Season 1 Episode 96-Dreaming

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"Charlie I just can't do it anymore!!" Lauren screams and cries.
"Lauren you need to it will get better!" He hugs her tight.
"It hurts so much!!" She cries.

Lauren had another flash back.

Lauren and Bailey were fourteen in school they were in the field standing alone staring into each other eyes Bailey's bright blue eyes stood out in the light Lauren was fluttering from the beautiful sight. Their smiles faded as they continued to stare into each other's eyes Bailey places his hands on her waist he gently squeezed her waist and pulled her close.
"I'm always for you Lauren you know that." He smiles.
Lauren's heart was beating fast Bailey started to lean in close she started shaking as she realised what was happening. She felt his warm breath ran her face his eyes slowly closed the closer he got his lips fell onto hers and her eyes became heavy and closed she felt like she was in a trance. His lips were soft and gently she felt the sparks in her stomach and felt the love. The kiss was making them both very weak it was a magical moment Bailey started to move his lips and she followed his actions none of them wanted to pull away Bailey squeezed her waist they pull apart Bailey breaks the silence.
"Let's see where our story goes.." he smiles.

Back to reality Lauren bursts into tears with Charlie comforting her and she goes upstairs and has a sleep which caused her to have a dream she wished was real.

Bailey's career took off great he had millions of followers he was doing his first world tour his first date was London Lauren was there to support him.
"I can't believe it's the first date of my tour!" Bailey gets excited and Lauren giggles at him.
"I know I'm so proud of you!" She squeals and hugs him tight.
They arrived for soundcheck and all was well and soon enough it was time for the show Bailey sung new songs and of his then when it came to singing memories his first song and first song he wrote about Lauren.
"Some of you guys might know this it's my very first song I wrote." He says in the microphone and people scream this made him happy.
"This song I wrote about someone who meant everything to me and still means everything to me we have been together for ten years now." He says and people scream loud.
"Lauren can you come to the stage." He says.
Lauren is shocked and nervous to go on the stage not knowing what he is about to do. She heads up on the stage nervously and he turns to her.
"Some of you know Lauren she's been my girlfriend for ten years now and we are so happy together I couldn't imagine my life without her we have been best friends since we was three years old." He says and Lauren starts to tear up as people awed.
"Lauren you're the love of my life." He smiles and grabs her hand.
Bailey sneakily takes the box out of his pocket he opens it behind his back.
"Will you be my wife?" He gets on one knee quickly and reveals the ring to her.
Lauren covers her mouth crying her eyes out and everyone goes crazy.
A huge smile spreads across his face people cheer, scream and whistle loud Bailey slides the ring on her finger and she kisses him instantly.

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