Season 1 episode 30- life saver

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After hearing what Bailey did they was all heart broken and scared they don't know what they would have done if he was gone. They decided to stay at his to keep an eye on him and help him feel better especially after the other day with Trevor Lauren was scared he was going to have a relapse. Kally and Brandon are led on his bed cuddling whilst Lauren and Bailey are cuddling on Bailey's bed. There is a knock on the door so Bailey stands up.
"I'll get it" he says and walks out the bedroom door. Lauren waits for him to leave then stands up quickly and goes through his drawers.
"Lauren what are you doing?" Brandon asks.
"I'm making sure he has nothing else to hurt himself with and I found something the other day" she says.
"What?" Brandon asks.
"This" she says with a piece of paper in her hand then she looks in his drawers and finds something she didn't want to see.
"Umm guys." She stutters.
Brandon and Kally look at her then she pulls out a gun from his chest of drawers. Lauren starts to breathe heavily and her heart starts racing.
"Oh my god." Kally breathes.
Bailey then enters the room Lauren had the gun behind her back.
"How could you?" She speaks crying through tears.
Bailey looks at her confused.
"What have I done?"
She brings the gun around and he looks down guilty.
"Lauren I'm sorry..." he trails. "Just get rid of it."
"Bailey if you used this that would've been it I would have lost you forever" she collapses to the floor and he rushes over to her and cradles her.
"I know I'm sorry I was in a dark place I'll get rid of it now." He speaks trying to grab it, but she moves it away.
"No we will come on." She grabs his hand and drags him outside.
Lauren and Bailey walk to the river she dumps all the bullets out and then he smashes the gun and throws it in the river.
"Bailey promise me you won't do this again and if you feel you want to die or harm yourself call me even if it's the middle of the night." She mumbles staring into his eyes.
"I promise." He kisses her cheek and they head back.

Bailey and Lauren come back and he goes into the kitchen.
"I'm going to make some dinner." He smiles.
Lauren goes up stairs and sees Kally and Brandon reading the the lyric sheet she gave them.
She climbs up the ladder then sits next to them and they read the paper to see its a song called Crystalize. They read through the lyrics one of their favourite is 'you have a beautiful story'
"Wait is this about himself?" Kally asks.
"I think it is Kally. One way he was trying to express his feelings" Lauren suggests.
"Other than how sad it is. It's a really good song" Brandon says.
Kally and Lauren nod in agreement then they hear Charlie, Amelia, Leo, Harvey, Lily and Mariana come up the stairs with Bailey. Lauren quickly gets down and hides the sheet of paper then sits on his bed. They all sit down and watch The Hunger games whilst Kally and Brandon just make out. Bailey was back downstairs cooking everyone's food. Some people are silently giggle which the two lovers can hear, but just ignore it then a pillow is thrown at them.
"Who threw that!" Kally shouts that's where she hears Leo burst out laughing.
Brandon grabs a pillow and launches it at him.
"Hey!" He yells.

Bailey finally finishes the food and they all ate his amazing steak.
"I'm bored!" Charlie moans.
"What shall we do?" Mariana asks.
"How about spin the bottle?" Kally suggests.
"That depends is anyone going to be upset if one another kisses someone else?" Lauren asks.
"No" everyone says, but Bailey.
"Bailey?" Kally calls.
"Will you be alright with spin the bottle even if Lauren kisses someone else if she has to?" Leo asks.
"Yeah whatever" he shrugs.
"Bailey what's wrong?" She asks.
"Nothing.." He trails.
"Bailey.." She rubs his shoulder.
"I'm not in the mood for games I just want to sleep" he moans then stands up.
Leo and Mariana move off his bed and he gets under the covers. Lauren stands up and gets the under the covers with him. He just needs to some time we all guess after what happened last week he needs time to think.
"Shall we carry on?" Brandon asks.
"Yeah" they all say.
Kally spins the bottle and it lands on Charlie. He spins it and it lands on Brandon they all giggle. Charlie leans in and kisses Brandon everyone found it hilarious to see. Brandon spins the bottle and it lands on Kally so she spins it and the bottle lands on Brandon he gives her a smirk. They lean in and start snogging after a few minutes they stopped making people uncomfortable. Leo spun the bottle and it landed on Amelia spun she it and it landed on Mariana we all giggled as she leaned in and kissed her. Mariana spun the bottle and it landed on Leo so he spun it and it landed on her he leaned in and kissed her passionately. It was a very cute moment especially that they're the youngest coupleS After awhile they got bored of it and stopped. Charlie and Amelia were asleep on the blow up bed all cuddled up. Leo and Mariana were asleep on the sofa all cuddled up. It was now just Kally and Brandon awake then they heard Bailey and Lauren talking.
"I just hate my life. I don't want to be here anymore" Bailey cries silently.
"Bailey I know life sucks right now, but it'll get better I promise. I don't want to hear you say that remember who was the one who told me how life is valuable" Lauren whispers.
"I know, but that person just isn't seeing the point in it anymore" he mumbles.
Kally looks at Brandon to see a tear falling down his face and her eyes start to water she puts her arm around him and squeezed him then her tears come out.
"I will do anything to make you realise it again. Just think about how team Bailey would feel if they found out?" She whispers. "They love you Bailey they'd be heart broken if you died."
"I know. I will do it for them and you because you guys are everything to me and the reason why I am still here" he says. "If it wasn't for you coming here I'd be dead and looking down at you"
"Bailey please don't talk like that it hurts.." she starts to tremble.
"I'm sorry baby I love you it was a mistake thank you for saving my life." He kisses her.

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