Season 1 Episode 38-We're in heaven

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Everything went from black to white. I walk around to see that there is nothing in front of me.
"Amelia" I call, but no answer where am I? "Someone please tell me!" I scream louder then I see a figure walking towards me. He was wearing all white clothing and had short brown hair and had deep blue eyes.
"Who are you?" I stutter.
"I'm an angel and you are too" he says.
"No I can't be dead!" I cry.
"Hush sweetie it's nothing to be afraid of" he tries to comfort me.
"Please let me go back!" I fall to my knees and plead. "Leo needs me!"
He looks at me with a sad face then all of a sudden a picture comes up in front of me it's Leo in the hospital next to me.

Then the next day appears I see him again I look at him to see him crying in his room then I hear his mumbles.
"Why did you have to leave me Mariana I miss you so much!" He mumbles. "If only I protected you, you would still be here" he cries.
My poor prince this is not his fault I need to go back to him, but I can't.
"Please he's suffering" I plead.
"I don't know sweetie" he says that's when tears stream down my face.
I look at Leo he's going in his drawers he gets something out it's a blade.
"No!!" I scream. "Please I can't let him do that please!" I fall to my knees in front of him all he does is stare at me. Nothing less and nothing more I look back at him to hear his screams and cries as he slices his beautiful skin because of me. If only I didn't get myself in this mess this wouldn't be happening right now. My baby boy wouldn't be hurting himself he'd be happy and safe this is all my fault.

Three days go by since I've been dead I've been watching Leo there hasn't been a day where I haven't seen him cut himself I hate to see him like this, but they won't let me go back. There is all sorts of people up here, but I don't talk to them because I don't belong here I belong on earth with Leo. I wasn't supposed to die yet no one should die this young.
"Leo Mariana's funeral is in a couple of weeks you need to buy a suit" His mum says.
"I know I can't believe she's really gone" he says.
I wish I could just come back, but they just won't let me go back. In a few weeks time all my body will be is ash and I will be stuck like this forever. Since I've been dead I've been begging them to let me go back, but it's been the same answer everyday 'no!'

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