Special Delivery

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Hey guys! This is the sequel to Pizza Delivery! I came up with this idea a while back. I wasn't going to make it the sequel, but after reading some of the comments and decided that the idea actually kind of goes with it, I decided to make it the sequel. I hope you enjoy!

Three days have gone by since Emily and JJ kissed, and they both have been happier since it happened. They were getting ready for their first, real date, and Emily was nervous because she was going to ask JJ to be her girlfriend. They weren't going on the typical restaurant or movies first date. They were actually going to an indoor race track to race each other in go karts. They both were very competitive, so that's why Emily chose go karts. 

Emily drove to JJ's apartment to pick her up. She waited a minute before going to her door. When JJ opened the door after Emily knocked, she thought that she looked beautiful. "Are you ready to go?" Emily asked. 

"Yes. I'm excited to kick your ass." JJ said with a smirk. 

"Not a chance Jareau. I'm undefeated in go karting." Emily said confidently. 

"Because you've never been go karting before." JJ said with a chuckle. 

"Well, you're not wrong." Emily said, starting to laugh. 

"So that means I'm going to win." JJ said, confidence evident in her voice. 

"We'll see." Emily said. Emily started her car and drove to the go kart track. Both of them were very excited. Emily's plan was to go straight to the go kart track, but both of them got distracted by Chick-Fil-A. They both ate before they left, but they were hungry again. 

"This is why I'm fat. I eat too much." JJ said with a little laugh. Emily snapped her head to look at her with disbelief. 

"Bruh. You be trippin' if you think you're fat. You're literally a size 0. Me, on the other hand, am bigger than you are." Emily said. 

"You're not fat, Emily. You're-" JJ was cut off by her phone ringing. "I'm sorry. I have to take this." she said and answered it. By the tone in her voice as she talked to the person on the other line, it was a very happy call with good news. 

"I'm assuming that was good news?" Emily asked. 

"Yeah. That was the hospital. I got the job! I can't believe that I'm actually going to be a resident in surgery!" JJ said excitedly. 

"That's awesome Jayje! I'm so proud of you!" Emily said. The line moved up, and it was JJ amd Emily's turn to order. After ordering, they were able to just drive up to the window to pay and then get their food since the cars before them already received their orders. 

"Finally! Food is my life! I'm sorry. I like you and all, but food will always be my number one bae." Emily said, hugging the bad a little bit before giving it to JJ so she could drive someplace where they can eat. 

"You mean more than coffee?" JJ asked. 

"Well, coffee is a drink. SO it would be my number one drink bae." Emily said. 

"It's okay. Because chocolate is my number one." JJ said. They ate without talking to each other because they both were hungry, so they just listened to the music instead. After finishing up their meal, Emily drove to the track. She even paid for both her and JJ. 

"You're going down, Jareau." Emily said with a smirk on her face. 

"Not a chance." JJ said. They climbed into their go karts and waited to go. When it was time for take off, Emily went pedal to the metal. JJ was right behind her, but Emily never let JJ pass. After finishing their race, Emily celebrated her win. 

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