Season 1 Episode 21-Hurting

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It's a cloudy Monday morning Lauren, Kally, Amelia, Charlie and Cara are in college today it's not a good day for someone, but who?
Anyway they were sat down in class doing some work whilst having a conversation.
"So Cara any special man in your life?" Lauren winks at her then she starts to smile whilst looking down and blushing.
"Maybe" she giggles.
"Oooh please tell" Kally coos.
"His name is Tom" she smiles.
"What's his last name?" Lauren asks sipping her drink.
"Mann" she says.
In that moment Lauren spits out her drink out.
"Oh my god" someone moans.
She looks up to see Bailey stood in front of her with his wet t-shirt the sound of Kally, Charlie, Amelia and Cara burst out laughing. The teacher looks at them with a angry face shaking her head, but carries on on her computer.
"Bailey I'm so sorry" Lauren tries not to laugh.
"It's okay why you do that?" He laughs.
"I freaking love him I've always wanted to meet him, but never had the chance" Lauren sighs.
"Awwww do you want to?" She asks.
"Yes!" This causes a lot of eyes on her.

After class they have a break so sit in the break area they are all talking Bailey has his arm around Lauren then these group of girls and guys come towards them and his arm moves away fast.
"What's wrong?" She asks confused.
"Nothing" he says quickly.
"Why did you do that?" She sighs.
"Bailey are you okay?" Amelia asks.
Tears start to form in his eyes.
"Yeah I'm fine" he says.
"Are you sure man?" Charlie asks.
"Yes I'm fine leave me alone!" He snaps and stands up.
"Bailey" Lauren calls.
"Shut up!" He shouts at her and his eyes widen realising what he done.
Bailey has never shouted at Lauren like that he covers his mouth and runs off this causes tears to form in her eyes questioning what she has done wrong?
"He's never done that before" Lauren cries.
Amelia and Cara stand up and put their arms around her.
"I know he's acting strange ever since that group came along" Cara says.
"I don't know why though?" Amelia shrugs her shoulders.
Lauren was thinking has they done something to him?

The day goes by and no one sees Bailey for the rest of the day which makes a lot of worry for his girlfriend Lauren what is wrong with him? It's now lunch time no sign of him they sit down and Lauren asks Cara if she has seen him.
"Cara was he in music?"
Cara just shakes her head Where is he? What's wrong with him? The thoughts killed Lauren inside she stands up and walks to the bathroom. Lauren heads to the bathroom and sees him talking to a girl so she hides behind the corner to hear what's going on.
"Hey Bailey" she flirts.
"Umm hi" he mumbles.
"So I was wondering if you'd want to go out sometime" she twirls her hair and smiles.
This is just a typical girl move when nervous and flirting Lauren should know she did this to Bailey when she was crushing on him.
"Look Izasqun you're a nice girl, but I have a girlfriend" he says.
Lauren's heart flutters as she hears those words come out his mouth thinking he's a very loyal guy.
"What she doesn't know won't hurt her" she says pulling him close.
"Don't touch me" he pushes her.
"You're boring going after one girl you're famous you can get any girl you want and you choose her!" She yells.
"Don't talk about her like that! She's the most amazing girl I could ever get. She's too good for me I don't know why I even got her. I don't want any other girl she's all I want" he snaps.
Tears are pouring down Lauren's face she cannot believe what she is hearing and the fact he doesn't even know she is there. Lauren decides to come out of hiding and walks towards them Izasqun's eyes widen which causes Bailey to turn around and his eyes widen too.
"Did you hear all that?" He asks.
Lauren can only nod her head and he grabs her hand then swinging her arms and staring into her eyes. The girl gets fed up and storms off as they smile at each other full of love.
"I'm sorry I shouted at you" he whispers.
"It's fine what's wrong?"
"I don't want to talk about it right now I will tell you but I'm not ready yet" he mumbles.
Lauren pulls him into a hug wraps her arms around his neck and he wraps his around Lauren's waist then buries his head in her neck.
Lauren's ears can hear and feel him crying. All she could think was he's hurting my poor baby. She wants to help him, but she can't until he tells her will it be too late though?
"I love you" she whispers
"I love you too" he whispers.

Lauren heads home decided to text her friends Kally, Leah and Polly.

Leah-Do you know what's wrong with him?x
Lauren-No he's not ready to tell me..x
Polly-Don't worry Lauren he's strong he'll tell you soon x
Lauren-I hope so I'm worried...x
Kally-I know we all are but I'm sure he's fine x
Lauren-He's not though x
Leah-We know just try and be there for him as much as you can x
Lauren-I am x

Lauren stops messaging her friends and more questions hit her thoughts why is he hurting? What's wrong what's happened? Is it to do with her? Is someone hurting him? Is this pain going to do a lot worst to him than it has? Will this break them apart? Lauren cries herself to sleep that night full of worry is she right to worry? Is he going to do something that could scare her?

The next day Lauren goes to his house to try and make him happy. She knocks on the door and Tonia opens the door she just smiles at her.
"Hello Lauren how are you?" She asks.
"Good thank you is Bailey in?"
"Yeah he's in his room" she smiles.
She lets her in and closes the door then she walks upstairs and open his door.
"Bailey no!!!" Lauren screams.
The moment Lauren enters the room she sees him scraping a blade across his arm blood dripping from his arms and seeing his bloodshot eyes her heart stops for a moment. Lauren runs over to him as fast as she could and snatches the blades off him. Lauren looks at him with tears streaming down her face seeing his scratched up arms made her cry harder than she ever has before. Her thoughts took over she hated to see her boy this hurt and she placed her hand on his arm and put pressure on his arm to stop the bleeding and helped him stand up. Lauren takes him to the bathroom and grab a towel she wet the towel then look at his bloodshot eyes with hers close to the same she was pale.
"Why?" She stutters.
"I can't do this anymore it hurts Lauren" he cries.
"This may hurt a little" she speaks before dabbing the towel on his arm.
"Ow" he moans.
Lauren continues to clean him up and then when they finish she takes him to his bedroom and sits on the bed.
"You ready to tell me yet?" She asks.
"I don't know.." He mumbles.
"Bailey please I want to know why you are hurting." I cry.
"They're going to get me..." He mumbles.

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