Do It Again

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Emily saw JJ talking to her friends that she made at the BAU. Emily couldn't help but admire her. She thought that JJ was the most beautiful person she has ever seen in her lifetime. "You need to tell her how you feel." she heard Derek say beside her. Emily kind of chuckled. 

"Yeah. Sure. That will only ruin our friendship. She doesn't like me." Emily said. 

"And how do you know that?" Derek asked. 

"Because she likes some Will guy that we met in Louisiana." Emily answered. 

"You never know. She could just say that just to mask her feelings for you." he said. Emily chuckled again. She saw JJ walk away, and so Derek took this opportunity to catch her attention. "JJ!" he shouted. She looked over at him and walked towards the two co-workers. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Emily asked under her breath while looking at Derek. 

"Yes?" JJ asked as she reached the two. 

"Will you go on a date with Emily on Friday if we aren't on a case?" Derek asked JJ. Emily's eyes widened. 

"Derek! I can't-"

"I'd love to." JJ answered with a smile, cutting Emily off. Emily looked at JJ with a shocked look. 

"Really?" Emily asked. 

"Yep!" JJ said and walked away with a smile on her face. 

"You're welcome." Derek said, also walking away. Emily just stood there in shock of what just happened. Eventually she went up to the conference room because they had a case. After they went over the case, Emily headed to the bathroom before she got on the plane, and JJ followed her. 

"So when shall we go on this date?" JJ asked Emily. 

"Um, how about Saturday if we are back?" Emily asked. 

"That works. What time should I be ready?" 

"I'll pick you up at eight." Emily said. JJ nodded, and she let Emily use the bathroom. 

~Skip to Saturday~

It was almost eight o'clock, and JJ and Emily both were nervous. Right at eight, Emily knocked on the door to JJ's house, and almost immediately JJ opened it. "Wow." Emily said once she saw JJ. JJ looked absolutely stunning, and she couldn't help but stare. 

"You look great as well." JJ said with a smile. Emily held out her hand, and JJ took it. "So what are we doing?" JJ asked. 

"That is a surprise." Emily said. Her and JJ held hands until they reached Emily's car. Emily opened the door for JJ and closed it when she was inside. She then went around to the driver's side and got in. Truth be told, Emily had no idea what they were going to do. So she ended up just driving around while having a conversation with JJ. They were talking about random things, and then they decided to have a singing contest with the songs that came on the radio. 

Emily decided that they would take a walk around the lake. It had sand and everything, so it was the closest thing they had to a beach. "We aren't exactly dressed for this." JJ pointed out. 

"I know, but I thought it would be romantic." Emily said with a little blush. 

"Who knew Emily Prentiss could be a romantic person?" JJ asked. They got out of the car and started walking in the sand with their bare feet. They held hands the entire time, and both of them were loving every minute of it. Eventually they decided to go downtown and just drive around and look at the city lights. Then Emily decided to go near the airport and park. "What are we doing here?" JJ asked. 

"You'll see." Emily said. Emily got out, and so did JJ. Emily got up on the hood of her car, and JJ just stood there. "Come on. Get up here." Emily said, looking at JJ. 

"What if I dent your hood?" JJ asked. 

"You're not going to dent my hood. You weigh like 90 pounds." Emily said. JJ got up, and they both laid down and watched airplanes take off and land. 

"This is really peaceful." JJ said. 

"Yeah. And the view from here is beautiful." Emily said as she looked at JJ. JJ was counting the stars, so she was oblivious as to what Emily actually meant. JJ finally looked at Emily, and their faces were only inches apart. So Emily took initiative and kissed JJ. JJ kissed back, and they kissed until they needed air. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Emily asked. 

"Yes." JJ said with a smile. Emily smiled, and she kissed JJ again. 


Hey guys! So my inspiration for this one is the song that is attached. I hope you guys like it!

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