Birthday Wishes

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**Major smut warning. Read at your own risk.**

"Happy birthday Emmy Cat!" Emily heard as she walked into the BAU. From the cheerful voice, she could tell that it was Garcia. She looked to her right and saw Garcia running up to her with balloons and a gift bag. 

"Garcia, you know that you didn't have to get me anything." Emily said. 

"I know, but I think you'll like this. At least I hope you do." Garcia said. 

"Well whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it." Emily said. 

"I hope so. Now open it!" Garcia said. Emily chuckled and took the bag from her. She removed the tissue paper and saw a book of some sort. She looked at the cover and immediately knew what it was. "I remembered that we had made Carpe Diem journals 10 years ago. We made a pact that we would hide them, and in 10 years, we would see how many goals and dreams we had achieved. I figured that I would gift you yours so you can see just how great you're doing at life. Oh, and I forgot to put this in there, but I also got you a $500 gift card to your favorite coffee shop." Garcia said, handing her the gift card. 

"$500?!" Emily gasped. 

"Yeah. I know how much you love your coffee. Also with being unit chief, there's a lot of stress for you. I figured that I would gift our best unit chief, aside from Hotch of course, a gift to show how much I appreciate you. And also so you can get as much coffee as you want so you aren't grumpy." Garcia said. 

"Thank you, really." Emily said, hugging Penelope. They went up to Emily's office. When Emily opened the door, everyone shouted 'Happy Birthday'. It scared Emily so much that she had dropped her gifts from Penelope and also let go of the balloons. Luckily the ceiling wasn't too high. There was a cake on her desk along with a 'Birthday Girl' sash and a crown. Penelope eagerly told Emily to sit down so that way they could sing to her. They all had a great time and each ate a piece of cake. They all had given Emily a gift except for JJ because the gift she had bought for Emily was on back order, and she didn't know what else to get her. Will had suggested that she get her a gift card to her favorite coffee shop, but she told him Penelope already was. He even suggested that she get her a new coffee mug since she was always dropping and breaking hers, but JJ didn't think it was enough or that she would like it. 

Their fun didn't last too long because their phones beeped with a message saying that they had a case. They all headed out of Emily's office and to the conference room. However, JJ had stopped Emily while the others were on their way. "I truly am sorry, Emily, that I'm not able to give you your gift today." 

"It's okay, JJ. Really, it is. As long as we have our friendship, that's all I could ever ask for and is the greatest gift of all time." Emily responded. JJ smiled and hugged her. They went to the conference room where everyone was and sat in their chairs. 

After spending a week in Talladega, Alabama, the team was finally able to go home. "Hey, why don't we have our own girls night? Just you and me. To make up for my gift not arriving." JJ asked Emily. 

"Sure! Just don't let Garcia find out." Emily said causing JJ to chuckle. 

"Trust me, I won't let her find out. I cherish my bank account and old photos. Anyway, I'll be at your apartment at 7." JJ said. 

"Sounds good." Emily said. They parted ways and went home. JJ had told Will her plans with Emily, and he was cool with everything. They had two hours before their night started. JJ spent it planning everything out and getting ready. Emily spent it taking a record-breaking (for her) hour long nap. It was the shortest nap she's ever taken. So she spent the last hour getting ready and making herself look as if she hadn't spent the last hour asleep. Her hair was wavy already, so she brushed through it and made the waves even softer. She also reapplied concealer and mascara. Lastly, she changed into something comfortable since they were staying in. She chose to just wear a red tank top and black workout leggings. Her doorbell rang, so she opened the door to reveal JJ. Emily couldn't help but notice how good she looked in what she was wearing. It was a simple white, low cut top with skinny jeans. Emily always loved JJ in white. 

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