911 (Part 2)

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This will also have mature scenes in it, so don't read if you don't like!

Two weeks later, the two girls talked to each other every day. They have decided to just keep talking on the phone, but Emily needed to see JJ because Sergio died. She couldn't handle it alone, and JJ was the only person who she knew she could count on. As Emily was holding Sergio in her arms, she heard knock on her apartment door. She got up to answer it and took Sergio with her. When she opened the door, she saw JJ standing there. "Come here." JJ said and hugged Emily. Once JJ's arms were wrapped around Emily, JJ started sobbing. JJ didn't say anything. She knew that Emily just needed to cry it out. After five minutes, Emily was done crying, just little whimpers here and there. So, Emily let JJ in, and they went and sat on the couch.

"Thank you." Emily said.

"No problem. I know how much he means to you." JJ said.

"Did I actually tell you or did I just talk about him a lot?" Emily asked.

"You talked about him a lot, but I kind of guessed." JJ told Emily.

"Oh. Well he was my best friend. Believe it or not, I don't have a lot of friends. But he's been my best friend since I got him as a kitten. He would comfort me when I was sad or mad or just any mood other than happy. He would always lay with me when I was sick and lay on my stomach when it was my shark week. He just, he got me. He knew me more than my own family." Emily told JJ.

"He sounded wonderful. Like a true gentleman." JJ said. She watched Emily, and she looked down at Sergio with tears in her eyes and started petting his head.

"He was." she barely whispered. JJ gave Emily a side hug, and Emily laid her head on JJ's shoulder. "I just can't believe that he's gone." Emily said as she got up. "Did you want to hold him?" Emily asked as she turned towards JJ. JJ nodded her head and held out her arms. Emily set Sergio down in JJ's arms and walked away. She went to her bathroom and shut and locked the door. She took a few deep breaths before opening her medicine cabinet. She looked at the little baggie that she had and debated if she should do a line. She decided to do it anyway because she was really craving it. She's not an addict, but when she gets super stressed out or super angry or super depressed, she does one line because it takes her mind off of the situation.

JJ held onto Sergio and pet him. He was super soft, and she wished that she could have met him before he died. "I'm sorry that we have to meet like this. I wish I could've met you before. You're mom really loves you. I hope you know that. I know that when she needs you the most, you will be there with her to get her through it. You always are from what I hear. I don't think you will ever forget her. She will definitely never forget you. Even though I never actually met you until now, I will miss you. I'm told that you were a great cat, and I believe it. It's hard finding a cat like you. Love you Serg." JJ said as she looked at him in her arms. JJ looked up after she was done talking to him and noticed all of the pictures of Emily and Sergio that Emily obviously took. Then there were pictures of Sergio as a kitten and grown up. Emily really loved him, and JJ could tell. Emily was supposed to take him to the masseuse in a couple days, but that isn't going to happen.

As JJ was sitting on the couch, she wondered what Emily was doing. She's been in the bathroom for about five minutes, and JJ was getting a little worried. So, JJ laid Sergio on the couch and put a blanket on him up to his neck and walked to where Emily went and knocked on the door. "Emily, are you okay?" JJ asked.

"Uh, yeah. Just give me another minute, and I will be out." Emily answered. Emily sounded off to JJ, and she didn't know why. 

"Okay. You sure you're okay?" JJ asked, just needing some reassurance. 

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