Season 1 episode 1-You are perfect

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It was one sunny Saturday morning Lauren and Bailey are lying on the bed cuddled up together whilst on their phones. Lauren is led between Bailey's legs texting her best friend Charlotte and Bailey is playing a game on his phone. These two have known each other since they was like three years old and became best friends from the first day they met. Their parents were close friends before they were born, so that's another way on how they met. They are both seventeen now and have been dating since they was fourteen.

They both sat up and Lauren stopped texting her friend, then Lauren looked at Bailey and stared at him thinking how did I get so lucky to be with this amazing guy? Bailey was confused as to why she was staring and broke the silence.
"What?" he chuckles.
"How did I get you?" she asks.
Bailey is really confused by the question and raises his eyebrow at her.
"You got me because you're amazing, beautiful, funny and the girl for me." he stares into her eyes.
"But seriously you could've done so much bet-" Bailey cuts her off by smashing his lips against hers.
"Not true you are perfect to me." he soothes.
Lauren smiles at him and the he tickles her.
"Don't ever say that again or I will tickle you again." he laughs and she laughs too.
"Okay!" Lauren agrees.
They started to make out and then Charlie comes storming in the room.
"Come on guys stop making out! We got to meet the everyone in a hour." he moans and skips out the room.
"I swear that boy isn't normal"Lauren laughs.
Bailey laughs too then he stands up ready to leave.
"Come on" he says with his hand out.
Lauren stands up and goes under the blanket.
"No" I moan.
Bailey grabs Lauren and picks her up and carriers her down stairs.
"Put me down!" she screams.
"No" he laughs.

They get down the stairs to be greeted by Charlie and Cara
"Come on stop messing about" she snaps.
Bailey places Lauren back on her feet and chuckles and she yells at him, but he laughs.
"Can I get a kiss?" he asks.
"Nope!" she snaps and runs out the door.
This made him sad and he chased her back they was running around for a few minutes then headed to the town centre to meet their friends.

They finally get to the mall and Lauren sees Kally she runs over to her and instantly hugs her.
"I've missed you so much!" Lauren squeals
"I missed you too!" Kally squeals.
"You never hug me like that?" Bailey moans.
Lauren looks at him then giggles at him and he shakes his head.
They all have met up It's Harvey, Lauren, Lily, Kally, Bailey, Cara, Leo and Brandon,but no one has noticed Charlie has disappeared.
They all go to a few shops then a few hours they decided it's time to get some food they all stand together to decide where to go.
"What should we eat?" Lauren asks.
"I know what you want to eat" Harvey nudges Bailey.
Lauren looks over at Harvey and Bailey confused then Bailey speaks up.
"Nando's!" Bailey yells causing everyone to look at us.
Lauren walks over to him and gently flicks his forehead.
"We are not having that we always do" Lauren snaps and he gives her a sad puppy dog face.
"Not going to work" she folds her arms and he just huffs and walks away from her.
"Frankie and Benny's?" Leo suggests.

Everyone agrees besides Bailey he walks behind everyone sulking Lauren turns around walks towards him and he stops then she teases him which causes him to giggle. Lauren then walks towards Lily and speaks to her.
"So you and Harvey Huh" She nudges her and winks at her.
This causes Lily to blush a lot and smile.
"Yeah he took me out on a date a week ago then finally asked me to be his girlfriend" she smiles. They have been acting like a couple for ages and knew how they felt about each other, but never had the courage to ask one another out to be boyfriend and girlfriend. We carry on walking then suddenly Bailey comes running behind Lauren and picks her up which causes her to freak out.
"McConnell put me down!" She screams whilst hitting him.
"No" he laughs.
"Say Bailey is the best and I love him more than Olly" he chuckles.
Lauren was shocked he said that she kept hitting him playfully and wriggling she eventually got out of his grasp and she sprinted away the minute she was free. Bailey sighed and when she turned around when she was besides Kally.
"I'm never going to get you to say that am I?" He pants.
"Nope" she giggles.
"You two act like best friends and a couple at the same time it's so cute" Kally squeals.

They both smile at each other finally after that little fun time they reached Frankie and Benny's they are seated then Leo realises Charlie is missing.
"Guys where's Charlie?" Leo asks.
They all shrug their shoulders until they see him walk in with a girl. The girl sits next to Kally and Charlie sits opposite her.
"Who's this?" Lauren asks.
"Guys this Amelia my girlfriend" he says.
"Since when did you have a girlfriend" Lauren raises an eyebrow at him.
"Two weeks ago" he smiles.
"What and you didn't tell us?!" she yells.
"Sorry" he laughs.
They all greet her and then order their food and drinks.
"Me and Cara are the single ones here" Leo sighs.
"You could have Cara Leo" Harvey winks.
"Awww no Leo is like a little baby brother to me" Cara says in a baby voice.
"Awwww" they all singed.
"Shut up" he groans.
They ate our food then it was desert time. Bailey and Kally swapped seats so he was sat next to Lauren.
"Share one yeah?" He asks.
"Nope" she laughs and he laughs then she gives him a serious look and he gets the message.
As they are eating the desserts Bailey starts looking at Lauren with a sad face.
"Fine" she gives in to him and feeds him a bite.
Then she tries to put some on his face, but he backs away and speaks up.
"You can put it anywhere but my face!" He snaps.
Lauren smirks and looks down that's when Bailey goes bright red.
"Oh my god" he covers his face
Then everyone burst out laughing.
"Hey maybe she'll want it more with flavour" Charlie winks.
Lauren glares at Charlie and kicks him under the table.
"Ow!" He yells.
"At least I can get some!" she sasses and snaps her fingers.
Everyone starts laughing again and Charlie goes bright red.
"She is joking babe." He says to Amelia.

After the meal everyone heads back home Kally and Brandon head back to Bailey's where as Lauren and Bailey stay out for a little bit longer to have time to their selves an hour passed and they decided to head back.They get back Bailey stands behind Lauren the pushes her against the door and he leans in and kisses her passionately. It doesn't take long until it turns into a make out session then all of a sudden someone opens the door causing both of them to fall to the floor and Bailey awkwardly falls on top of Lauren.
"Sorry kids" Rob laughs.
Bailey stands up quickly and instantly goes bright red. He puts his hand out for me to grab and pulls me up.
"Thank you" I giggle.
Rob goes upstairs and they are left alone.
"That wasn't awkward" Bailey laughs and she laughs with him.

They go into Bailey's bedroom they see that Kally and Brandon asleep. Then Lauren goes to find something she wear to go to bed with.
"You can wear nothing I don't mind" he grins.
She looks at him and glares at him and he just chuckles. Lauren manages to find one of his large merchandise top and puts that on which covers her like a dress. Bailey walks towards her and touches her ass then she grabs his. Then he starts kissing her neck making her feel all tingly inside.
"Not tonight your brother is here and Kally."I exclaim.
He moans, but agrees then they both get into bed cuddled up and fall asleep within a one hour.

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