The Florist

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Emily Prentiss was having a rough day. Not just at work, but in her personal life too. Her boyfriend of six year broke up with her because she was grieving her parents for way too long. Considering she lost them only two weeks ago, she felt it was still okay to be grieving them. Since they had passed away in Italy, their bodies needed to be brought over by plane or even ship. However, the government was taking forever to get them back. Emily has tried to get them to expedite the process, but they aren't budging.

"Emily are you okay?" Spencer asked Emily. He noticed her eyes looked as if she had been crying a little bit. Emily couldn't hold in her tears, so she just hugged Spencer and cried. Spencer didn't really know how to react, so he hugged her back too. Emily cried for a solid five minutes before her tears stopped, and she pulled away from Spencer.

"Andrew broke up with me." Emily said.

"What? Why?" Spencer asked.

"Because grieving over the death of both parents for two weeks is too long to grieve, and he thought I was overreacting." Emily said.

"What? That's ridiculous!" Spencer said.

"I know, but maybe he's right." Emily said.

"No he isn't. There's no time limit on how long you can grieve. I mean, they're your parents, so of course you're going to grieve longer than if it were a coworker." Spencer said.

"I guess. I have to get going so I can meet with the florist to pick out what arrangements there will be at the funeral." Emily said and left.

"Do you want me to go with you so you don't have to do it alone?" Spencer asked Emily.

"No. I'll be okay." Emily said and walked away. She walked out the doors of the law firm she worked at and walked down to the flower shop. It was only a block away, so it made no sense for her to drive.

"Hello! How can I help you?" the lady asked as Emily walked in. The woman noticed Emily's eyes looking as if she had been crying, but she didn't ask because it just simply wasn't her business.

"Um, I need to order a few arrangements for a funeral." Emily said.

"Okay. Do you know what you would like or have an idea?" she asked.

"Uh, I'm not sure." Emily said.

"Okay. Well if you tell me a little bit about this person, I can come up with something that kind of captures who they were as a person. Flowers shockingly say a lot about someone's personality." she said.

"Um, can I just show you a picture of them? I don't know if I could tell you without crying." Emily said.

"Of course!" she said. Emily showed her a picture of her parents, and immediately wrote some things down. She wrote about 6 ideas for Emily to choose from. Emily decided to go with the Blue and White Sympathy for her dad, Pastel Floral Sympathy for her mom, and then the Red Flower for the middle. "So are you close to them?" the florist asked.

"They were my parents. I wasn't too close, but I wish I were. I wish I talked to them more, you know?" Emily said. Emily never talked to anyone about her feelings, but the florist made her feel comfortable enough to talk about it.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. But I do get it. I lost my sister when I was 11. We were close, but near the end she drifted apart from me. I still asked the 'what if's' and say the 'I wish'. I couldn't imagine losing both of my parents though. That must be tough." she said.

"It is." Emily said, looking at the floor.

"Well, you know what, if you ever need someone to talk to, this is my number. I'm JJ, by the way." JJ said.

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