Season 1 Episode 45-Betrayed by the one you love

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Lily is twenty weeks pregnant half way through her pregnancy Harvey has got himself a second job to help them out as well as his music career she insisted on getting a job, but he told her no. Their parents said when they are at work they don't mind helping out, but Lily and Harvey need to pull their weight because this is their fault and responsibility. Everyone knows about the baby even Harvey's fans and their friends have been so supportive. People in school are disgusted, but some are supportive.
They are looking at baby clothes, cots, decorations, toys and everything that they need for when the baby arrives. They got a car seat and clothes for it when it's born as well as a hat and onesie. The baby is due two days before Lily's birthday it'll be a nice birthday present. It's going to be cute to have a little baby running around. It starts to get late so they decided to go to bed because they have school tomorrow. Harvey spoons he and places his hand on her tummy. Lily must have fell asleep fast because the next minute she is woken up by her alarm. They groan then sit up and climb out of bed. She hears Harvey groans and she laughs and gets in the shower. It's her last week of school and she has to leave because she is heavily pregnant, but will be going to young pregnant women school. Harvey has two weeks left then he can leave to help her. She will finish school at a mother school and Harvey will go back though. Lily gets changed and then goes to the mirror turns and rubs her stomach.
"Ugh I'm so fat" she moans.
"No you're not" someone says.
She turns to see Harvey leaning against the bathroom door.
"I am" She sighs looking at her stomach again.
He walks towards her and wraps his arms around her waist standing behind her. They look in the mirror staring at one another.
"You're beautiful no matter what" he whispers in her ear then kisses her cheek.
Lily smiles at him and then looks in the mirror to see how cute they look she grabs her phone and take a mirror selfie with him with his arms still wrapped around her waist. Lily posted it on her Instagram 'not long glad I have you by my side @Harvey_music ❤️😘👶🏽' Lily and Harvey headed down stairs and ate their breakfast then brushed their teeth. After that was done they headed out the door and walked to school together they walked into school people started stare, laugh and shout things at her, but she ignores it that's when Harvey pulls her in close.
"Ignore them" he whispers.
"Slut!" someone shouts.
They turn around to see it's the school bully Melissa. She hates Lily because she is dating Harvey and because she is pregnant at the age of fifteen. Oh well at least Lily can keep a boyfriend more than a week Melissa literally has had sex with every boy in our year besides Harvey like they're surprised she's not pregnant. They get into English people stare at Lily, but Harvey just squeezes her hand under the table.

The bell rung for break they headed to the tree to meet Leo.
"Hi" Harvey smiles.
"Hey" he sighs.
Harvey is still grieving after loosing Mariana a few weeks ago he has really struggled with depression and self harm.

"How are you feeling?" Harvey asks.
"Better" Leo says.
"Good" Harvey smiles.
A tear escapes his eyes and makes Lily's eyes tear up.
"We miss her too..." Lily stutters.
"Please can we not.." he trails. "How are you doing?"
"We are doing good" Harvey says.
Break was over now Lily had art and Harvey had PE with Leo.
When she starts walking towards art a boy shouts at her.
"Stop walking you're making a earthquake!"
It really hurts her to hear that she normally has Mariana for support, but her best friend is gone so she has to do this on her own. She just does what Mariana would say is to ignore it and then walks into art realising that her art teacher hasn't seen her like this as she has been on holiday.
"Lily can I speak with you?" She calls.
Lily nods her head and they head outside the classroom to talk.
"What's this?" She points at her stomach.
She did find this a bit rude, but she's probably concerned so didn't exactly care.
"Umm I kinda got myself pregnant"
"Sweetie during exams" she says softly.
"I know don't worry they've been sorted I should be okay"
"Okay well I hope you are well who's the dad?" She asks.
"Cantwell?" She questions and Lily nods she looks at me shocked.
"Didn't expect that" she says.
"Why?" She asks worrying.
"You two just seem careful" she says.
"We was, but these things happen" Lily stats and she smiles at her.
They walk back into the classroom and she sits down no one said anything to her.
It was now lunch nearly the day over finally. Lily headed to the lunch table then she is frozen in her footsteps when she sees her boyfriend kissing the school slut Melissa her heart shattered into a million pieces.
"How dare you?!" She shouts when she reaches him.
He stands up and wipes himself down then tries to grab her hand, but she moves it away.
"Don't touch me!" Lily snaps.
"Please she kissed me Lily I would never want to kiss to her slutty face" he pleads and gets on his knees.
Lily runs away crying her eyes out and she bumps into Leo.
"Lily what's wrong?" He asks.
"Harvey kissed Melissa" Lily stutters he looks at her with wide eyes then hugs her tight.

Lily avoids Harvey all day with Leo by her side he is fuming at her. Leo walks her home and when she looks at her phone she sees lots of texts from Harvey, but she ignores them she is heartbroken right now she starts crying and nearly falls asleep until stones hits her bedroom window. Lily huffs and heads over to the window to see him standing there she opens it.
"Go away Harvey!"
"Let me explain" he pleads.
"You have ten minutes"
Harvey happily runs to her front door and knocks on the door and her dad lets him in then he runs upstairs and then enters her room.
"I honestly didn't kiss her she kissed me" he says grabbing her hand.
"I saw what I saw"
"Let me tell you what happened" he says.

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