Season 1 Episode 27-It's your fault

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Bailey is having one of his really bad days again life hasn't gotten much better for him even though he's friends with Lauren again. He rolls out of bed and has a shower as the hot water hits his cuts it stings so much tears escape his eyes and the pain hits, but he did this to himself it's his fault. After he showered he put on some boxers and deodorant then put on a white t-shirt and jumper to hide these cuts he wore some black skinny jeans and his brown boots. After Bailey was dressed the one million was applied and his hair was styled. Bailey stumbles downstairs and ate his breakfast then went back upstairs to brush his teeth. He quickly went into his room to grab his bag then a peace of paper falls on the floor he picks it up to see its a song he wrote. 'You have a beautiful story it's not the way you should be writing it down' Bailey reads more of the lyrics and thinks this actually sounds good and how he felt at the time he was being threatened. Bailey sits down on his desk chair and started to strum at his guitar then started to sing the song. Bailey finally finished the song and called it Crystalize he put his guitar in its case and put it on his back and walked to college. He waited for the bus and got on the bus then sat down.
Bailey's thoughts were playing with him 'you're not worth it' 'just kill yourself' 'no one loves you and no one will miss you.' It was really hard for him to escape his thoughts and unfortunately believed all those things, but something is going to make this day even worse for him.

Bailey arrived at college and he got loads of stares and laughs he couldn't understand why? Bailey walked up towards their tutor he saw Lauren she ran over to him and hugged him. This made him a little happier as he was glad to see her.
"Bailey!" Someone shouted.
Bailey turned around to see Izasqun's brother he waved at him and he laughed at him this caused a lot of anxiety for him he didn't know why he just did that. Izasqun ran over to Bailey and hugged him tight.
"Hey Bailey" she smiles.
"Hey" he fake smiles.
"Bailey man" her brother says.
"Hey man"
Then these group of boys come over to them this is where it gets really tough for Bailey.
"Trevor is this the boy who self harmed" one of the guys says and laughs.
Bailey's body froze he doesn't understand how they knew his heart was racing.
"Oh yeah the boy who cuts himself over a girl" Trevor laughs.
Bailey was so confused he looks over at Izasqun who has the most guilty face going anger grew inside him, but he was too depressed to show it.
"Leave him alone!" Lauren shouts.
"Bailey why don't you show us these cuts of yours" he says.
Bailey stands there shocked that's when he grabs his arm harshly which causes Bailey to yelp in pain.
"Whoa! What's going on?" Charlie asks running over to then with Amelia.
At that moment in time he harshly squeezes his wrists rolls up his sleeves revealing the scars on his arms showing everyone.
"Look everyone this stupid guy self harms for attention. "He laughs.
Bailey can hear high pitched noises and his vision is blurred the heart inside him is beating fast and loudly. The sound of the laughter from everyone echos in his ears and the sweat pours out him and tears come pouring out as his scars sting.
"Pathetic" one snaps.
Trevor harshly pushes Bailey to the ground hitting his cuts and they start to bleed and he cries in pain. After that they leave Lauren rushes over to Bailey and helps him back up.
"Bailey I-" Izasqun starts, but he cuts her off.
"Save it!" He snaps.
She just runs off and doesn't say a word.
"Bailey are you okay man?" Charlie asks.
Bailey nods his head and rolls down his sleeves.
"Don't worry about them. You're not stupid you're strong" Lauren whispers.
Bailey gives her a weak smile and then he walks to the bathroom when he enters the bathroom he got loads of stares and laughs.
"Oh no I lost my girl I'm going to cut now" one fake cries.
Just ignore it Bailey Ignore it they have no idea are the thoughts in his head. He goes to the toilet then zips himself up as he is about to leave Bailey is dragged to the floor they kick and punch him then leave causing a lot of bruises and blood coming out of his body.
"Go kill yourself mate!" One shouts.
Bailey struggles to stand up, but eventually gets up and looks in the mirror to see that he has a black eye his lip is cut and looks at his arms to see bruises everywhere. Bailey covers his arms up and clean the blood off his face hoping no one notices then walks out the bathroom. Bailey walks back to everyone with his head down.
"Bailey look at me" Lauren says.
She knew something wasn't right Bailey refuses to do what she said and she goes over to him and lifts up his head to reveal the damaged guy. His bloodshot eyes her heart shatters as she sees him look like this she was angry at everyone.
"Who the fuck did this to you?!" She shouts.
Bailey stays quiet, but Lauren being stubborn shouts at him to tell her.
"Bailey tell me now!" She shouts.
"They did" he points to the boys in the corner that's when she stands up and storms over to them. He watches her every move as she gets closer to them and then she shouts at them.
"Leave Bailey alone now!" She yells.
"Or what?!" One laughs.
She got really angry and punches that guy in the face then another which causes him to go on the floor this scares them and they scatter. Lauren heads back to him and Bailey thanks hertz
"Thanks" He mumbles.
She smiles at hum and pulls him into tight hug and they sway side to side.

They thought this was the end of this, but it was Bailey revived texts telling him to kill himself saying he's not worth it. Lauren asked him to hang out, but he told her he couldn't because he was too sad she insisted on staying with him, but he told her he wanted to be alone. His phone went off and looked down.

Trevor-kill yourself no one cares about you that's why you're left on your own. We won't miss you!

Bailey cried at this and thought maybe he is right. He grabbed a rope and his chair and text Lauren before he went through with it.

Bailey- I'm sorry Lauren I can't do this anymore😭 I love you so much I never wanted to break up but I had to protect you he was threatening to hurt you💔 I wish we never had to break up I regret it😢 I will miss you, but I will watch over you my baby please don't leave this earth because I have you deserve better than a broken guy😞 thank you for everything and make sure you let my family and everyone I know I love them and I'm sorry😰

He sent the text and stood on the chair and put the rope around his next and then moved the chair...

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