bōjutsu, just so that you could teach me more advanced techniques?" Liliana asked as Dick shrugged at her words, as he knocked a staff down from the wall and he held it out to her.

"Guilty as charged." Dick murmured with a smile, and he swiftly got ahold of a staff of his own and they moved into one of the training rings. "Show me what you know." He said and he was surprised to see her settling into a defensive stance.

"I thought that we all agreed to keep Liliana out of this sort of thing." Dick looked over Liliana's shoulder at the familiar voice to them both, as Liliana stood up from her fighting stance and she turned around to look at Bruce Wayne.

"It isn't Dick's fault, Bruce. I figured it out by the similarities through their fighting styles. There were only three people who could do certain moves before and now, he is the only one left in the world who can. It isn't his fault that I am clearly intelligent enough to figure out both of your secret identities, that you use to bring justice to the criminals of Gotham City at night." Liliana jumped to Dick's defense at once, despite the fact that she was facing off with the freaking Batman in his home territory and yet, she was defending her brother and she wasn't one to back down from something like that, no matter how fearsome the person in front of her might be.

"You still have a sharp tongue. That would be useful as a person to have in our ears, don't you agree Dick?" Bruce asked and Dick hesitated at that, while Liliana shrugged. "You could be our eyes in the sky. How good are you with computers?" He asked and Liliana was grinning at the question.

"She is very good with computers." Dick answered as Liliana got settled at the big group of screens and computers, sitting in a desk chair with wheels and Dick spotted the alarm blinking in the corner. "Bruce..." He said and Bruce sighed.

"No time like the present to begin your training. You need to hack into the police frequency, in order to listen to what they are saying." Bruce said and Liliana smirked, as she cracked her knuckles and started to type quickly.

"Good luck!" Liliana called over her shoulder as the two raced off.

"Don't need it!" Dick responded a bit cockily over the headset communicator that Liliana had on and he had one built into his suit, which was very helpful when communicating. Liliana was quick to adjust the headset to fit her. She smiled and her headset was ready and she turned up the speakers, as the police chattering started to fill the room around her and she was quick to start typing, ready to start the new chapter of her life.

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