Season 1 Episode 65-Blurred vision

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Bailey sits on the stage with his hands over his face Sam sits next to him a rubs his shoulder.
"Hey you okay?" He asks.
"No how am I going to tell her" Bailey sighs
"Tell who?" Sam asks.
"Lauren." Bailey looks up at Sam with tears in his eyes.
"Who's that?" Sam asks with raised eyebrows.
"My girlfriend." Bailey says.
"Oh I didn't know just tell her I'm sure she'd understand it's not like you kissed her." He pats him on the back.
"I'm sorry about my friend" Bailey looks up to see Maisey stood in front of him.
"It's fine not your fault." Bailey smiles.
"Look if your girlfriend doesn't believe you here" she hands him her phone and sees a video.
"Why you giving me this?" He asks.
"Look at the video" she says.
Bailey presses play on the video it's of what happened showing how Bailey pushed her off twice  and can hear what's said too.
"Send yourself that" she says.
"Okay thank you"
Bailey sends the video to his phone on his Faebook page and he passes the phone back and saves the video. Everyone starts to leave it's just him, Sam, Andy and Mark after this Sam and Bailey get really close.
"Do you want to stay at our hotel tonight?" Bailey asks.
"Sure" he says and grabs his stuff.
Bailey grabs his stuff and heads out the venue with Mark and Andy following Baileh is going to FaceTime Lauren and tell to her. They arrive at the hotel Bailey puts on some track suit bottoms and take his top off and Sam does the same. Andy is having a shower whilst Mark is doing some editing. Sam sits on the end of the bed whilst Bailey FaceTimes Lauren.
"Hey babe" she smiles.
"What's wrong you seem down?" She asks.
"Umm I need to tell you something" Bailey says.
"Okay what is it?" She asks.
"Well tonight was amazing had an amazing outcome the meet and greet was good until the end." He sighs.
"What happened?" She asks.
"This fan tried kissing me so I was pushing her off, but the second time she managed to. I pushed her off instantly I'm sorry" He starts tearing up.
"What Bailey you haven't even been there that long.." she starts to cry.
"Lauren I promise you I was so angry at her I have a video this fan recorded the whole thing she got kicked out." He begs. "Lauren I would never do this to you I love you."
"Bailey..." she trails.
"Lauren hi my name is Sam I can assure you he's telling the truth we only met today and he's none stopped talked about you this guy loves you he didn't just wait until he forwards the video to see.
Bailey forwards the video to Lauren and she watches it from her computer as he forwarded it to her Facebook.
Lauren doesn't say a word she just cuts him off and this breaks his heart Bailey goes to sleep feeling broken.

The rest of the trip went really fast Bailey gets to see his family today he has no idea if Lauren's coming she hasn't spoke to him since the incident. They grab out their bags and then head to the airport it took an hour to get there, but they finally got here. They waited for their plane it was time to board they sat in their seats and settled Bailey turned his phone off and waited for the plane to take off. The plane took off and Bailey fell asleep through the whole flight.
"Bailey we are landing in a bit" Mark say shaking him.
Bailey rubs his eyes and he sits up and stares out the window the plane lands within twenty minutes they grab their stuff then head to arrivals. Bailey sees his family he smiles and hugs them, but no Lauren this really made his heart sting. Bailey gets home and sorts out his bags and walks out the door not saying a word. Bailey walk towards Lauren's when he reaches her house he knocks the door and her dad answers.
"Is Lauren in?" Bailey asks.
"Yes she's upstairs" he says.
Bailey is let in and then heads upstairs.
"Thank you" he smiles.
Bailey is about to knock when he hears her.
"I love you so much Tom" she giggles.
"I love you too" he hears a guy say.
Bailey's heart stops for a second and he swings the door open to see them kissing they pull away quickly and stare at Bailey.
"Lauren" Bailey stutters.
"Bailey what are you doing here?" She mumbles.
"I came to see you" Bailey sighs. "I thought you loved me"
"Not anymore"
When those words hit his ear drums Bailey's heart felt like he's been stabbed it burned he didn't say a word he ran out of her house crying his eyes out he Bailey couldn't see his vision was blurred and then he heard the sound of a car screeching across the road and the car crashed into him and Bailey was thrown to the ground and his vision went from blurred to black.

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