Season 1 Episode 89-Carnival

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It's the sixth of June Bailey has his first event since being back from America in his home town Milton Keynes Bailey was going with his family, Lauren, Kally and Chanelle.
Lauren has got a lot better with her mental health she had some therapy she is still going once a week they arrived a few fans rushed over to Bailey he had some photos and then went round the carnival Bailey won Lauren a stuff bear. They were all sat down having some food then someone taps Lauren on the shoulder.
"Hey." This girl smiled at her she had long dark brown hair.
"Hi." Lauren smiles.
"I just wanted to say you're such an inspiration to a lot of us."
Bailey turned around on the bench and looked at this girl.
"Thank you." Lauren speaks.
"I'm just glad you're happier now and that Bailey is happy." She smiles.
"That's so sweet we are so grateful of the support." Lauren smiles.
"What's your name?" Bailey asks.
"Sabrina." She giggles.
"Nice to meet you, you coming to the meet and greet later?" He asks.
"Yeah I am looking forward to you singing to" Sabrina giggles. "Anyway I'm going to go." She smiles and walks off.
"She was sweet." Lauren happy sighs.
Bailey looks at Lauren and puts his arm around her and pecks her on the lips.
"Are you guys excited for prom?" Lauren asks Kally, Brandon and Chanelle.
"Yeah I don't know how you convinced me to wear a dress though." Kally rolls her eyes.
"Oh come on it's only for one night!" Lauren laughs.
"I guess, but it will be the last." She folds her arms and everyone laughs.
"Chanelle how Leo asked you was the cutest!" Lauren squeals.
"Oh my god I know!" She squeals.
"What was yours and Bailey's like?" Chanelle asks.
"It was just perfect." Lauren breathes looking at Bailey and he smiles.
"Please tell!" She giggles.
"I will another day Bailey needs to go to his meet and greet." Lauren says and they stand up.

Lauren and Bailey head over to the meet and greet area fans have lined up already Bailey went over to them and Lauren spoke to Tonia and Rob.
"Hey Lauren." Rob says.
"Hi." Lauren replies.
They were chatting and then someone tapped Lauren on the shoulder she turned around to see a fan of Bailey's she recognised.
"Hi Lauren." The fans giggles.
"Hi." Lauren smiles. "Sorry what's your name I fee like I recognise you?"
"It's Mia."
"Oh my god yeah hi!" Lauren hugs her.
"How are you?" Mia asks.
"I'm good thank you and you?" Lauren smiles.
"Great thanks I just seen Bailey and wanted to say hi to you." She smiles.
"Aw that's nice I hope he was nice." Lauren laughs.
"Yeah he was remembered me from his last tour." She giggles.
"Yeah he has a good memory and I remember you too."
"Are you going to his summer one?" Mia asks.
"Yeah only a few dates though." Lauren smiles.
"Oh I'm going to Manchester and Liverpool!" She squeals.
"Oh that will be good! I will see you at Manchester." Lauren smiles.
"That's great! Can we get a picture?"
"Yeah sure." Lauren smiles.
They take a few selfies and then Mia takes one with Rob and Tonia.

Bailey was still doing his meet and greet a girl came up to him and asked for a piggy back and he said yes.
"It's nice to see you again." He smiles at the fan.
"Thank you looking forward to your summer tour!" She squeals.
"I'm looking forward to it thank you for supporting me." He hugs her and then meets the next fan.
Lauren and Chanelle are talking watching the performers that were before Bailey.
"Only a few months and you're eighteen!"
"I know I can't wait!" Lauren squeals.
"What are you doing?" Chanelle asks.
"Not sure yet as depends on Bailey." Lauren shrugs her shoulders.
"Fair enough."
"We are going out together on his birthday anyway." Lauren smiles.
"Yeah that's a bit of a way though." She laughs.
"Yeah I know, but I don't mind." Lauren laughs.
The stage starts to get filled up with Bailey fans at the front waiting for Bailey to sing.
After a few songs Bailey finishes and headed over to Lauren who was talking to Kally and Chanelle.
Bailey ran behind her and grabbed her by the waist and nuzzled his face into her neck kissing her.
"Hey beautiful." He chuckles.
"Bailey." She squeals.
Bailey stayed stood behind her with his chin resting on her shoulder as they continued to chat.
"Kally where's Brandon?" Bailey asks.
"Getting some ice cream." She smiles.
"Ooh that sounds good right now babe do you want one?" Bailey coos.
"Yeah please." Lauren giggles.
"Chanelle do you want one?" He asks.
"Yeah please here-" he cuts her off.
"It's okay I'll pay." He smiles and removes his arms.
"Are you sure?" She asks.
"Yeah." He chuckles and runs off to get some ice cream.
"He's the sweetest oh my." Lauren breathes.
"You two are so cute." Chanelle giggles.
"Oh my god so are you and Leo!" Lauren squeals.
"Is it bad that I think I love him already?" Chanelle sighs.
"Oh my no! How long have you and him been together now?" Kally asks.
"Only officially nearly a month, but we have been talking for six months." She says.
"I fell in love with Brandon after three months of being together, but we was talking for like about that long too." Kally smiles.
Kally and Chanelle look at Lauren she looks at the confused.
"What?" She chuckles.
"How long did it take you and Bailey to fall in love?" Chanelle asks.
"Oh god we was like flirting for over eight months, but we both fell in love way before we got together, but after being together three months it got a lot stronger." Lauren smiles. "We didn't say it until after being together for six months he was the first to say it."
"Aw that's so cute!" Chanelle squeals.
"Isn't it your anniversary soon?" Kally asks.
"Yeah kind of twenty eighth September we'd been together three years." She blushes.
"That's mad me and Brandon ours is twelfth of June and we'd been together a year can't believe it." Kally squeals.

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