|Chapter XXXI: Safe House|

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"According to Bruce, the design of this place is inspired by Frank Lloyd." Jason said as Liliana walked into the building along with them and she stuck close to Jason, having fallen silent once again and Dick was starting to notice it.

"Wright." Dick said as Jason was looking around at the place.

"I know, right?" Liliana was shaking her head at Dick, warning him to not try to get him to understand the explanation of who Frank Lloyd Wright had been. "Dude is really into, you know, lines and shit." At Jason's rough explanation, Liliana was smiling a little bit and Dick didn't seem to understand it. "Bruce has a bunch of places like this. He calls them safe houses, but they are more like condos. Never been to one." Jason stated.

"You'll like it." Dick interrupted Jason's talking spree and he calmly stepped up to the retina scanner, waiting as it scanned his eyes.

"Access Denied." The automated voice states and the machine glows red. When that happened, Liliana winced at the look on Dick's face, as she stepped forward and the scanner scanned her eyes real quickly. "Access granted. Welcome, Liliana Grayson. Welcome, Jason Todd." The automated voice said and Liliana motioned them into the elevator, as she followed them in.

"I guess that Bruce did end up changing the locks." Jason remarked as Liliana was glaring at him a little, and she still had her earbuds hanging around her neck, in case their talking got to be too much for her in any way. She felt exhaustion creeping up on her and she was determined to stay awake, since she didn't want to go to sleep in an elevator, much less when she was standing between her brother and her best friend.

"Why are you doing this? Why do you even want to be Robin?" Dick asked and Liliana looked at Dick with surprise on her face at the sorts of questions he was asking, while Liliana felt Jason's hand on hers and she smiled a little, dropping her head to avoid Dick's questions about it.

"Are you kidding? This is like the dopest gig ever. Hanging out with Batman, kicking bad guys' asses, being famous, driving the goddamn Batmobile." Jason had slipped up with that last bit, as he was about to find out and Liliana's smile faded.

"He lets you drive the Batmobile?" Dick asked and Liliana looked between the two and at the look, Dick looked at his sister. "You get to drive it?"

"Once, under Alfred's supervision. Which naturally meant that Jason hopped in the passenger seat and we drove off like crazy maniacs." Liliana said with a straight face, as Dick looked more than a little insulted at the moment.

"Wouldn't you rather have your own name like Liliana does? Like Sparrow or Blue "J," for Jason?" Dick asked and Liliana rolled her eyes at the mention of "Blue J" and she shook her head a bit.

"Fuck, no." Jason was not mincing words on this one, although one could argue that he never really did. "The whole point is being Robin. Batman needs Robin. Why do you think he makes us wear those lame colors? 'Cause we're drawing fire. "Look over here, assholes!" Then, boom, the Bat lands and starts trashing ass." Jason said and Liliana was the first one out of the elevator, as elevators made her sick unless they had clear walls.

Liliana went immediately for the bathroom and she puked everything up, as she felt the bout of queasiness and sickness from the stress, all pass. A knock was on the bathroom door and Liliana coughed. "Hey, you okay in there Lili?" Jason asked and after Liliana flushed the toilet and washed her mouth out, she came out and found him waiting with a few beers.

"Thanks." Liliana murmured and took one of the bottles, as they walked into the living room and waited for Dick to arrive with the Doctor. "So what did I miss?" Liliana asked with a yawn and she took a small sip of the beer.

"Not much. It was kind of just the normal thing in Gotham. I got dropped off a roof a couple of times, Barbara and Victoria were good enough to take me all across the great Gotham City in order to practice my free running and parkour skills... and you are barely awake." Jason murmured and her head was drooping a bit. "Get some sleep, Liliana, I'm not going anywhere for now." He said and he felt her arms around him and he smiled a little bit.

After a few minutes, Liliana was suddenly waking up with a croaking cry and Jason was shaking his head a bit. "I'm right here." He said and she was trembling at whatever she had just seen.

Dick came in and he looked surprised at the closeness of the two, as Jason had his arms around Liliana who was still shaking a little bit from whatever she had seen and he looked at the beer in Liliana's hand.

"It's a little late to start acting like my big brother again, Dick." Liliana muttered as she put the beer to the side and she was wide awake from whatever the nightmare had been that had invaded her mind once again. "Trypanophobia." Liliana hadn't spoken the word for a long time.

"The fear of needles and anything associated with being in a needle." Jason recognized and Liliana nodded, as he took one of her hands in his and he held it gently. "You won't ever have to go near one again." He murmured and she rested her head on his chest, as she listened to his heartbeat.

"I love you, Jase, but you can't promise something like that." Liliana murmured and Jason looked down at her, as she avoided his gaze and she was looking at the ground.

"Oh, yeah? Watch me." Jason said and Liliana was smiling a little bit at his daring attitude and she squeezed his hand in hers. "We all really missed you." Jason murmured and Liliana shut her eyes briefly.

"You really wouldn't want your own name?" Liliana asked quietly and she looked up at him with raised eyebrows. "You would want to stay Robin until you die?" She asked bluntly as Jason was shaking his head.

"I won't die, when I have you watching my back." Jason replied and Liliana scoffed.

"You are fucking impossible." Liliana grumbled at him, but she was still smiling despite the words and Jason kissed her forehead quickly.

"I know." Jason said with a satisfied looking smirk on his face.

"Fuck you."

"You haven't done it yet." Liliana choked on her beer and she was sputtering, until she was able to choke it down. She flipped him off and Jason was shaking his head at her face having gone red with embarrassment.

"Screw you."

"Haven't done that either."

"Oh, shut up."

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