Season 1 Episode 82-Why me?

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It's the last day of the tour Bailey is looking forward to the last day Lauren is very proud of him, but is happy to go home tomorrow. They were at soundcheck and Sam day down next to her.
"Hey you okay?" He asks.
Lauren looks at Sam her heart starts to hurt and tears pour out of her eyes.
"No." She stutters.
Sam sighed and pulled her into a hug as he knew she needed one right now and Bailey was out getting them some food. They hug for about five minutes when they pull away Sam speaks up.
"Stay strong okay you've got a lot of people here for you." He hands her a tissue and she wipes her eyes.
"Thank you.." she mumbles.
"I like this ring you got where you get it?" Sam grabs her hand looking at it.
"Bailey got me it." She smiles.
"Wait you two are engaged?" He asks.
"No it's a promise ring." She laughs. "I thought he was and I was scared."
"Because we are still young even though we have known each other and been together a long time it's still early." She says.
"Fair enough I could imagine you two getting married." Sam smiles.
"Yeah you two are so in love it's very cute Bailey looks at you the way my parents look at one another and they've been together since they was sixteen." He chuckles.
"Oh wow my parents have been together for a long time since my mum was fifteen and my dad was nineteen." She smiles.
"Oh wow that's great wait how old are you?" He asks.
"So you're mum was sixteen when she had you?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Yeah." She laughs.
"Oh wow that's really good for your parents." He speaks very shocked and she just smiles.
"Hey." Someone coughs.
They look around to see Bailey with Taco Bell he walks over to Lauren and hands her a bag.
"You okay?" He smiles.
"Yeah just up and down, but Sam is here reminding me I have people who care." She smiles and Sam smiles.
"Of course you do and thanks Sam."
"It's okay." He stands up and walks out the room.
Bailey and Lauren ate their food in silence Lauren took out the rubbish and some fans saw her.
"Hey are you Lauren?" A girl said.
"Are you with Bailey?" She asks.
"Yeah I am" Lauren smiles.
"Can I just say you two are so cute together I went on his twitter and his Instagram and the photos and posts are adorable you're very beautiful too." She smiles.
"Thank you right now that means a lot and something I need to hear." Lauren smiles.
"It's okay only stating the truth."
"Do you like Bailey then?" Lauren asks.
"I've watched a few videos and yeah he's very talented and dare I say it very hot." She giggles.
Lauren shakes her head smiling.
"I guess so." Lauren laughs and the girl laughs.
"Anyway I got to go he's probably worried about me."
"Oh is he very protective?" She asks with concern.
"At the moment, but it's an understanding reason after what happened to me recently." Lauren sighs.
"Oh yeah I saw his post I'm very sorry that happened to you." She sighs and Lauren just gives her a weak smile.
Lauren heads back inside where Bailey is starting to panic as she's been gone for twenty minutes when he sees her walk in the dressing room he runs over to her and hugs her tight.
"Bailey I'm fine just talking to a fan." Lauren groans as he crushes her.
"I know I'm sorry I just can't help it." He sighs and let's her go.
"Now you understand how I felt when you tried to kill yourself.." she mumbles.
"I know...promise me you won't be stupid like me?" He mumbles.
"I promise." She smiles at him.
"Wait is that true Bailey?" Dana asked.
"Um yeah that's why I wrote Crystalise." Bailey rubs the back of his neck.
"Oh wow man that's deep glad you got through it though and didn't go through with it." He smiles.
"Um well I did, but Lauren saved me and when I say that I mean literally she caught me before you know...can we stop talking about it." He mumbles.
"Yeah it's getting depressing." Dana laughs nervously.
"Yes please I'm trying to be more positive." Lauren rolls her eyes.
"True." Bailey laughs and then starts tickling her and he pins her down the floor he carries on tickling her as she laughs.
"Get a room!" Sam shouts.
Bailey stops tickling her and soon enough it's show time when Bailey was on Lauren stood by the stage as he told her he wanted her in his sight.
Bailey was singing a cover song when someone came behind her and whispers in her ear.
"Scream and I will make you regret it." He whispers.
Lauren was angry more than scared anymore the moment she felt this person place their hand on her ass she turned around to see Austin there smirking Lauren lift up her knee and crushed him in the balls with her knee and he fell to the ground Bailey looked over to see it happening and he paused everyone confused and followed his eyes to see Austin on the floor clutching onto to his crotch.
"What the fuck happened?" A fan speaks.
Lauren looked at Bailey her heart started racing and she ran back stage where Andy was she started crying and Andy hugged her.
"Lauren what happened?" Bailey stuttered.
"Bailey please carry on I'm okay here with Andy I'll tell you after finish your set." She weak smiles.
"But-" Lauren cuts him off.
"Bailey now please" she sighs and he sighs.
Bailey heads back out and Andy comforts her.
"Lauren what happened?" Andy sat her down on the sofa.
"Austin he grabbed my ass right by the stage.." she stutters. "He told me not to scream or he will make me regret it so I kneed him in the ball."
"Oh wow good on you and don't worry will be sorting this out." Andy says.
"Hey do you want me to stay with her and you speak to Austin's management." Sam speaks. "Sorry I overheard."
"Yeah thank you Sam is that okay Lauren?" Andy asks and Lauren just nods.
"Why me?" Lauren puts her hands over her face.
"I really don't know it will get better." He places his hand on her back.
"I just want to go home." She cries.
"I know Bailey will be here in a minute" Sam reassures.
Bailey finishes his set and Sam leaves the room so Lauren can explain what happened and anger was not far from him. Bailey went to stand up with his fists clenched, but Lauren quickly grabbed him and pulled him back down.
"Bailey don't it will make things worst." She begs and he sighs.
"Okay fine, but he's not getting away with it." Bailey snaps.
"Andy is dealing with it." She says.

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