Pizza Delivery

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I'm sorry in advance. This one is going to be very choppy and not my best work, but I really liked the idea. I hope you like it anyway!

"Pizza Hut, what can I get for you?" the person on the other line said. Emily Prentiss was ordering pizza for her and her friends. It became a tradition when they had their girls nights. 

"Hi. I need to place an order for delivery." Emily said. 

"Okay. Can I have your address?" they asked. Emily gave him her address and then proceeded with her order. 

"I need two large stuffed crust pizzas. One of them cheese with extra cheese, and the other pepperoni with extra cheese. That will be it." Emily ordered. He told her the total and said that it would be about 20 minutes. Emily thanked him and paid from her card. After she hung up, she went back out into the living room, and her and her friends continued on with their night. They were currently playing truth or dare, and it was getting a little violent. 20 minutes later, Emily's doorbell rang, so she got up and grabbed some cash for the tip. When she opened the door, she saw a beautiful woman standing there holding her pizza. "Hi." Emily said. 

"Hi. Uh, here's your pizza." the delivery woman said, holding out Emily's pizza to her. Emily grabbed the boxes and handed her the cash. 

"Here's your tip." Emily said. The woman took the cash and smiled. 

"Thanks." she said. Emily nodded, and they stared at each other for a couple more seconds before the woman walked away. Emily closed the door and turned around to go to the kitchen, but her friends were standing there. Of course, it scared her. 

"Um, hi?" she said. 

"Sooo....what was that?" her friend Garcia asked. 

"What was what?" Emily asked. 

"Oh come on. The staring into each others' eyes. We all saw it." Garcia said. 

"What, I can't appreciate a beautiful woman?" Emily asked, setting the pizza down on the table. 

"I think you were more than appreciative of her." Tara said. Emily rolled her eyes and got out the plates. "Come on. You never look at a girl like that. You only ever look at a woman with lust. That. That was different." Tara went on. 

"It wasn't different." Emily said. Two days later, they had another girls night, and they ordered pizza again. When the doorbell rang, Emily got up with the tip money and opened the door. "Oh. Hey again!" Emily said with a smile. 

"Hey! Your pizza." the same woman as before said. She handed Emily her pizza, but their hands touched. Emily felt electricity run through her arms. She knew that the woman felt it too just by her face. Their hands touched each other for two seconds longer than they should have. "Um, have a nice night." she said with a smile and walked away. Emily closed the door and looked down at the pizza boxes. She noticed something on the back of the receipt, so she flipped it over, and in the woman's' handwriting, it said,

'Call me! Xoxo, JJ' 

Along with the little note, it had her number. Emily looked up from the receipt and saw her friends standing there once again. "What's with the smile?" Tara asked with a smirk. 

"Nothing." Emily said, putting the receipt in her pocket. 

"Can I see the receipt?" Garcia asked. Emily shielded her pocket with her hand subconsciously. 

"No." Emily said. Garcia laughed a little bit. 

"Why not?" Tara asked. Garcia lunged towards Emily, so Emily started to run away. The pizza was in her hands, so she set it down and ran away. Garcia trapped her in a corner and reached in her pocket and grabbed the receipt. 

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