Season 1-eposide 2-Crush

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It's a warm Monday morning in Belfast Ireland Leah is a fourteen year old girl that discovered Bailey McConnell on the twenty sixth of April when he appeared on Britain's got talent she fell in love with him and his beautiful voice. She is best friends with a girl called Polly they have been friends since primary school. Leah's alarm goes off and she is so happy when she hears her favourite song growing pains by Bailey going off. She slumps out of bed turns off her alarm with a smile then stretches and goes to her chest of drawers to get changed. She puts on her school uniform and texts Polly to get her to meet at hers at seven forty five. Her phone goes off and she sees the Twitter notification saying Bailey McConnell has followed her. Leah dropped her phone and screamed whilst her heart was racing. Then her mum comes rushing upstairs all worried and storms into her bedroom.

"What's happened?!" She asks worrying.
"Bailey followed me!" she squealed.

Her mum rolls her eyes and laughs then leaves the room. When she left the room she couldn't help, but dance happily. She tweeted him to say thank you and he tweeted her back.

'Awww you're welcome hope we can meet soon!' Leah freaked out then went downstairs to have some breakfast. After breakfast she brushed her teeth then headed to school when she opened the door Polly was by the gate.
"Bye mum!" She shouts. "bye dad!"
"Bye sweetie" they shout in sync.
"Guess what!" She squeals as they walk to school.
"Bailey followed me!"She screeches.
"Oh my gosh! Lucky!" She screams.

They talk about Bailey the whole way and when They reach school. Leah sees the group of boys that always bullies her everyday. She puts her hood up trying to avoid them, but they see her and one of them pushes her to the ground.
"Leave her alone!" Someone shouts.
Leah is curled up in a ball crying silently and the boys turn around to see a very angry boy come running towards them. He punches the boy who pushed her down then threatens him and they all scatter in fear.
"Take my hand" Leah hears this soft voice say.
She looks up and sees her crush Cal Turner  smiling at her with his hand out. Leah's heart is pounding this is the first time he has spoken to her. She grabs his hand and then he pulls her up and they both smile at each other whilst staring deeply into each others eyes.
"Leah we got to go we are going to be late" Polly takes them out of their daze.
"Yeah thank you I'll see you later" Leah giggles whilst blushing.

We head to our tutor and when we arrive at near the door they jumped up and down holding hands.
"Cal talked to you" Polly squealed silently.
"I know" Leah lets out a happy sigh.

It was lunch time they were both sat at their lunch table in the canteen when suddenly Leah heard someone call her name

All she is thinking is please don't be those boys again. Then she slowly turns around to see Cal waving at her and she releases a sigh of relief
"Hey Cal" she smiles.

Cal sits down next to Leah and Polly smirks and winks at Leah, so Leah slightly kicks her under the table and she stops then Cal looks at Leah and she smiles innocently.
"I was wondering do you want to hang out later?" He asks.
"Uh I would but-" Leah tries to speak, but Polly cuts her off.
"Leah you go" she smiles
They smile at each other and all Leah can think right now is he's so hot.
"Thank you" he laughs.
"Shit did I say that out loud?!" Leah starts to panic
She can hear Polly giggling and Leah starts ti go bright red.
"Yeah you did, but don't worry about it you're very beautiful" he laughs.
Leah looks down and smiles still blushing, but then Cal lifts up her chin and smiles at her.
"See you later meet me at the park at six" he whispers then kisses her cheek.
When Cal is out of sight Polly and Leah both jump up and down with excitement she cannot believe she has been asked out on a date with her crush she has been waiting for this moment for two years.

They headed back to Leah's, so she can get ready for her date Polly insisted on helping her get ready, she first started with an outfit then her hair and make up.
"Polly do you have anyone special in your life?" Leah asks Polly.
"Well there is Jake my best friend I think I like him.." She mumbles.
"Oh my god! You should tell him!" Leah squeals.
"What if he stops talking to me?" She sighs.
"He won't he's your best friend" Leah states.

Polly got out some skinny jean and a t-shirt that was a nice white one with a lovely pattern on it. Leah got changed and then Polly called her over to the desk.
"Sit down" she said patting on my little chair.
She started doing her hair and make up, but didn't show her until she was done. I put on my favourite earrings and necklace and then looked in the mirror. My hair was straightened and had a little bit of volume to it. Leah had winged eyeliner, light brown eye shadow, blush and lip gloss.
"Oh my god!" She squeals.
Leah jumps out of her chair and hugs her tight.
"Thank you!"

Leah felt beautiful for once and was very excited for her date. Polly handed her purse and back that she packed for her. They had twenty minutes to get to the park, so they headed out Polly's mum picked them up and dropped Leah off to the park on the way back. She thanked her mother then jumped out the car and waited by the Park swings for Cal.
Leah then heard someone call her and she saw him there stood under a tree with lights shining and a small picnic blanket and basket. She thought it was so romantic and her heart was pounding with joy.
"Hey" She smiles as she walks towards him.
"Hey wow you look beautiful" He smiles back at her causing her to blush.
"Thank you don't look too bad yourself" She giggles.
Cal grabs her hands and kisses them gently then they sit down on the ground under the tree.All Leah can think is this is going to be a perfect night. They snuggle up and she rests her head on his shoulder and she feels so happy and safe with him.
"How long have they been doing that to you?" He looks deeply into her eyes.
Tears start to form in her eyes, but she manages to prevent them from escaping her eyes.
"Two years now" She tells him and he's is very upset and angry about it.
Cal lifts up her chin and stares into her eyes.
"I won't let them hurt you again" he whispers.
They smile at each other for ages then they start to eat the food from the picnic he made.
The first thing he brings out is a tub of chocolate coated strawberries and Leah's heart is won over.
"Here" he says with one in his hand.
Leah opens her mouth, so he can feed it to her and all she can think is that is the sweetest strawberry she has ever tasted.

After they finish they both stare up at the stars together.
"You're so beautiful" he whispers and she starts to blush again.
It started to get late and cold, so Cal broke the silence and stood up.
"Let's get you home" he says.
Leah stands up then Cal crouches down and Leah gets a little bit confused as to why.
"What?" she asks.
"Get on my back" he says.

He carries her all the way home on his back and she manages to fall asleep she felt happy and comfortable on his back as if she weighs nothing and feels special.
"Baby we are here" he whispers.
He gently places her down and all she can feel is goosebumps and the baby rings into her ears. They stare at each other for a few minutes and then Cal just kisses her Leah was shocked, but kissed him back. After a few minutes they pull apart and then he kisses her on the cheek they say goodnight and then Leah goes inside and Cal walks home.

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