The Plan

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Hey guys! This has some spoilers from season 6, so if you haven't gotten to that season, you might not want to read this. Unless you want to, that's fine. I just don't want the episode ruined for you. 

"Emily, please! Can't you do something else? There has to be another way." JJ pleaded to her girlfriend Emily. Emily was currently laying on the hospital bed that she was placed on after surgery. She woke up a couple hours prior to the conversation she was having with JJ.

"He will find me if I'm not careful enough either way. This is the best possible option for me. Look, I know that this is a big risk, and we could possibly lose friends over this, but I need to do this. Ian will kill anyone that I love, and if anything happens to you guys, I will never forgive myself. I'm sorry Jayje." Emily explained to her girlfriend. 

"This isn't fair!" JJ shouted and began to cry. Emily held out her arms, and JJ took that opportunity to hug her girlfriend for, possibly, the last time. 

"I love you." Emily whispered into JJ's ear.

"I love you more." JJ whispered back.

"I love you most." Emily whispered. She rubbed JJ's back until she was done crying. 

"What about us?" JJ asked. 

"We will figure it out. We always do." Emily answered. JJ wiped away the extra tears that were on her face and looked at Emily again. Emily pulled her in and kissed her one final time. This would possibly their last time kissing each other, so both of them made it count. 

"I guess I should tell the team." JJ said once she pulled away after needing to take a breath.

"Probably." Emily said. JJ gave Emily one last kiss before heading out into the waiting room. As she approached the door, she saw through the window how worried they were. She didn't know if she could do this. But, she built up the courage to do it, but in doing so, she remembered that she will never see her girlfriend again. That made her shed a few more tears before walking into the waiting room. The team looked up at her, and she could see their faces go from worry to sad. 

"No." Garcia whispered with tears in her eyes. JJ took a deep breath before saying,

"She never made it off the table." She felt guilty because she had to lie to the team, but deep down, she knew that Emily was only doing this because she loved them and didn't want anyone to get hurt. 

Spencer was going to walk out the door, but JJ stopped him before he could. "Spence." is all she said. 

"I never got a chance to say goodbye." Spencer said. JJ hugged him and didn't say anything mainly because she really didn't know what to say to that. What could she say? All she could do was hold him as he cried on her shoulder. Seeing everyone else cry made her start to cry again. When she looked over to where Hotch was, she let go of Spencer and walked over to him. After the door shut behind her, Hotch started to talk about the plan. 

"I want you to go to Paris and give Prentiss everything she needs to fly under the radar. I already have everything ready. You just need to fly out and give it to her." Hotch told JJ.

"I thought you were going to do that?" JJ asked, very confused.

"I figured that you would want to since you two are dating. Plus it would give you a chance to see her one last time." Hotch explained. JJ nodded and booked the first flight in the morning out to Paris. She knew that Emily would already be there considering she has already left. JJ knew that Emily was in a lot of pain considering she had just gotten out of surgery, but she also knew that Emily was tough and wanted to get out of the country as soon as she could. 

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