A Secret Kept

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This will take place in 1952, the team is in high school, and Spence and Emily are step siblings just so you guys know.

"Emily, this is my best friend Jennifer Jareau. JJ, this is my step sister Emily Prentiss." Spencer Reid said, introducing his step sister and best friend. 

"Hi, it's lovely to meet you. I've heard so much about you." Emily said, shaking JJ's hand.

"Hopefully all good things." JJ said and smiled. Spencer said that her smile was so contagious, and he was right. Emily found herself smiling as well as Reid. Spencer had liked JJ for a long time, but he knew that she was different from all of the other girls he knew. She wasn't interested in a relationship, she never really looked at guys the way every girl did, and he caught her staring at the hottest girl in school last year, their sophomore year. He knew that she wasn't straight, but if anyone else found out, they would treat her very badly. Her being a lesbian or even bisexual would be like an African American walking into their school, an all white school. 

Since Spencer saw it, he figured that he would introduce her to his older step sister because he knew for a fact that she was a lesbian as well. He could see the signs with her just like he did with JJ. "Spence tells me that you are moving to London after you graduate?" JJ asked. 

"Yeah. I just need to get out of here. I figured that I could move there, but on the important holidays, I would come back home and visit." Emily answered. 

"At least you know what you want to do. I, however, have no idea what I want to do. I thought about going into fashion or dance, but my parents say that none of those are real majors." JJ said. 

"You'll figure it out. You have so much time to figure it out. Don't worry. I just knew that I wanted to get out of this country and start fresh." Emily said. JJ nodded, and they heard the school bell ring. "I think that's our cue." Emily said, and so JJ, Emily, and Spencer walked into the school building, not wanting to start school again. JJ and Spencer were juniors, and Emily was a senior. They all were honor roll students, but they hated getting up early. Especially Emily. But luckily she had her coffee to save the day. 

"So why haven't I seen you around here?" JJ asked Emily. 

"I lived with my mom in Italy, but she told me that I needed to finish my education, so now I am here. I've actually been here the entire summer, but I was mainly inside all day and out all night." Emily responded.

"Isn't that dangerous to be out all night?" JJ asked.

"Only if you make it to be. If you're around houses, then people will know and call your parents, but if you go into more secluded areas, then no one will know, and you can stay out admiring the moon and stars. Unless it was raining, I was out all night and went back home and got an hours worth of sleep before being woken up by my dad." Emily said. 

"Wow. Well, I'll let you get to your class. It was nice meeting you!" JJ said and waved goodbye to Emily. JJ and Spencer had first period together, so when they sat down next to each other, Spencer was just smiling. "What are you smiling about?" JJ asked him. 

"I'll tell you later." Spencer said. The final bell rang, and that's when announcements started. They said the pledge of allegiance and finally started class. Five periods later, it was finally time for lunch. JJ and Spencer met up with Emily at a tree next to the track. Emily was sitting with a blonde girl whom JJ and Spencer didn't know. 

"Guys, this is Penelope Garcia. She is a transfer student from Glendale." Emily said, introducing her new friend. 

"Hello! I'm Jennifer Jareau, but just call me JJ." JJ said, shaking Garcia's hand. 

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