Season 1 Episode 29-catching feelings

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Bailey finally went back to college after his attempted suicide everyone at the college knew everyone was really supportive except one person. Izasqun was walking to her locker to grab her lunch when she saw her brother picking on him again she couldn't watch him do this anymore. She rushed over to him and had to put a stop to it.
"Just leave him alone now Trevor he's had enough" She snaps.
Trevor has ahold of Bailey by his t-shirt and has his fist clenched ready to punch him.
"Oh come on we're just having fun!" He laughs. "Maybe next you try to kill yourself make sure you actually succeed you fail at everything." He evil laughs.
Anger was rising in herself he pushes Bailey to the ground and kicks him.
"It's not like he cares about you." He laughs at her.
"I do though" She mumbles.
"He won't like you anymore" he says.
"I don't care because as long as he's happy then I'm happy"
"Bailey getting any threatened texts lately" he chuckles.
"What?" He stutters.
"That's right it was me. I knew my sister wanted you so I broke you guys up so she could have you" he laughs and Bailey looks at her with shock.
"Izasqun is this true?" He stutters.
"Yeah but I never knew about this until my brother said Bailey honestly the only thing I knew is I liked you"
"Even still I can't believe you kept that from me I opened up to you!" He starts to cry and runs off.
"I heard they're back together now so you lost!" She sasses last
"Wait until mum and dad hear what you did." He laughs.
"I don't care tell them if it means you leave him alone!" She shouts.
"And if you tell them I'll tell them what you did to Bailey I don't think they'll be happy to hear that they're son bullied someone so much they tried to kill themselves." She snaps.
"Whatever." He huffs and walks away.

Izasqun was gutted that she would never get Bailey, but was glad that it was over she just has to move on and not think about him. She wished they could be friends again, but that's something that will take some time. She heads down the stairs and she misses the last three steps which causes her to fall luckily and strong guy catches her to stop her from hurting herself. She falls into his arms she looks up to see dark brown eyes and hair and had a gorgeous face too.
"Nice of you to drop by" he laughs.
"Uh yeah" She stutters. "Thank you for catching me" she blushes then he sets her down gently onto her feet.
"My names Eyal" he says.
"Izasqun" she giggles.
"That's a nice name" he smiles.
"Yours is too"
"Can I get your number?" He asks.
He takes out his phone and unlocks it then hands it over to her and she types her number in then gives him hers he puts his number in. They smile at each other and then go their separate ways.

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