The Honeymoon

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"I can't wait to go on the cruise with the one I love the most!" Emily said and gave JJ a kiss. 

"I can't wait to go to the beach!" JJ said as she was packing her bikini. 

"And I can't wait to see you in that bikini." Emily said seductively into JJ's ear. She snaked her arms around JJ's waist and started kissing her neck. 

"As much as I would love to continue this, we have to get packing because we leave in two hours." JJ said. But that didn't stop Emily. She continued to kiss down JJ's arms. "Screw it." JJ said and turned around. They finished within an hour, which was the fastest they've ever done it. "Okay. Now we really have to get our stuff packed." JJ said. 

"Okay." Emily groaned. They finished up their packing and was headed to where their cruise was. When they boarded, they were amazed by everything. "How much was this?" Emily asked since JJ was handling all of the expenses. JJ wouldn't let Emily pay for anything for their honeymoon since she paid for their wedding. 

"I won't tell you since you won't tell me how much our wedding costed." JJ said. Emily groaned once again, and they went to their room first so they could set down their bags. After they set down their bags, they went to the bar. Emily ordered a margarita while JJ just ordered water. 

"Since when do you not get alcohol at the bar?" Emily asked, very suspicious of her wife. 

"I'm just not feeling it. Plus at least one of us has to be sober just incase someone tries to take you away from me." JJ said, putting her arm around Emily's waist protectively. 

"You're the one I should be worried about someone taking because you're gorgeous." Emily said. Her margarita arrived, so she immediately started drinking it. After she had a couple of them, the two went out to the dance floor. The area the bar was, was kind of like a club. They had to be  at least 21 to enter, so it was just adults there. 

There so many gay couples, and that made JJ and Emily happy. They even made friends with a few of the couples; Mark and Ethan, Dustin and Tom, and Chelsea and Natalia. JJ and Emily recognised Tom because he was in the olympics, and they even fangirled a little bit. Emily was the one who recognised him first because she also liked his Youtube channel, so it was kind of like a dream come true for her. "There's a movie theatre on this ship. We should go!" Chelsea suggested to her new friends. 

"That would be great! Lets go see what's showing." Tom said. They all walked over to the theatre and all agreed to watch 'A Dog's Way Home'. They all got their popcorn and snacks and drinks before entering the cinema. As they were watching the  credits before the movie started, JJ whispered into Emily's ear. 

"What kind of dog and snacks do you think our kid will like?" JJ asked. Emily looked at JJ with a confused look. 

"What do you mean?" Emily asked. 

"I'm pregnant." JJ said with a smile. Emily grew a large smile and hugged JJ. They have been trying through IVF but weren't successful. That is until now. 

"Congrats you guys!" they heard their friends say. All of them were overjoyed that after the movie, they decided to have a little party for them. They all chipped in, and they booked a little space for them to party all night and celebrate the pregnancy of JJ and Emily. 

The next few days were filled with fun activities. On the fourth day, they went to the beach in the Caribbean. JJ had been waiting for the day to come because loved the ocean. As they were walking out, they met up with their friends. "Damn. Don't you two look hot." Tom said, making everyone chuckle. They went out to the beach, and JJ and Emily immediately went out to the water after sitting their stuff down. After awhile, they decided that they would swim out farther into the deep end and just float since the water was somewhat calm with a few waves. JJ and Emily were talking, but when JJ didn't hear Emily respond, she opened her eyes and looked around for Emily but didn't see her. "Emily?!" JJ shouted frantically. When she saw blood where Emily was floating, she went into a panic. "Emily!!" JJ screamed. 


Hey guys! This one really sucked, but I hope you like it!

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