Drunken Thoughts

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**Trigger Warning near the end- mentions of bullying and su*cide by p*lls**

"So I hear you're going on a date tonight!" Garcia squealed to Emily. JJ overheard her say this, so now she was interested in where this conversation will go.

"Yeah. It's my third date this week. Haven't found the right person yet." Emily said in an unenthusiastic voice. 

"What are you guys going to do? What's his name?" Garcia asked. JJ was a little shocked when Emily had told her about the first date was with a guy. She always thought Emily was a lesbian. But then she disclosed that information with her the first time. 

"We're just going to go to the bar, and his name is date number three. I don't use first names in the talking stage because it never goes anywhere past that." Emily said. JJ was now fully engulfed in finding out more information about this mystery guy. She wanted to know exactly where they were going. Totally not to spy on them or anything. 

"How am I supposed to run a background check if I don't know a name?" Garcia asked. 

"You aren't gonna because I don't think it will go anywhere." Emily said. 

"Well have you tried going on a date with a girl?" Garcia asked. JJ was honestly surprised at the question which caused her to look at them. Emily looked at JJ for a second before answering her. 

"I would have. There was this girl I really liked, but I ended up screwing everything up with her. But she didn't even know I liked her, so it's not her fault." Emily said. JJ wondered who this woman was that she was talking about. 

"How did you mess things up with her if she didn't know you liked her?" Garcia asked. JJ now just being nosey and curious to know the answer as well. Emily sighed, and JJ could see the heartbreak in her eyes. She knew that by the looks in her eyes that this was a painful memory for her. 

"I told her to go for someone else, and she did. But like I said, she never knew I liked her. So I really can't blame her. Plus she probably wouldn't have even liked me back anyway, so it doesn't matter. She was way out of my league, and she deserved so much better than me. I'm worthless." Emily said. JJ's heart hurt when she said that. Why would she think she's worthless? 

"Emily Jayne Prentiss, you better revoke those words from your vocabulary when describing yourself! You are not and will never be worthless! You deserve to be with someone that will make you happy and will treat you like the queen that you are. You deserve nothing less than that. You will find that someone. I promise." Garcia said. 

"The thing is, I've already met that someone who will treat me like that. But unfortunately I ruined every chance I will ever have with her." Emily said. JJ could see tears in her eyes. As she walked away she could see some fall. JJ's never seen Emily cry, so she knew that this really hurt her. She really wants to know who this woman is so she can find her and bring her back to Emily. Garcia started to go after Emily, but JJ stepped in saying that she will handle it. She ran to Emily and grabbed her wrist and drug her over to her old office. She closed the door and locked it so no one could enter. 

"Emily, what's going on? And why do you think that you're worthless?" JJ asked. 

"JJ, I'm not doing this right now. I need to leave." Emily said in a rude tone. 

"Em, I just-"

"Yeah I know you just want to know what's wrong and try to help. But I don't want your help." Emily said. 


"Dammit JJ I said I don't need your help! And truth be told it's none of your damn business, so just stay out of it, and stay out of my life!" Emily shouted and left. JJ just stood there taking in her words. Did she do something wrong? Why was Emily so mad with her? Then she focused on her last words. Those words hit her like a ton of bricks. Emily was one of her best friends, so she needed to know why Emily wanted her out of her life. JJ wiped away the tears that fell and walked over to her desk. All throughout the day, JJ couldn't help but be worried about Emily. Very worried. It wasn't like her to act out like that especially at work. She couldn't figure out why she would be acting like that, and it was really bothering her. After going home to an empty house due to Will and the boys being in Louisiana for the remainder of the week, she opened the alcohol cabinet and pulled out some wine. The reason she wasn't with them was because she was on a case when they left. It's not like they planned it without her. It was already planned for them to go as a family, but an unsub decided it was time to kill. 

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