Season 1 Episode 60-Taken

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Life is pretty great for everyone at the moment, but life is never perfect something may break the perfect two apart or may bring them closer, but which one will it be?

Amelia is staying over Charlie's after the night of the party whilst she's asleep Charlie wakes up to grab and drink. Charlie is drinking a glass of water not knowing someone creeping up behind him someone puts a pillowcase over his head that knocks him out and he's dragged into a van and taken away.
Amelia wakes up to see her boyfriend not in the room she thinks he's just woken up to make some breakfast so she hops in the shower after being nice and clean she heads downstairs she looks in the living room then the kitchen.
"Charlie?" She calls.
Amelia heads out in the garden and still no sign of him she decided to call his phone and hears it ringing and she's it on the floor. At this point she started to panic she went running outside checking everywhere and text his friends no one has saw him.
Amelia calls his mum and she calls the police they interview Amelia and his parents asking when they last saw him. The tv reported him missing and his fans were going crazy and were devastated praying that he would come back alive.
"Leo I cant loose him.." Amelia cries as Leo hugs her tight.
"I know I don't want anything to happen to him I can't loose him I've already lost Mariana." He sighs.
The tv comes on and another thing about Charlie is on.
"Charlie Lenehan from Bars and Melody missing since last night fans and his family are devastated our thoughts and prayers to hope he comes back soon and safe."

Bailey and Lauren were hanging out at his place then Lauren dropped her cup of tea when she saw one of her close friends on the tv reported missing.
Lauren screamed and fell to the floor crying her eyes out. Bailey rushes over to her and cradles her and rubs her back.
"Bailey why is this happening I can't loose Charlie!!" She screams.
"Shhh Lauren they will find him." He soothes.
"Why does this have to happen right before you leave he promised he'd be there for me. This is not fair on him and his family." She cries.
"Hey it'll be okay baby." He hushes.
Bailey takes Lauren upstairs and makes her a new cup of tea and then some pancakes which calm her down a little then he starts packing ready for tomorrow.

Morgan and Matthew get back to their hotel room last night, but before they do they see something that was really weird they saw a man push someone in a back of a van they had no clue what to do so they just went straight to bed, but the next morning they will need this to help luckily Morgan is cautious and takes note of number plates. They are woken up by the sun peering through their window of their hotel room Morgan hops in the shower and Matthew goes back to sleep when she gets back she shakes her head clicking her tongue and sneaks over to him.
"Wake up you lazy shit!" She shouts in his ear.
Matthew screams nearly hitting her and groans.
"No!" He snaps.
"I'll get the water" she giggles.
He shoots straight and up he grabs his clothes then runs into the bathroom. He comes in fully clothed and his hair all styled he's wearing a light blue t-shirt that has white writing saying 'game over' he has brown shorts on and white nikes on.
"What shall we do today?" He asks.
"I don't know" Morgan shrugs her shoulders.
"Let's go to the park" he says.

Morgan and Matt head back to America tomorrow they went to Bailey's party last night as guest from Nash and Cameron. They walk hand in hand towards the park it's only five minutes away from the hotel they arrive at the park we sit on the bench just talking then something catches Matt's eye.
"Morgan is that Bailey?" He points over to a guy by a tree talking to a girl.
"Oh yeah who's that girl?" He asks.
"No idea"
Bailey was talking to his friend and they hug with each other's necks buried into one another.
Morgan and Matt head over getting a bit worried as they see the girl stroke his cheek.
"Hey Bailey" Morgan says and they turn to them.
"Oh Hey Morgan" he turns around.
"Who's this?" Matt asks.
"This is Pollyanna my cousins girlfriend" he says.
"Where is he?" Matt asks.
This made it a bit awkward and made him feel like they think he's cheating, but then they realise Bailey has bloodshot eyes.
"Bailey what's wrong?" Morgan asks.
"My mate Charlie and I was just informing my cousin and his girlfriend." He sighs.
"Oh my god.." Matt says he looks at Morgan that's when she thinks of the van last night.
"Hey what I miss?" A boy comes running back breathless.
"Nothing" Matt says.
"Well anyway we better go." Matt says and they head off.
"Morgan, Matt wait!" Bailey shouts in a distance.
Bailey reaches them and pants then speaks up.
"Did you guys think I was cheating?" He asks getting his breath back.
"Kinda yeah." Morgan shrugs her shoulders.
"Oh no. Lauren knows I'm with them she didn't want to come she's a little heartbroken right now." He sighs.
"Okay we are sorry." They say.
"It's okay things like this happens." He laughs.

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