Season 1 Episode 25-Life changed forever

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Harvey was very worried about Lily after she went home everyone didn't know so when lunch time came around there were a lot of questions.
"Where's Lily?" Charlie asks.
"She was sick so had to go home" Harvey sighs.
"Awww I hope she is okay" Emily says.
"Me too" He sighs.
They all sit and talk then they all start kissing and cuddling this made it awkward for him and he got a bit fed up so he headed to music early. All the thoughts were taking over he was worried it was something serious.
Finally the day is over he can see her he has never been so excited that Harvey runs out of the gates and runs to his dads car. He drives off and when they get home he runs inside and upstairs gets in the shower and put on some clothes to go over Lily's. Harvey put on white t-shirt and white hoodie on following after with jeans and his white and black Adidas trainers. He styled his hair then ran out the door and ran to Lily's he knocked on her door and her mum answered she smiled at him and Harvey walked up the stairs and knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" She calls.
He hears her stand up and walk to the door she unlocks the door and pulls him in then locks the door.
Harvey was worried she had bloodshot eyes she's been crying lots and he doesn't understand why.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
She doesn't say a word all she does is pull him into a hug and cries on my shoulder. I just squeeze her tight. Why is my baby girl crying? Is the thoughts in his head
"I need to show you something" she mumbles.
"Promise me something?" She asks.
They stare into each other's eyes and he nods his head whilst holding her hands.
"Promise me you won't leave me" she says.
"I promise"
The thoughts are back Why would I leave a perfect girl like her? She locks our fingers together then takes him out of her room and into the bathroom. She locks the door then goes over to the sink.

She hands me a pregnancy test.
"Why are you giving me this?" He asks confused.
"Turn it around" she mumbles.
He turns the pregnancy test and reads it and his heart stops as he sees the words.


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