Christmas Cheer

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This one is going to be really short, and it sucks so badly, but I hope you still like it!

"You know, I really don't like Christmas time." JJ said to her girlfriend Emily. They were driving to the mall for black Friday to do some Christmas shopping. 

"Why not?" Emily asked JJ as she drove. 

"Because everyone wants you to be at their Christmas. When you can't make it because you have another Christmas at someone else's house, they get all mad at you. Like, I'm sorry I have so many to go to. I can't make everyone happy no matter what I do." JJ answered. 

"Babe, we've been dating for five years. How many times do I tell you that you can't everyone happy?" Emily asked.

"Just about everyday." JJ answered.

"Exactly. Look, I know you like making everyone happy, but there's always going to be something that you do that doesn't make one person happy." Emily said. She grabbed JJ's hand and kissed it. When they got to the mall, there was barely any parking. Luckily Emily found a spot near the door. 

"I'm glad this person left because I didn't feel like walking further than I had to." JJ said with a little laugh. 

"You know that I didn't want to walk as well." Emily said. They went inside and immediately went to the food court. "This is why I'm fat." Emily said after she ordered her food from Panda Express. 

"Emily, you're not fat." JJ said.

"Yes I am. My clothes are starting to get tighter on me." Emily said. 

"Well maybe you should stop eating late night snacks consisting of loaded nachos and whatever else." JJ said.

"Nah. I love nachos too much." Emily said. She paid for their food, and they went to find a table to sit at when they got their food. Emily was so hungry that she was done before JJ had half of hers finished. "You eat so slowly!" Emily said to JJ as she watched her eat. 

"I also don't inhale my food." JJ said with a smile. 

"True." Emily said. Once JJ was done, they went to Victoria's Secret. Emily didn't really like being in there, so she decided to go off and get JJ's present. When she was done, she went back and waited on JJ to finish. "So what did you get?" Emily asked JJ after she paid. 

"You will find out on Christmas." JJ said. Emily tried her puppy dog eyes, but JJ wouldn't give in. After being in the mall for what felt like hours, which it was, they decided to leave. 

"I can't believe you punched some dude in the face!" Emily said, laughing. 

"He was going to take the last bag that I wanted!" JJ said. 

"This is why I love you. At least some guy didn't grab your ass." Emily said. They put their bags in the car and got in.

"Actually the guy that I punched did before you got there." JJ said. 

"What?!" Emily shouted with an angry look. 

"I didn't tell you because you would've killed him." JJ said. Emily started the car, and they went back to their house. "You know, we should probably get the tree up." JJ said, realizing that they were missing an important part of Christmas. 

"Uh, no. November is the month to eat all your sorrows away. We can put up the tree in December." Emily said, way more rudely than she intended.

"Okay then. What's wrong?" JJ asked her. 

"Nothing. I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I'm sorry." Emily apologized. 

"It's okay. I love you." JJ said. 

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