911 (Part 1)

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This will have mature scenes in it. Don't read if you don't like these types of scenes! Also, I'm basing this off of Buck and Abby's relationship from the show 911. Obviously not all of this happened in the show. I don't want to take all of their ideas. I just really like how Buck and Abby met. I hope you like it!

"Oh my god!" JJ moaned as she breathed heavily.

"You're fantastic!" the random guy said. JJ got up off of his lap and got her clothes back on. "Can I call you again sometime?" he asked.

"Sorry. I'm busy." JJ told him. He put his clothes back on and got out of the firetruck. She drove it back to the station and backed it into the garage. She got out and went to the kitchen. "Hey guys!" she said happily.

"We need to talk." her captain said. He walked off to his office, so JJ followed him. "Close the door." he said as she walked in. She did as told and looked at him.

"What's this about?" she asked.

"What were you doing with the firetruck?" he asked.

"I just took it to fill up the tank." she said.

"No you didn't because they did that right before this shift. I decided that I would have someone follow you, and guess what? They found you having sex with some guy inside the truck. I'm assuming you did that the other time with the truck. So since you can't wait until you get off to have sex, you might as well not show up from now on." he said.

"Come on Hotch. It won't happen again." JJ said.

"Yes it will. I know a sex addict when I see one." he said.

"I'm not- I'm not a sex addict. Plus we didn't have a call." JJ said. Hotch walked over to the door and opened it.

"What if we did?" he asked and walked out. JJ stood there for a little bit before hearing the alarm go off. She stayed behind since Hotch fired her.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"I think someone's in my house." a little girls voice whispered.

"Are you home alone?"

"Yeah. My mom just went to get my brother from a friends house. We just moved here." the little girl said.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 9."

"Do you know your address?"

"No. I know we live on Glendale Road." the girl answered.

"Okay. Give me any details you can see about outside if you are near a window."

"I'm in my room. It has a window, but I can't see out of it. I'm too short, and I think I can hear footsteps coming closer."

"Okay. Do you remember any details about the house? The color, anything outside?"

"It's white with a black roof. I think my bike is in the front yard."

"Okay. Stay on the phone. Do not hang up. I will call for someone to look for your house and catch whoever is in your house." Emily makes the call, and someone named Elle said that she would be in route to the house.

"Emily I don't know what house it is. They all look similar." Elle said through the phone as she was driving through the street slowly.

"Hold on. I have an idea." Emily said and called the fire chief. She asked if there was anyone who could go to the street that Elle was on and turn on the sirens to make the criminals distracted and hopefully go outside.

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