Sin to Win

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**A/N- This is my version of Emily's Sin to Win weekend in Atlantic City. Obviously there will be smut involved. Read on!**

"Emily? What are you doing here?" Emily heard an all too familiar voice. 

"Mom?! What the hell are you doing here? You know what? Ew, never mind. Please don't tell me." Emily said, disgusted at the thought of her mother having sex with guys her own age. 

"I was just downstairs at the slot machine when Michael brought me up here." she said. Michael was her security guard. 

"Please go back downstairs and get money that way." Emily said. 

"I'm a grown adult missy. Now you, however, are my child and need to get downstairs and get money from gambling and not sleeping around." Elizabeth said. 

"I'm a grown adult who has needs." Emily said and started walking away. 

"If you had a boyfriend, then they would be fulfilled." Elizabeth said. 

"Bye mother." Emily said and started walking away. 

"Oh Jennifer says hello. I bumped into her right before I saw you here." Elizabeth said. Emily was going to say something, but Elizabeth was already gone. Emily decided that instead of finding a guy or woman to sleep with, she was going to find JJ. It took her about 20 minutes considering there were a lot of people to get through. But, she did end up finding her. 

"JJ, what are you doing here?" Emily asked, grabbing her wrist. 

"I overheard you talking about it with Derek after our case. I figured I would check it out myself." JJ answered truthfully. 

"What about Will?" Emily asked. Emily never liked Will, but she never said anything because she didn't want to upset JJ. 

"We broke up. It just wasn't working out with him being in New Orleans and me in D.C." JJ answered. 

"Why don't we go talk some place private. Unless there's someone who's caught your eye, and you want to make your move before the night is over." Emily suggested. 

"No it's okay. I've only slept with one guy, and it wasn't even good. But at least I made some money from it. Though I did waste $100 on him." JJ said. 

"Yeah, most guys here aren't good. You just gotta know how to spot the good ones. But lets get out of here and go else where. Are you staying at a hotel or anything?" Emily asked. 

"Yeah the one that's down the road from here." JJ answered. Emily nodded and had JJ guide her to her hotel room. When they walked inside, Emily sat down on the bed, and JJ sat next to her. "How many people did you sleep with tonight?" 

"I think four. But I did make over $4,000. One gave me extra for no reason." Emily answered. 

"Holy shit! That's a lot of money." JJ said. 

"Like I told Derek, I always win big." Emily said. 

"Apparently. But, I mean, sex with Emily Prentiss surely would be like fine dining." JJ said. When she realized what she said, her eyes widened and looked like a deer in headlights. JJ would be lying if she said she hasn't thought about having sex with Emily. She's thought about it on multiple occasions. 

"I think it'd be the other way around. Sex with Jennifer Jareau is definitely like fine dining. Top tier most definitely." Emily said. 

"And how would you even know that?" JJ asked. 

"I'm just taking an educated guess." Emily said. 

"Uh huh. And how do you know this guess is even accurate?" JJ asked. 

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