Break In

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There will be mentions of rape in this one! Please don't read if you will be triggered by it. I wouldn't want that to happen. I would feel awful.

"I will be home soon. I just have to run to the store to pick up a few things." Emily told her wife JJ. JJ sighed and sat on their couch.

"You better hurry. I have a special surprise for you." JJ said. Emily could hear her smirking. JJ was wearing her special outfit that she just got at Victoria's Secret.

"Well in that case, I might just skip the store and come home." Emily said, also smirking.

"Or i could make you wait and force you to go to the store." JJ said, now walking around their apartment.

"So dominate." Emily said.

"Come on baby, you know you like it when I'm the dominate one." JJ said.

"And you're going to like it when I dominate you." JJ heard a guy say behind her while putting his hands on her shoulders. JJ screamed and hung up the phone. She tried to turn and get away from him, but he grabbed onto her and pulled her back against him. He drug her into the bedroom and literally shoved her onto the bed. She tried getting away, but he pushed her down so she was laying flat and straddled her. He took out a handkerchief and some rope out of his bag. He tied her hands together and then tied them to the top of the headboard. Then her tied the handkerchief around her eyes, and then he began to touch her body.

"You're so beautiful. He took her lacy top off and began to kiss down her body. She tried kicking him with her feet, but he got angry and tied each one to a post. Then he went back to what he was doing. He kissed down and started kissing the inside of her thighs, dangerously close to where she never wanted him to touch. But, luck wasn't in her favor, and he took off her panties and began to finger her. That didn't last long, maybe a minute before he started to eat her out. She tried to be strong, but at that point, she started crying and wish that someone could call the police.

"Your pussy is so good!" he exclaimed. He unzipped his pants and took them off. He took off his underwear and went in dry. JJ screamed bloody murder and pleaded for him to stop. But, that just made him go faster. JJ was crying and screaming, and whoever was raping her was enjoying it. About 15 minutes later, he cums inside her and stops. JJ has never been more relieved in her life for something to be over. But about a minute later, she heard the door open and close.

"JJ?" Emily called out. JJ could tell that she was slightly panicking.

"Emily, leave!" JJ shouted. The guy ran out of the room, and JJ could hear Emily screaming and glass breaking. But, she heard someone get hit with something and someone fall to the ground. Since the screaming stopped, she figured that it was Emily. She started crying again, but she heard the door open.

"NYPD put you hands in the air!" she heard a guy shout. She assumed he followed directions because she could hear handcuffs being put on the guy. A guy officer walked into her room and tried to until her, but she wouldn't let him. She still had the handkerchief around her eyes, but she could smell the cologne coming from him.

"Get away from me!" JJ shouted. He stepped back and called for a girl officer to untie her. Around five minutes later, a blonde police officer walks into her bedroom.

"JJ? I'm Michaela. Is it okay if I untie you?" Michaela asked. JJ nodded her head, and so she took off the handkerchief first. JJ thought that she was gorgeous, but all she wanted was to get out of her apartment.

Michaela untied JJ and helped her sit up. All JJ could do is hug Michaela and cry on her shoulder. Michaela comforted her until she was ready to get up. "Can you make them leave?" JJ asked. Michaela nodded and looked at her coworker. He nodded and told the others to leave. JJ got up but immediately sat back down because she hurt. She realized that she was bleeding, but that wasn't her main worries. She just wanted to get to Emily.

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