|Chapter XLVII: Despicable Solutions|

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Jason sighed and he went quietly back into the training room, just after Dick had left it to get some of Liliana's weapons back and he shoved them into a bag and held the staff in his hand as it was still collapsed. "I wonder if she's gonna kill me for holding this." He murmured as he walked over to the closed door that had Liliana's room behind it. He knocked on the door and waited a couple seconds, before he knocked again.

Jason opened the door and he found exactly what he was expecting to see after she hadn't responded to the knocking. Which was Liliana lying on the bed facing away from the door with her headphones on securely over her ears, as she was trying to check out for the day and he was shaking his head a little. He put the bag on the ground and he went to put the staff down, but he pressed the button by mistake and the staff shot out to its' full length.

Liliana looked over at the sound that was now nearly as familiar to her as someone who was breathing, and Jason had an almost guilty look on his face and she held out her hand for it. He handed it over and she looked at the staff in her hands, perfectly balanced for her and she looked at him, before back at the staff. "This can work for me training you, but we will definitely need another one." She remarked and Jason sighed with relief, as she collapsed it again and she put it on the desk.

"I thought I was gonna get hit with it, to be completely honest." Jason admitted and quietly in silence, she rolled her eyes, as she dropped back onto the bed and she looked at the wall. "You okay?" He questioned and she shrugged, as Jason walked over and he sat down next to her.

"I don't sleep anymore." Jason already knew that and for the most part, so did the rest of the current residents of Titans' Tower and she dropped her head a little. "I have heard Dick talking with Victoria about drugging me, so at least I have some way of getting sleep..." Jason sighed at the words and he moved his arms around her, when he saw that she was starting to shake once again.

"He can shove it up his ass, if he thinks that he can get away with it." Jason murmured and Liliana returned the hug in a shaky silence. "Hey, I mean it. Do you really think that we would side with him on this?" He asked and she took a shaky breath.

"I know you wouldn't, but what makes you think that Rachel and Gar wouldn't side with Dick on this, just so that they could get more sleep every night? Or hell, why aren't you on his side for any reason related to my sleeping problem? You come running in here, whenever I start yelling or screaming, and then you are the one who hardly gets any sleep for it. So why would you be on my side for this?" Liliana had a legitimate question and Jason was shaking his head.

"I was there when Victoria held you down, so that Bruce could give you the antidote to the fear gas, because you were struggling so much to get away from the needle. I don't need to see you like that again, seeing it once was one time too many. I can give up a few hours of sleep every night, if it means that I don't have to see you pinned down by our half-Themysciran friend ever again." Jason explained and she leaned her head against his chest, as he smiled a little.

"Thanks Jase." She murmured quietly and Liliana seemed steadier, as Jason gently rested his chin on the top of her head and Jason realized after a few moments, that she was in fact, now soundly asleep and he smiled down at her.

Jason tucked her under the covers and he froze when she started to shake and move around a bit. He waited for a few minutes, before he shut off the lights and he snuck toward the door and that was when she started to speak under her breath, as Jason felt instant guilt about trying to leave and take off on her, so much so that he turned back around to walk over.

Jason quietly lay down next to her and when he moved his arms around her, she rolled over to face him and her head was buried in his shirt, like an ostrich's head in the sand and he smiled a bit at her and he heard the door creak open.

Jason turned his head to look and he could see that it was Dick standing in the doorway with Victoria. Victoria was grinning at the sight, happy to see that Liliana was sleeping again and she didn't care how it was happening, but Dick's expression told a completely different story. He had eyes that looked like steel and it was clear, that he was not exactly what Jason would call "happy or excited" about the new sleeping arrangements.

Victoria gently shut the door and Jason shut his eyes, trying to block out the noise from their talking outside of the door. "If Jason can get her to sleep, then we don't need the drugs, plain, perfect and simple as a solution." Victoria was saying to Dick, as they shut the door to let them sleep.

"I don't trust him." Was all that Dick said and Victoria threw up her hands in complete exasperation. "You would trust him, Jason Todd of all the people, near somebody as vulnerable as that?" Dick asked incredulously and Victoria tilted her head to the side at him, looking at him like she thought that he had absolutely just gone insane.

"Absolutely! He has never once tried to take advantage of her and he has kept her calm during unbelievable situations that you couldn't have done better than what he did. Dick, if you try to separate them now, I am willing to bet money that Liliana will find a way around it. You wanted her to sleep? Jason Todd is your solution to the problem, and not the fucking drugs, that you were going to try and shoot into her." Victoria said and Dick looked at her with a fury in his gaze, but Victoria had faced down scarier opponents than a raging former Robin and she looked at his face and she was shaking her head. "Do what you want, Grayson, but don't be surprised when it has unintended consequences for your relationship with your sister." Victoria shoved into him as she finished speaking and she was walking down the hallway when she heard it, the sound of a helicopter. "What the fuck?" She whispered and she bolted to the living room to see what it was, with Dick almost stepping on her heels to follow and see what it was.

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