|Chapter V: Alone|

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Before she actually left Wayne Manor, Liliana jogged swiftly back into her room through the manor and she opened the safe where she kept her most valuable objections. She slipped her headphones around her neck and she put her laptop into her bag. She took the charger and reaching to the back of the closet behind her multitude of hoodies, she felt her hands closing around the objects that she had been feeling around for.

Liliana drew her hands back and she looked at the two retractable escrima sticks in her hands and on either side of her one in either hand, she spun them effectively and quickly, as she was shaking her head. She knew how to fight and she knew vicious blows... she also has the constant thing of being underestimated, due to both her small stature, her thin body that made her look like a single punch could knock her down and her young age as well.

"Which is just about half annoying, half an advantage."

Liliana thought to herself, as she put the escrima to the side for a second as something had caught her eye, something in her room that was out of place and whatever it was, it certainly had not been there when she woke up at 3 in the morning to help the trio watch their backs in their separate missions. Liliana walked over to the bedside table where the box was and she hesitantly picked it up. She flipped open the wooden lid and she grinned at the sight of the weapon that was inside of the box.

Liliana took out the small stick-like weapon and she pressed the buttons on either side of the small weapon, which turned out to be a retractable bo-staff and she was grinning at the sight of the weapon. She spun it around quickly, passing it from hand to hand briefly, before she held it in a familiar beginner position. She collapsed it again and saw the note that had been on top of it, the one that she had completely missed in order to get at the new weapon.

"Happy 12th birthday kiddo.

Use it well.

At least I know that you won't be a total goofball about using it for anything unimportant, little sis. Just remember, in self-defense only. We don't need a twelve-year old girl on the run for assault on a random person for insulting you, when you were in the wrong mood."

Liliana smirked at the note and apparently now, she also had a retractable staff in her bag and she slipped her escrima into the back of her pants and she let her shirt and Dick's jacket fall over them, as she walked out of the room and she shut the door behind her.

Liliana trekked to the city with a somewhat emotionless expression and she looked down at the watch on her wrist, seeing the time and shaking her head. "I slept for twelve hours. I must have been fucking tired." She muttered to herself, as she continued walking and she turned into the café that she always was seen in.

"Hey Lilia. Caramel macchiato with extra caramel?" The barista called over once Liliana had walked into the café and Lilianna was nodding swiftly, as she paid with cash and she beelined for her normal booth in the far corner.

Lilianna pulled out her laptop and flipped it open, as she plugged in her mouse and she was already typing, almost before she had even sat down. She felt the heat from the macchiato that was placed next to her hand and she heard a familiar laughter. "Shit." She murmured, when she saw that one of the local "gang" leaders and a few of his underlings had shown up in the café yet again.

"Just when I thought that this day could honestly... not possibly get any worse for me today. Of course it does."

She thought to herself as she ducked her head and focused on her work, hoping that the guys who always hassled her here in particular, would somehow not see her for once. Liliana looked at her watch, which was outfitted with a beacon, as well as the tiny-ass tracker, that Bruce had put in her arm last year. Liliana tapped the clock face and there was a small edge of a disc that came out of the side. "Hopefully one of you is watching the monitors." She murmured, as she was able to rotate the disc and there was a subtle and faint orange light coming from the face of the clock.

"Hey, look who it is. It is the little macchiato girl." The leader said and Liliana hardly even reacted, as she sipped at her drink and continued to type. "I'm talking to you, you little bitch." He said and it was only when he grabbed at her arm, that he got a real reaction.

Liliana kicked him in the shin hard and yanked her wrist away at the same time, as she was already grabbing for her laptop to get away. Which unfortunately, was not going to be easy since she was backed into a corner. "What do you assholes even want?" Liliana snapped at the group in front of her, as her eyes flicked from one to the next and she was counting quickly in her mind and when she could possible make a break for it to get to the door.

"What do you think?" Matthias, the leader asked and the barista was going for the phone and one of the other gang members shot a gun into the air. In the madness of shouting and pushing for the door that followed, Lilianna managed to toss the scalding hot macchiato at one of the guys and then duck under the arm of Matthias and she bolted for the door in the madness, as she heard the guy screaming from the scalding drink.

Lilianna managed to get into a nearby alleyway and she cursed, when she heard the guys coming and she backed up into the nearest doorway and she went still, as she heard them storming past her and she inhaled sharply, as she allowed herself to go slightly more relaxed at the sight of them passing by. She turned off the beacon and inside her pocket, her phone was buzzing a little bit. She looked at it and saw that Dick had been texting her.

"All good. I just thought that I was gonna need some serious backup for a second. Did not mean to scare you, sorry big brother." She typed and in response, she got a thumbs-up emoji from the return text and she sighed, shutting her phone off as she lunged forward and she climbed up the wall quickly, having slung her bag over her shoulders and secured it, as she continued to climb up the wall.

She heard loud thuds and grunts coming from a nearby area and she swiftly leapt onto a nearby rooftop.

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