|Chapter IV: Fire & Fury|

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It had become customary for Liliana to barely sleep over the past three years and still be ready to either start training late at night or at the wee hours of the morning. Or, be ready to jump into the computer chair late at night and get no sleep, or jump into the chair rather early in the morning to help with trouble. By being the eyes in the sky, Liliana Grayson was the twelve year old who had the most enviable job in the world. Being the eagle eyes of Batman, Robin and Batgirl.

"Alarm!" Dick called out over his shoulder as Liliana jumped out of bed at the fairly normal time for her of 3am and she yawned, stretching quickly before she was racing to the living room at the call of trouble.

Liliana saw that Dick was already in his Robin getup, meaning that he had just gotten back from a mission most likely and she heard the quiet rumble of his motorcycle, as she was stretching up to reach the grandfather clock to wind the time and the door behind it opened. She did her best to shut the heavy door behind her, before just giving up and resolving to do it later.

Liliana raced down the downward sloping tunnel into the Bat-Cave and she dropped, spinning around in her chair to land in front of the main set of computer screens. She slipped her headset on and she looked around at the many screens. "Little Bird is online. What's the situation everyone? Call out." She said as she stretched her fingers and got to work.

"Multiple shootings on my end down by the docks. I have it handled well in hand and the police are on their way over." Barbara Gordon's voice crackled through the communicator on her headset and Liliana pulled up the security footage of the warehouse docks.

"All right, go Batgirl." Liliana responded with a chuckle, as the young woman was beating the crap out of a bunch of thugs. "Robin, what is your status then?" She asked as she switched her channel to the one that was her brother's personal one.

"Gimme a minute." Was her brother's reply and Liliana switched the channel to the open one again, as she scanned her eyes across the computer screens that seemed to multiply every time that she looked at one.

"Batman, status." Liliana said as she drew up the mainframe tunnels of the city, as she was shaking her head and looking around. "All right, that's normal. Robin?" She asked and out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted that Dick as Robin, was fighting alongside Dove and Hawk and she rolled her eyes. "That would explain why he is not answering his communicator. Robin, status report now!" She snapped with annoyance in her tone and a painful-sounding grunt came through the communicator, a sound that was usually but not always, associated with someone being smacked around by a bo-staff.

"Another bunch of thugs off of the streets." Dick's voice crackled through and Liliana rolled her eyes. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Dick asked and

"How did you know?" Liliana asked sarcastically, as she turned her head back to where Barbara Gordon was fighting as Batgirl. "Batgirl, status report please." She stated and in the back of her mind, she thought that it was a little bit strange that she hadn't heard from Barbara for a little while.

"All good over here at the docks. I had some serious help taking the rest of these thugs down, it looks like Light and Dark showed up again." Barbara was referring to Sienna and Renna Thompson, who often showed up out of nowhere and disappeared just as fast, but the two were ruthless and always fun to have around in a fight.

"You wanna patch them through?" Liliana asked.

"Can you patch them through please?" Bruce interrupted and Liliana rolled her eyes at the sudden interruption to speak about her sudden miss in the style of grammar of all the things in the world.

"I miss one word and that is when you speak up? Oh, come on Bruce. That is utterly ridiculous and you know it." Liliana said with a roll of her eyes and she sighed. "If everyone is done with their fights, am I good to go back to sleep?" She asked and when she heard Dick disconnecting his communicator, she snorted.

"No you may not. You still have one more training session with Batgirl." Bruce interrupted and Liliana sighed, as she stared at the screens and she watched the cops scurrying around like ants across the screen, as she rested her head on top of her hands and she was yawning at the screen.

Liliana hadn't been planning to fall asleep, but by the time she had woken up, she could hear people arguing in low voices, sounding like they weren't too far away from her and she grunted as she shifted a bit in her chair.

"She is just a kid, Bruce! You might as well just be saying to a type one diabetic kid, that they can't have their insulin injections for that day." That was Barbara Gordon, Liliana was fairly certain of it and the kid groaned quietly, as she rubbed her eyes quickly to try and get the sleep out of them.

"She has to train with at least one of us, Barbara, or else she will never be prepared for the streets like we are--" Bruce argued.

"She is just a kid, Bruce! You are going to run her into the fucking ground!" Dick had joined the conversation and Liliana banged her fist down hard onto the table in front of her and they all jumped at the sudden noise, having missed the fact that she was awake and listening to what they were saying about her.

"Enough." Liliana's voice was low and annoyed, as they all looked over at her and she was shaking her head at them. "I'll train on my own time with Dick or Barbara. I'm already mostly done my online schooling, I'm doing two years in one, remember?" She said and they all looked at each other. "Now stop talking to me like I'm not here, I'm going for a walk." She said coldly as they looked stunned at her words, as Liliana stole one of Dick's jackets and she left her headset on the table. "Try not to kill each other." She said as if it was an order, as she swiftly walked away from the Bat Cave in silence.

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