Season 1 episode 7-Soccer six

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It's finally Friday last day of school and then it's the weekend Leo is a fourteen year old boy he hangs around his friends Brandon, Mariana, Amelia and Emily.

All the friends are sat outside on the green and Leo hears his phone go off.
"I'll be right back guys Charlie's calling" 
"Hey Charlie what's up?"
"We've been invited to go to soccer six this weekend" Charlie says over the phone.
"Oh my god that's so cool!" 
"Yeah we are allowed to bring a plus one" Charlie lets him know.

This makes him really excited because he can take Mariana his girlfriend.
"Okay I'll tell my friends" I say and we hang up.

Leo hangs up the phone and walks back to the circle and sits down next Mariana.
"What did Charlie say?" Amelia asks.
"He told me we have been invited to play soccer six and take a plus one" Leo smiles

 The girls jump up and squeal Leo and Brandon just laugh and cover their faces.
"Who you going to take?" Emily asks. 

I grab Mariana's hand.
"Mariana of course"Leo smiles at her and she smiles at him

"Bailey just texted me saying he's going too" Brandon says looking at his phone.
"Charlie will probably take you Amelia" Leo states the obvious. 
"I'll buy a ticket and go too because Jake Mitchell is going and I want to meet him!" Emily squeals.

We all drive to Bournemouth to meet Charlie, Bailey and Lauren it was a long drive from Wales, but is going to be worth it.
"So who's going in which car?" I ask.

"Tilly, Joey and Mariana are in my car" Leo's mum says.
"Brooke, Amelia, Emily and Chris are in my car" Karen says.
Bailey, Charlie, Leo and Brandon are in Dom's car with Andy" Tonia says.
"Lauren, Kally, Brodie, Rob, Lewis and Georgia are in our car" says Tonia. 

It took them about two hours for them to arrive at London for soccer six they was all excited some of them fell asleep in the cars. Dom's car arrived first so the boys decided to take some selfies with the fans in the line.
"Hey" Leo smiles at this little fan.

He was so happy to meet his Bambino's as he loves a lot because they are so supportive.
"What's your name?"he asks
"Leah" she giggles.
"Where are you from?" he questions.
"Belfast" she smiles.
"Did you fly over here to see us and other people you like?" 
"Yeah also my boyfriend I'm his plus one" she giggles.
"Who's your boyfriend?" he asks "if you don't mind me asking"
"Cal Turner" she smiles.
"Awww cool I'll see you in there then" he smiles at her then waves goodbye.

Leo and Charlie head inside shortly after Bailey follows.

Leo and Charlie are on the pink team with Harvey, Joey and Jordi. Tilly and Trinity are on the pink team, but the girls. Bailey and Brandon are on the green team the first match is pink versus green. Leo is next to Bailey and he is trying to Leo from getting the ball by having his arms spread out.
"You won't beat us" Bailey laughs.
"We will" I laugh. 

The game passes Leo blocks Bailey from passing then he tries to run passed him Leo quickly crouches down which causes him to fall over and fall flat on his face this causes a lot of laughter between him the team and fans. Bailey stands up and glares at him, but Leo can not help but burst out laughing. Leo manages to tackle Bailey scores and he celebrates.

Bailey just rolls his eyes at Leo then all of our team run over to him and pull Leo to the ground having a pile on.
Unfortunately Bailey's team did win, but Leo wasn't bothered he just walked over to his beautiful girlfriend and hugged her.
"Who won?" Bailey laughs.
"Shut up" Leo snaps
"Lauren!!!" Someone shouts.

 Lauren turns around to the sound of someone calling her name and when she realises who it is she freaks out.
"Oh my god!!!" She screams.

The boys just block their ears and laugh.
"Who is that?" Leo asks Bailey.
"I don't know." Bailey shrugs his shoulders and starts walking over to her.
"I'm going to see some fans you coming Char?"Leo calls.

Charlie was busy hugging Amelia and then he stops to look at Leo.
"Yeah" he says then kisses her on the cheek and we run over to the right side to see some fans.

"Leo!" A fan calls 

Leo and Charlie take some pictures with their fans and they see Emily.
"Hey Em" Leo hugs her.
"Hey Leo" she smiles.
"Have you got them?" he asks referring to stereo kicks.
"No" she sighs.
"Come on" 

Leo puts his hands for her to grab and pulls her over the barrier and sets her down gently.

"Leo you're the best thank you" she hugs him tight.
"Anything for my best friend" 

Leo takes her hand and walks her over to them and when she sees Tom Mann she runs over to him all happily. Then all of a sudden someone jumps on his back causing them to fall on the floor Leo rolls over to see Mariana on top him and he blushes.

"Thanks for that" he says very sarcastically.
"You're welcome" she giggles.

They both laugh at each other then rubs the grass off then he hugs her tight and kisses her cheek. 
They walk over to stereo kicks and introduce each other.
"Hey my names Leo and this my baby girl Mariana" he squeezed her  hand tightly.

"My name is Jake" This short guy speaks.
"Leo!" Someone shouts.

He turns around quickly and instantly recognises the girl
"Hey Leah" 
"Where's your boyfriend?" he asks her looking around.
"He's playing football against Bailey's team" she pants.
"Oh you know Bailey?" 
"Yeah I'm a big fan of him" she smiles.
"Have you met him?" 
"No I'm too scared" she mumbles.

Leo signals her to follow him Mariana stays with the boys as Leo helps her meet Bailey.

"Bailey this is Leah she really loves you" Leo speaks to Bailey.
"Hi" he smiles.
"Hi" she giggles.
"Do you want a selfie?" He asks.
"Yes please" she giggles

Leo leaves the scene to go back to his girlfriend and Leah takes lots of selfies with Bailey. After she is done she looks around to see her internet friend.
"Oh my god Lauren!" She squeals. 

Bailey covers his ears whilst laughing as they run towards one another.
They have a small chat and then walk towards Bailey and Lauren speaks with shock.
"I didn't know you was coming here?!" Lauren squeals.
"Cal didn't tell me until last night and didn't think you would be here, but Bailey's your boyfriend so why wouldn't you be?" She giggles

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