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"Hey Emily! I have an extra ticket to go to a hockey game this Saturday. Would you like to go?" JJ asked Emily. She was hopeful that the raven haired beauty would be able to go. No one knew this, but JJ has liked Emily since the first day she met her. No one even knew that she liked girls. Well, no one except her mom and best friend since high school named Will.

"Sure! I have no idea what happens in hockey, but I will figure it out." Emily told JJ.

"Great! You'll have a lot of fun. Trust me. Is it okay if I pick you up at 5?" JJ asked.

"Yeah! Knowing you, you probably want to get food before the game." Emily said.

"You know me so well." JJ said with a laugh. They were called to the round table, so they had to end their conversation.

"Three 33 year old women have been brutally murdered in their homes in El Paso, Texas in the past week. They all have been raped and stabbed 33 times in the torso." Garcia said.

"It seems that the unsub likes to do things in threes." JJ said.

"It's the Holy Trinity. Everything is done in threes. The unsub killed the first victim on Tuesday, the third day of the week. The last victim was killed on Thursday. If my calculations are correct, and the unsub follows the pattern, they will kill again tomorrow." Reid said.

"Reid, Rossi, I want you guys to go to the morgue and see if you can find anything else. Emily, I want you to go to the latest dump site. JJ and I will go to the first dump site. Wheels up in 30." Hotch ordered. Everyone stood up and left the conference room.

"JJ, can I speak with you for a moment?" JJ heard Hotch ask. She nodded her head and followed him into his office. "If we needed you to, would you be willing to be bait for the unsub. That's only if we figure out who it is and figure out where they will go." he asked.

"I'm not the right age though. I'm only 32." JJ said.

"They won't know that. I just figured that since all of the victims are blonde, I figured that we could use you to lure them in and we could make the arrest." Hotch said. JJ thought about it for a little before agreeing to it.

When JJ walked to her desk, Emily was sitting on the edge. "What did Hotch want? Is everything okay?" Emily asked with the look of curiosity and concern.

"Everything is fine. He just wanted to know if I would be willing to be the "bait" for the unsub if we had to resort to that." JJ answered.

"Well, are you going to do it?" Emily asked.

"Yeah. If the team needs me to, then I will. Whatever it takes to catch the unsub." JJ replied.

"Please be safe if you need to do it. I can't lose you." Emily said.

"I will." JJ said. Emily hugged her, and JJ's entire body was tingling. She didn't want to let go, but unfortunately Emily did.

"I should probably get my go bag." Emily said and left. Once Emily was out of sight, JJ sighed and smiled like a teenage girl.

"What's that smile for?" she heard Derek ask.

"I'm in love." JJ said, not breaking her stare at the wall or her smile.

"Well why didn't you say something earlier?" Derek asked with a smile.

"Not with you, you dork." JJ said. As Derek laughed, JJ smiled and shook her head. JJ grabbed her go bag and boarded the plane. She immediately went to the tiny little bathroom and called Will.

"Hey! How is my tiny human doing?" Will asked once he answered the phone.

"Will. For the last time, I'm not a tiny human." JJ said.

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