The Adopted Daughter

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Hey guys! This will be very different than my other one shots. Even different than my stories that I've written. I've never written anything like this. As a disclaimer, JJ and Emily will be the adopted parents, but the focus is going to be more on the daughter. I do have to warn you, it will be more like an episode of CM rather than like my other one shots. Trigger warning for mentions of r*pe, being kidnapped, obsession, and depression.

"Roslyn, we need to you." Emily said to her and JJ's daughter.

"Guys, if you're going to give me the "be careful at college" speech, you-"

"No. It's not that. Although it wouldn't hurt to have that conversation again." JJ said.

"Guys, I've known you my entire life. I know to be careful and not walk alone at night. Plus you're in the FBI. Every team member has given me that speech. Especially grandpa Rossi. But if it isn't that, then what is it?" Roslyn asked. JJ and Emily sat down at the kitchen island, so Roslyn done the same thing.

"I adopted you when I was 20. You were just a baby. I was young and wanted kids but didn't have a boyfriend. So I made the decision for adoption. Your mother and I met, and I made sure she wanted to put you up for adoption before I went through with it. She was certain, so I fostered you before adopting." JJ explained. Roslyn sat there, processing the information she was just told.

"What's her name?" Roslyn asked.

"Isobel, but I don't know her last name. She wouldn't tell me." JJ said. Roslyn nodded her head and went upstairs to her room. As she packed her bags for college, she listened to her music with tears flowing down her face. She felt as if her whole life was a lie. She knew she looked different since she is Hispanic, but she just figured her father was Hispanic. She actually thought Luke was her father, but both her mom and Luke shut that down very fast. Well, her adopted mom. But now she has a million questions running through her head, and only one person can answer them. Her birth mother. She needed to find her ASAP so she can ask them. Roslyn called Garcia and asked her if she could find someone by the name Isobel who gave birth 18 years ago to a girl and gave her up for adoption. Minutes later, she finally knew her birth mother's name. Isobel Castille. Garcia also told her that she was in New York and was also and FBI agent at the New York field office. Roslyn thanked her and packed a bag. She was going to take a bus and go to New York.

Roslyn grabbed all of her money that she made from being a waitress and stuffed inside her bag. After doing that, she grabbed her keys and headed downstairs. "Where do you think you're going?" Emily asked.

"I'm just going out, okay?" Roslyn asked with attitude.

"No you're not. What have we said about going out alone at night?" JJ asked.

"Oh my God I'll be fine! Just leave me alone!" Roslyn shouted before running outside. They were going to chase her but decided to just get in their car. They drove around for what felt like hours and didn't see her. That is, until they found her backpack ditched on the sidewalk. Both JJ and Emily's stomach sank. JJ got out of the car and looked inside of it seeing that all of her cash is still there along with the rest of her stuff inside of it.


"They weren't going to rob her. They were after her." JJ said with tears. She knew, with the amount of cash she had, that she was going to New York. Emily called the team and told them to meet her and JJ in the conference room. Once there, Emily brought the team up to speed on what was happening. Garcia pulled up the street cameras nearby and saw a guy come up from behind and put a cloth over her mouth. She dropped her bag, and he put her in the trunk before speeding away. Garcia was able to get facial recognition. It was a guy who Roslyn went to high school with. He was a senior, and she was just a freshman. He kept asking her out, and it got to the point that he was stalking her. Of course, Emily and JJ got a restraining order against him, and it did stop him. Until now.

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