Burning Desire

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**Major smut warning, so read at your own risk! Also, imagine season 13 JJ and season 2 Emily for this one since Emily is younger than JJ in this! This one will be a little different than the other ones, so just keep an open mind!**

Emily Prentiss had started at the BAU two months ago, and she got along with everyone great. Everyone but JJ. Emily had no idea what JJ had against her. She hadn't done anything to make JJ mad at her; at least she didn't think she did. She's tried and tried to talk to JJ and make conversation with her, but JJ just keeps giving her death glares or rolling her eyes or something along those lines. Emily was just confused. "Alright y'all we are staying local. D.C. police need out help in finding the unsub responsible for kidnapping, raping, and dismembering these three women. Their names are Hanna Fey, Diane Combs, and Sylvie Graham." Garcia said, displaying the images on the screen. 

"They're just now calling us in?" Emily asked. 

"They thought they had the guy, but it turns out he was just the boyfriend of Hanna who was visiting her the night she was kidnapped." Garcia explained. Hotch ordered them to get to the SUV's ASAP so they could get there as soon as they could. Emily was going to get in the first one along with Derek and Reid, but JJ pushed her a little bit and took her spot. 

"Sorry. Snooze you lose." JJ said, getting into the vehicle. Emily sighed and went to the second car with Hotch and Rossi. They ended up finding the unsub three days later, and they all decided to go out to the bar as a celebration. 

"I'm just going to sit at a table." Emily said, not up for drinking. She was still trying to figure out why JJ hated her so much. 

"You're no fun!" Garcia said, making her way to the bartender. Emily made her way to a table and sat while everyone else had fun. She noticed that JJ wasn't really drinking. She was just dancing. 

"What's a pretty girl like you sitting all by yourself?" a guy asked Emily, sitting across from her. Emily began to feel unsafe immediately. 

"I'm here with my friends." Emily said. 

"Well it sure looks like you're alone while they have their fun." he stated. 

"I'm just not up for it tonight, I guess." Emily said. She began to get up, so he rushed to her side. 

"Let's go have a drink." he said, grabbing her arm. 

"No thank you. I said I wasn't in the mood." Emily said. 

"Aw come on. It'll just be one. I promise." he said. 

"She said no." Emily heard. She looked up and saw JJ standing there, giving the guy her death glare. 

"I don't think it's any of your business what my girlfriend and I talk about." he said. 

"I know you're not her boyfriend. Because I'm her girlfriend, and she's also my colleague. I know everything there is to know about her. Now let go of her arm before you get yourself hurt." JJ said. 

"Wow, I'm so scared." the guy said, letting out a laugh. 

"You should be." Emily mumbled. 

"What was that babe?" he asked. Next thing Emily knew, JJ was punching the guy in the face before standing up. 

"Lets go babe." JJ said, wrapping her arm possessively around Emily's waist. She walked them outside before Emily pulled away. 

"What the hell was that, JJ?! You're so confusing! You hate me, but yet you punch a guy in the face because he tried to have a drink with me?!" Emily shouted. 

"You didn't even want to go!" JJ shouted.

"It doesn't matter! I can handle myself, you know!" Emily said. 

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