Season 1 Episode 57-perfect gift of all

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Lily is so close to having her baby any day now today Harvey is going out with Leo to get her a birthday present and a present for the baby.
"What are you getting her?" Leo asks.
"Not sure" Harvey shrugs his shoulder.
They walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus a few minutes later the bus turns up and they hop on after twenty minutes they arrive in the town centre the jump off and head to the shops. Firstly they start with the baby stuff Harvey looks around the whole shop looking for the perfect gift.
"Dude how hard is it to find something!" Leo moans.
"Really hard" Harvey snaps.
He keeps on looking and he finds the perfect gift.
"I found it!" he shouts and everyone looks at him.
"Finally!" Leo sighs.
Harvey walks over to the shelf and picks up this beautiful musical cot mobile it was a pale yellow it had a music bottom on the top with cuddly sheep hanging from it. Harvey grabbed the box and went to the cashier to pay for it after that they went to variety of shops to find Lily a gift.

Harvey finally found a gift it was a heart shaped locket it had pink diamonds around it and was silver with a silver chain the sales person came over to Harvey asked him what he would like and he told her.
"What picture would you like in it?" She asked.
"This please" he hands her a picture of him and Lily on the beach holding hands.
She nods then takes the picture and few minutes she comes in with the locket in a small light blue box she places it down and opens the box and shows them the picture inside.
"It's perfect thank you" He smiles and she smiles back at him.
Harvey pats for the necklace and they head home he is very excited for her to see the present.
"So what did you buy?" Lily walks in with dinner.
"You'll see" He winks at her.
Harvey, Leo, Chanelle and Lily sit down and eat dinner just talking about the baby and that.
After dinner Harvey decided to let her open her presents. He hands over the baby's gift she smiles at him then rips the paper off the box and she opens the box up and pulls the musical mobile out she starts to tear up.
"Harvey it's beautiful" she smiles and holds it up.
"That is so cute" Chanelle squeals.
Harvey goes in the baby room with Lily and she hangs it on the cot she looks around the room then hugs him.
They walk back downstairs and they are all sat in the living room on the sofa Harvey hands over her present. Lily smiles at him then opens up the small bag and pulls out the small blue box she sees it she covers her mouth and cries Harvey moves in closer and puts his arm around her.
"This is beautiful Harvey thank you" she cries.
She opens up the locket to reveal the photo inside.
"Oh my god" she cries.
"Turn around" He says.
Lil turns around and lifts up her hair then he puts it on before she turns around she looks at it admiring the necklace and faces him afterwards.
"I love it thank you" she says.
Then she pulls him into hug and as they pull away she pecks him on the lips.

Chanelle and Leo go home after they all watched a movie then they head upstairs to bed. Lily puts her pjs on and Harvey puts on some shorts on and take his shirt off they climb into bed and fall asleep.
"Harvey" they call louder tapping him.
"Yes" he groans.
"Ow" they moan.
He realises it's Lily so he gets up quickly and starts rubbing her back.
"It's time" she moans.
They get up and start getting the stuff ready and he wakes up her parents. Harvey walks down the stairs with her supporting her back as she breathes heavily her mum and dad put the stuff in the car and Harvey sits her in the front seat by her dad and he sits in the back with her mum. They arrive and rush to the reception nurses come over to her and place her in a wheelchair.

They take them into a room and lay her on a bed sat up Harvey grabs her hand and she squeezes it whilst heavily breathing.
"It's going to be okay" he whispers and kisses her hand.
A doctor, a nurse and mid wife come into the room smiling.
They check how dilated she is and how many contractions she is having before she can start pushing eight hours later the doctor comes back in they were in and out of the roomS
"You ready?"
They put on their masks and gloves then walk over to her Lily's mum has one hand and Harvey has the other.
"On three" a nurse says.
"Three" then Lily starts pushing she cries and squeezes their hands.
"Ahhhhh" she cries.
After lots of pushing and screaming they finally hear the sound of a baby crying.
The mid wife takes it over to clean their baby then hands the baby to Lily a tear drops down her face and a single tear escaped his eye.
"Congrats you have a baby girl" the mid wife says.
"Can I hold her?" He asks.
"Sure" Lily smiles and hands her over.

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