Winter Wonderland

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"Why the fuck does it have to snow? Doesn't mother nature know that when it snows it gets cold?" Emily asked her friend JJ as they were walking to a clothing boutique on Main St. 

"I'm sure she does know." JJ responded with a little chuckle. 

"Doesn't she know that it's miserable being cold, and everyone hates snow?" Emily asked. If you couldn't tell, Emily hated winter, and she definitely made it known. 

"Emily, it's only for a couple of months. Mother nature needs to go through her cycle just like us women have to go through our periods. Her seasons are like our periods. Except it may be more like menopause for her, but still. Think about how she feels. Do you think she does this on purpose?" JJ asked. Emily sighed and opened the door to the boutique. She let JJ in first because was being nice. 

"I absolutely hate shopping, and you know it." Emily said. 

"Hey, you agreed to come with me. You didn't have to." JJ said. 

"I had nothing else to do today." Emily responded. 

"You could have cuddled with Sergio and watched movies." JJ suggested. 

"I think he hates me. He's been distant lately." Emily said. She looked at a pair of jeans that she kind of liked and decided to try them on. 

"Probably because you've been clingy to him." JJ responded with a little laugh. Emily rolled her eyes and looked at a shirt that looked weird but oddly cool. 

"It's not my fault that nobody loves me. Every time I like someone, they never like me back. Then when I do actually find someone, they always end up cheating on me because I guess I'm not good enough for them. Sergio is the only one who will never cheat on me. Actually, I take that back. The only person he's ever cheated on me with was you because he loves you more." Emily said as she decided to try on the weird shirt. 

"Animals just love me." JJ said while laughing.

"I'm being serious. I will never find someone who genuinely loves me. The only one who really did was Doyle, but I was undercover, and we all know how that turned out." Emily said. 

"He almost killed you." JJ said. 

"Yes, but really he was a good guy underneath the murderer side of him. I really liked his non-murderer side of him, and he was a great person to talk to. He really listened, and he did give some good advice. He was a better guy than most guys I've dated." Emily said. 

"Well, if you say he was a good guy, then I guess I can believe you. But he did almost murder you, so I still hate him for that." JJ said. "I'm going to try on these bras. I will be right back." JJ said. Emily nodded her head as she kept looking around. 

"Hello! Is there anything I can help you find today?" a guy walked up to Emily and asked. He had a headset on and a nametag on, so she knew that he was a worker. 

"Not at this moment." Emily said with a slight smile. 

"Okay. Well if there's anything you need help, my name is Adam. Just come find me, and I will be happy to help!" Adam said. Emily smiled and nodded her head. She could tell that he was definitely gay, but she had no problem with that. Considering that she is bisexual. 

She heard her phone ring, so she dug it out of her right coat pocket and saw that JJ was calling her. "Jayje, I'm literally-"

"I know, but I can't walk out with only a bra and panties on. I need your opinion on this bra." JJ said and hung up. Emily looked at her phone weirdly but put it back in her pocket and walked back to the dressing rooms. 

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