Season 1 Episode 24-Cheeky Nandos

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Izsaqun is a sixteen year old girl from Manchester she moved to Milton Keynes to study in college. She met some new friends like Pollyanna, Angela, Megan, Hannah and loads more unfortunately her brother goes to the college they go to which she doesn't like because he is so annoying, but she loves the fact that Bailey McConnell does as he is so hot. She was very disappointed when she found out he had a girlfriend when she flirted with him she regretted it immediately she just really likes him.
"Hey Izasqun Bailey's there" Pollyanna points.
She looks at him gets sad because he looks all down in the dumps maybe she could cheer him up so she skips over to him.
"Bay what's wrong?" She asks a little flirty.
"I don't want to talk about it.." He mumbles.
"You can tell me?" She lifts his chin up.
"I broke up with Lauren" he sighs.
"shouldn't she be the one more down then?" She asks confused.
"I didn't want to" he sighs.
"Why did you then?" A even more confused girl.
"I can't say" he mumbles then pushes passed her.
When he disappears her brother approaches her and puts his arm around his sister.
"You should thank me" he laughs.
"For what?"
"I'm the reason he broke up with her" he says.
Anger grows inside her and she removes his arm and looks at him with disapproval.
"What? How?"
"I threatened him" he laughed.
"You did what!" She shouts which causes a lot of heads to turn.
"Shhhh don't worry you can have him now sis" he winks.
"No! I wanted to get him myself and he loves her not me! I don't want him anymore! I can't believe you!" She shouts at him.
Then he pushes her against the wall and threatens her.
"You take him or I'll tell mum and dad what you did" he snaps.
The fear in her eyes is very real she didn't say a word she just nodded her head.

She couldn't let her parents know what she did she got caught shop lifting and her brother bailed her out, but kept it a secret from them they would kill her if they found out. She didn't want to hurt Bailey and Lauren, but her secret is it really worth hurting someone she likes? Will it end badly or will it end great?

Bailey heads away then he bumps into someone and the both fall down.
"I'm sorry." He moans and rubs his head.
He looks up to see Lauren his eyes start to water which Lauren notices and frowns.
"Bailey.." she trails.
"I miss you.." she sighs and he sighs too.
"I know I'm sorry can we be friends again?" He stutters.
Lauren just bursts into tears and hugs him tight and he does the same and he cries on her shoulder.
"Come to the table?" She asks him and he nods his head.
They walk back to the table before the headed back Lauren text her friends to tell them what happened they promise to keep out of it.

A few minutes later Izasqun arrives
"Hey" she mumbles.
"Hi can we help you?" Charlie asks.
"I was wondering if I could hang out with you guys?" She said looking at her fingers.
"I don't see why not" he shrugs.
She smiles and sits opposite Bailey who appears to be talking to Lauren and she thinks good they made up.
"Bailey is tonight still okay?" She asks.
"What's tonight?" Lauren asks.
"Me and Izasqun are going to Nando's" he smiles.
"Is it a date?" She asks.
"No" Izasqun says quickly.
Bailey looks at her confused.
"Okay well I'll just hang with Charlie" she says.
"I can't me and Amelia are going to the cinema later" he says.
"Cara?" She questions.
"I have plans with Tom sorry" she sighs.
"Guess a night on my own tonight" she stands up and walks away.
"Bailey you can cancel if you want?" She suggests.
"Nah I don't like doing that to people" he says.
All the guilt in her is very high.
Bailey follows Lauren and they talk.

"You okay?" He asks.
"Not really?" She sighs and sits down in a chair in the library.
"I'm really sorry I hurt you..." he croaks.
"Do you still love me?" She mumbles.
"I do.."
"Why did you break up with me?" She asks confused.
"To protect you.."
"From what?" She gets worried.
"I can't say as I won't be protecting you..." he states "I'm sorry but we can't be together."
This hurt them both very much the day continued and then it was time for Bailey to head to Nando's.

They go to Nando's and it was honestly the best as they both thought.
"Do you want to go back to mine?" She asks.
"Sure" he smiles.
They walk to Izasqun's hand in hand then she open the front door and walk upstairs with Bailey to be greeted by her brother. This grew a lot of tension as he doesn't know he is the one threatening him.
"Oh hello Bailey" he smirks.
"Hi" he mumbles.
She drags Bailey away from him and into her room whilst glaring at her brother.
"He seems nice" Bailey says whilst she shutd the door.
"Trust me he's not" she laughs.
"That's because he's your brother you'll say that" he laughs.
She wishes she could tell him the truth it's hurting and she doesn't want to be with him anymore especially after seeing how hurt they are.
"I don't normally get close this fast and trust people quickly, but there is something about you" he whispers.
"Awww me too" she smiles.
This is the moment where she really did not deserve to know this about him and could ruin her chance with him forever.
"The reason me and Lauren broke up because someone was threatening to hurt her if I didn't break up with her and me" he says.
She had to act surprised because if he knew she knows who it was he would hate her, but secrets don't stay hidden forever.
"I couldn't let that happen so I just let her go, she thought I never loved her, but I told her I do and that we can't be together." he says.
Her thoughts are shouting at her it's your fault!
"I'm so sorry Bay.." she mumbles.
"It's fine it's not your fault" he whispers, but it is.
"One night it go too much so.." He says then rolls up his sleeves.
The moment she sees his scratched up skin her heart shatters, her heart pounds, she sweats and starts to tear up. She was full of guilt and anger at her brother, but is this really her fault?
"Bailey you shouldn't do that to yourself"
"I know I just love her so much" he cries.
They hug for a long time then eventually he goes home and she storms into her brothers bedroom which is a big mistake.
"I can't believe you!" She shouts.
"You have no idea what you've done to Bailey!" She yells.
"Oh what has he done?" He laughs and here comes the big mistake.
"He has been self harming from your threats." When she finishes her last word she covers her mouth realising what she has done.
"Oh my god has he that's pathetic" he laughs.
"Nathan don't tell anyone" she pleads.
"I'm not promising anything" he winks.

She runs out of his room jumps on her bed and cries and cries with lots of guilt he definitely will hate her now.

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