Hold Me Now

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**TW- This talks about addiction to alcohol, alcohol poisoning, and mentions of being in an abusive relationship**

"JJ, are you okay?" Emily asked as she saw JJ walk in with her eyes blood shot as if she had been crying. 

"Yeah, I'm doing fine." JJ answered with a fake smile. Emily didn't want to brush it off because she knew something was wrong, but she also didn't want to press JJ about it if she didn't want to talk about what's going on. She's learned that JJ will talk when she's ready to. Luckily for them they didn't have a case, so it was just a day full of paperwork and some work shenanigans. Emily's noticed throughout the day that JJ's behavior had changed. She wasn't her normal self. She was more moody and aggressive with her words, she seemed anxious, she kept dropping things or running into objects. Emily knew what these signs were. She just didn't think JJ would actually drink at work. Then Emily noticed JJ refilled her cup of coffee more than her normal amount of times, which was two. She filled it up four times. Emily decided to walk over to JJ at the end of the day and confront her about it. 

"What's in your cup?" Emily asked in a more demanding tone. 

"Uh, coffee?" JJ slurred a little bit. 

"Yeah right." Emily said and grabbed the metal cup from JJ's hand and opened the lid. She sniffed it and could smell vodka almost instantly. Emily began getting angry with JJ and didn't want to cause a scene in the middle of the BAU, so she grabbed JJ's wrist and dragged her to the elevator to wait for it to open. 

"What the hell, Emily?!" JJ said in an angry voice. Emily didn't say anything. She just looked at the elevator doors and waited for them to open. When they did she drug JJ in and hit the first floor button. They didn't speak to each other the entire elevator ride. When the doors opened, Emily led JJ to the parking lot to her car. 

"Get in." Emily said, opening the passenger door. JJ did, and Emily closed the door and went to the driver's side. She drove to JJ's house, and she went inside with JJ. "Why the hell are you drinking at work?! You're so lucky no one noticed or reported it if they did! You could lose your job if someone reports this!" Emily shouted. 

"I'm just going through a tough time right now, okay?! I don't know why you're being so dramatic right now." JJ said. 

"I'm being dramatic?! You could have gotten into an accident if you drove home tonight. That would've resulted in you getting arrested with a DUI, you would lose your job. You could have killed someone if I didn't bring you home!" Emily said. 

"I don't know why you have to be shouting right now. And besides. It's not like you care! I at least didn't fake my own death and make all of my friends besides my boss believe I'm dead for seven months just to come skipping back like nothing happened!' JJ said. 

"I don't see why that has anything to do with this. Even if it did, that was a completely different situation than this. So please enlighten my as to why you think that has anything to do with what we're talking about." Emily said. 

"You don't care about anyone but yourself. You're so selfish it's not even funny. But I guess you did grow up rich and had daddy's money to pay for everything. You didn't think about anyone else but yourself when you made the choice to fake your death. Did you not even consider how we would feel when you died and especially when you returned? How about when you always have to be the hero, huh? That time when you and Reid were in that church? Or how about that time Izzy took Will and attached a bomb to him? Did you think that would earn some extra brownie points with me so I could run into your arms and saying that you were my hero for saving my now ex-husband? Don't think I don't know about your little crush on me because I do. FYI, you'll never have me as your girlfriend, so quit trying. I would never want you as a girlfriend even if I was a lesbian or even bisexual. You're literally the worst friend anyone could ask for. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take a shower. You can see yourself out. There's the door." JJ said walking away. Emily stood there in shock after JJ said all of that. 

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