The Office

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There will be a mature scene near the end of this! Don't read if you don't like those kinds of scenes!

"Hey Emily, there's a new person in my office." Spencer Reid, a worker for the Washington D.C. fashion development, complained to his boss. 

"Yeah." Emily said, looking up from her paperwork. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"Because I didn't know. Not until you came in here and told me." Emily answered.

"Well can you do something about it?" he asked.

"Nope. If that's where they placed this person, then that's where she has to stay unless she gets moved to a new department." Emily answered his question.

"But it's a girl!" Spencer said.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Emily asked him. He shook his head 'no'. "Okay. Then just go about your business." Emily said and went back to her paperwork. Spencer sighed and walked out of Emily's office. Before he went back to his own office, he saw his friend Derek walking towards him. 

"Derek!" Spencer said, motioning to Derek to walk towards him. Derek did, and so he asked what was up. "Did you know that we were getting a new person and that she was in my office?" Spencer asked. 

"Oh yeah. I haven't seen her yet, but I heard from Hotch that she was hot." Derek said. 

"I mean she's pretty. But how come I'm out of the loop especially since we were going to be sharing an office?" Spencer asked. 

"I don't know man. Can you throw in a good word for me?" Derek asked with a hopeful look. 

"I mean I guess." Spencer said, and Derek thanked him. Spencer walked back to his office and saw the new girl sitting at her desk, twirling a pencil while thinking. "Hey. I don't think we've met, but I'm Spencer." he said, introducing himself. 

"JJ." she said, not looking up from whatever she was doing. 

"Cool. Glad we got that out of the way." Spencer said, sitting down at his desk. He sat there for a good two hours working on which pictures of the products he thought would be the best. After he was done sifting through the photos, he printed them and left to go get them from the printer. Just as the last one had printed he saw JJ walking in the printer room. 

"Hey, are you taking those to Emily?" JJ asked him.

"Yeah, why?" Spencer asked. 

"I have to run this paper and some sketches to her, so I can take those to her if you want me to, and you can go to lunch." JJ told him.

"Um, I, sure why not?" he said and handed her the freshly printed pictures. "Thanks." he said, and she walked out after getting whatever she had printed off. When JJ was on her way, she saw a girl struggling with everything. The girl had dropped the sugar for her coffee that she assumed she hadn't poured yet, she dropped her mug that she intended on using, and she basically looked like she was on the verge of a breakdown. Of course, JJ couldn't leave, so she decided to help her. 

"Hey, you doing okay?" JJ asked the stranger. 

"What? Oh, yeah. I'm just having a bad day. I feel like I've been yelled at all day, and no one can see what I've done correct. They just see what I do wrong. Especially my boss. She's a sweetheart, don't get me wrong, but some days she can be such a bitch." the girl ranted. 

"Well here. Let me help you." JJ said and put the pile of pictures and a paper she was holding down and helped the girl clean up. 

"Thank you. I'm Penelope, but most people just call me Garcia." Garcia said.

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