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Warning! Mentions of suicide at the beginning. Please don't read if you think it may trigger you!

I walk up to the edge of the bridge, pondering on whether I should jump or if I should talk to a therapist. I placed my hands on the cold, wet metal, stepping up on it. I close my eyes and take in the scent of the water beneath me. I could also smell a mixture of the polluted air from the city and fresh air from the country. I just stood there on the edge, ready to jump. But, I couldn't for some reason. As a chill went down my spine from the cold night breeze, I finally was able to move. I lifted my left foot, and I was soon on my way to death. 

"Emily, it's time to wake up for school." I heard my roommate/ girlfriend, JJ, say. I groan and get up out of bed. Before I do anything, I make my bed so that the room won't look atrocious. Well, worse than it already is. After I do that, I look at the clock to see what time it is. It's 6:03 AM, so I have time to take a shower and eat and do all that stuff before classes start, with is 9:00 AM. 

After I take my shower, I go out into the little kitchen and make strawberry and yogurt parfait . I eat that while scrolling through my Instagram feed. Once I ate all of my breakfast, I brushed my teeth and did my makeup. Then I just did my hair which was just a simple side braid. I then pick out my outfit, which was a Caribbean blue lace tank top, white cardigan, dark wash skinny jeans, black flats, a few silver bracelets to match, and my pirate medallion. "Don't forget to take your pill." JJ said. I looked at the clock as I was heading to the bathroom and saw that I only had 15 minutes to get to class. 

"Fudge muffins!" I shouted. I quickly grabbed my bookbag and my keys and ran out the door. I ran all the way across campus until I reached the classroom. I still had a minute to spare, so I reached into my bookbag for my pill bottle, but I soon realized that I had forgotten it. I mentally cursed at myself before sitting down in my seat, waiting for the professor to start lecturing on the importance of the Kreb cycle. All throughout class, I was bored. Science is not my strong subject, but I have to take it in order to graduate. 

After class, I went to the coffee shop to study for my music history test tomorrow. I know everything that's going to be on the test, but I just wanted to study just to be sure. When my head started hurting, I went up to the counter and ordered a vanilla and strawberry macchiato with extra whipped cream. As I was waiting, I just went on my phone, totally not stalking Harry Styles. When I hear my name and laughing following it, I look behind me and saw a few cheerleaders. "If you have a problem with me, then say it to my face. Don't be childish and talk behind my back." I said. They walked over to me and smirked. 

"If that's really what you want, then fine. Your outfit doesn't match, your hair looks awful, you smell like a dead goat, and you're ugly. You're never going to get a boyfriend, so don't even try. Have a nice day!" Lilith said. I only know her because she's in my Chemistry class. Her and her little clique turned and walked away. Tears slowly formed in my eyes as her words played in my head. I know that I'm dating JJ, but what if she's just dating me because she feels sorry for me?

"Don't listen to them. I think you're beautiful. Everyone is beautiful in their own way." the cashier said. His name was Ross. I smiled and thanked him. I grabbed my drink from him and walked back to my table. I tried to keep on studying, but I just couldn't. I took my phone out and got on Twitter because I just wanted to take my mind off of everything. But, it turns out that I am getting a lot of hate on there too. I read through some of it, which was probably a bad idea. I gathered all of my things and ran out. I was going to just go back to my dorm, but I knew of this bridge between the city and the country, so I walked there. It was an hour walk, but I really didn't care. As long as I got there, that's all that mattered. On my way there, all of the hate replayed in my head. I shouldn't have forgotten my pills because without them, this is how I act. 

Once I reached the bridge, I put my hands on the cold metal. As I was about to step up onto it, I heard someone scream my name. I turned around and saw JJ running up to me. "Don't do this. Don't listen to them." she said. I was going to respond, but I couldn't breathe. My head felt like it was filled up, and I could only hear her muffled voice. Everything started drifting in and out until everything was black. 


Hey guys! I wrote this a long time ago and decided to post it on here. I hope you like it!

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