"I'm scared"

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"JJ, I need to talk to you once we get back." Emily Prentiss said to her best friend Jennifer Jareau. 

"Okay. Is everything okay?" JJ asked as she noticed Emily looking like she was really worried. 

"Yeah. Everything's fine." Emily said. JJ could tell that Emily put on a fake smile. JJ thought of every possibility of what could be wrong. She was going to sleep, but there were so many things going through her head. When the jet landed back in Quantico, Emily lead JJ to her office. 

"Emily, what's going on?" JJ asked her friend, worry evident in her voice. 

"Remember when we had a girls night a couple months ago? We went to the bar, and I broke off from the group?" Emily asked, tears in her eyes. 

"Yeah. You were gone for like an hour." JJ said. 

"Well, due to my actions from being drunk, I'm pregnant." Emily said, a few tears slipping from her eyes. 

"Hey, it's okay. All of us are here for you." JJ said. She's never really seen Emily cry, so she couldn't help but cry along with her. JJ hugged her, and that's when the water works started. "It will be fine." JJ said, trying to make her feel better. 

"I'm scared. What will I do? How will I tell my mom?" Emily asked. 

"Just tell her the truth. You're going to have all of us to help you get through this. This baby is going to be so spoiled by all of us, and I'm sure Derek and Hotch will be happy to step in and help as well. It's all going to be okay." JJ said, trying to give her words of encouragement. 

"I need to use the bathroom." Emily said, running off to the bathroom. JJ knew that Emily was about to throw up, so she followed her into the bathroom and held her hair back. 

"I hate this." Emily groaned after she was done. 

"I know. Just wait until the food cravings start happening. People will look at you weirdly." JJ said, trying to lighten the mood. It made Emily chuckle, so that's a plus. 

"This is really random, but I'm really sorry about you and Will. I know you really loved him." Emily said. 

"It's fine. I guess that he just wasn't the one for me. But I believe that they're out there. Maybe closer than I think." JJ said. 

"Well hopefully you find him soon. You deserve the world." Emily said. JJ wanted oh so badly to tell Emily that it wasn't a guy. But that would mean that she would have to say who she liked, and she wasn't ready for that. 

"Hopefully." JJ said. Emily noticed her mood change, but she wasn't up for talking. She just wanted to go to sleep. "Lets get you home." JJ said. She help Emily up and walked her out to her car. "Will you be okay to drive home?" JJ asked. Emily nodded her head, and so JJ gave her a hug and said her goodbye. Emily drove home, and almost immediate after she opened the door, she had to throw up, so she closed the door and ran to her bathroom. She wished that JJ was there with her to get her through it, but she knew that JJ had her kids to get home to. After she was done, she got dressed in her pajamas and laid down in her bed. She laid on her side and covered up. Sergio jumped up and laid down up against her stomach. 

"Good night Serg." Emily said and was fast asleep. She ended up waking up about five times throwing up which made her exhausted. When she woke up, the sun was shining through the window. She looked over at her clock and saw that it was 10 in the morning. She groaned because she was late for work. Three hours late. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up a little bit more before she used the bathroom. She lazily got ready and grabbed her purse. When she walked out to her living room and saw JJ sitting on her couch petting Sergio. 

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